Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yeah, I tried that.

Didn't work out quite as planned.

The system sucks, and I can't imagine yours is any better'n ours. But post hoc elimination of the debt is not the way to handle it, IMO.
Yet you were smart enough to join the Air Force and find a way to get edumacated .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Further to my last. . .

I would propose making the first two years of college government-paid. Why not? Free, mandatory public education was once 8 years. Now it's 12. Surely the increasing complexity of society calls for more "basic knowledge needed to be a good citizen.' Why not expand it to 14? The extra two years could be the "core requirements" most colleges impose. Then you only have to go to college on Dad's or Uncle Gummint's or the Friendly Neighbourhood Banker's dime two years.

Here's another notion. I don't know about up there, but down here student loans are a cash cow for lenders. Maybe we could set up a government-guaranteed program that would provide a fixed, 4%, iron-clad return on investment, and provide student loans at a fixed 7% rate? The excess could pay for defaults and operating costs. It would require the borrower to have some "skin in the game," provide a great deal for the conservative part of investment portfolios, and eliminate much of the chicanery that, down hear leastways, is involved with "guaranteed student loans."
Your rates are to high but it makes sense otherwise .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Alot of kids dont have much in the form of guidance. Like I said in another thread, I believe we all on canadian content live in a bubble compared to the rest of Canada.

When I was graduating from high school the old man gave me 0 advice or encouragement he always called me a retard, my guidance counselor actually said he couldn't help me because of my bad ADHD and my mom couldn't give me relevant advice cause she was stressed out from raising my other brothers, and doing all the housework while working a full time job. Old man was a drunk racist who hated the world.

I didn't even know what a trade was let alone being able to afford the tools to do a trade. I didn't even have the confidence to apply to college at 18 cause I was convinced by the world I was a piece of shit.

Luckily I pulled a rabbit out of my ass and am doing quite well today.

Hell 7 years ago I was freaking out on here while I switched careers after going back to school for more diplomas. Fuck I was working 16 hrs at 20/hr as an underground labour contractor for 8 months before I was noticed.

Now I'm the guy noticing people

It's not as clear cut as people think.
Welcome to the world , you are not alone and I am happy you are finding success . Really , at one time or another everyone has the same story in their family . Be glad you live in a country where your hard work rewards you .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I also did say that we should make the interest managable, but I responded the pgs's loaded question so I guess I got off topic.
Not trying to be loaded and your answer was from the heart and pertinent .


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
You guys have a point, it's all about choices and I just had an example today.

There is this janitor at my workplace who does a bang up job. Everything he cleans is perfect so I told my manager that I'd like to recommend him for an entry level position at where I work (very rare). You either need alot of experience/education or nepotism to get in here. My manager said ok but he has to give my manager his resume personally. No problem

The kid was like "wow thank you, yes I'll have it for you by this date (today)". I explained everything to him and he was super grateful.

He didn't show and now he is ghosting me. All he had to do was show up and he would have been hired. I literally lined it all up and he bailed. He would have been starting off at 29$/hr

My manager just told me that it was very nice what I tried to do but that at the end of the day he makes his own choices and that he is an adult.

I dunno

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
You guys have a point, it's all about choices and I just had an example today.

There is this janitor at my workplace who does a bang up job. Everything he cleans is perfect so I told my manager that I'd like to recommend him for an entry level position at where I work (very rare). You either need alot of experience/education or nepotism to get in here. My manager said ok but he has to give my manager his resume personally. No problem

The kid was like "wow thank you, yes I'll have it for you by this date (today)". I explained everything to him and he was super grateful.

He didn't show and now he is ghosting me. All he had to do was show up and he would have been hired. I literally lined it all up and he bailed. He would have been starting off at 29$/hr

My manager just told me that it was very nice what I tried to do but that at the end of the day he makes his own choices and that he is an adult.

I dunno
It's called "personal responsibility" but it no longer matters anymore. I'm sure there are those who would feel badly for this person and ensure that someone is to blame for his choices, just not him. Par for the course.

When you have children who can never be losers, who must always blame someone else for their misfortunes and are advanced in school despite not learning or understanding the curriculum taught at that time, and as a result, will be "lost" forever because they don't understand and will likely quit school, then your example is exactly what is going to happen. This means that there is no real "solution" because it's always someone else's fault - doesn't matter whose fault, just "someone" else's.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Weird. Still, coulda been any number of things.

It's all about choices. And abilities. And a fair amount of luck.

I verified a few days ago and he said he had his resume on hand. He did his normal rounds cause everyone but me saw him, I was busy. We agreed at the time to meet at 8:45AM before morning break. Luck is a big part of getting ahead I agree and I felt this would have been his luck. I'll see what's up later, maybe he got anxiety or something. He was here and I know the janitors arent pushed hard here. So I dunno


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I verified a few days ago and he said he had his resume on hand. He did his normal rounds cause everyone but me saw him, I was busy. We agreed at the time to meet at 8:45AM before morning break. Luck is a big part of getting ahead I agree and I felt this would have been his luck. I'll see what's up later, maybe he got anxiety or something. He was here and I know the janitors arent pushed hard here. So I dunno
You did a good thing. Whether he wants the job, gets the job, or whatever, it was very decent of you.

What the fuck are you doing here?


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
You did a good thing. Whether he wants the job, gets the job, or whatever, it was very decent of you.

What the fuck are you doing here?

So he said his boss found out that he printed out his resume on the computer, (I'm thinking the boss seen it in the downloads folder) and rescheduled him to a different routine. That's why he didn't show up at the agreed time.

Anyways I brought him to where my managers hallway and said that's the door buddy it's up to you now. He spent a half hour in my managers office and now he is in the process of trading his broom for a shovel. Hes starting off at the bottom of the totem pole but he is young so he can put some meat on those bones.

Was it selfish what I did because I wanted to feel good about myself and look like a good guy? Maybe. But the kid does have a strong work ethic and we need good workers so that's why I did it. So I guess someone at least benefited from my ego, lol