That website is a great way to explore different cities virtually. I love the idea of setting vehicle speed and music to customize the experience. Havana's old cars are a nice touch, giving a real sense of the city's vibe. I've used Drive & Listen a few times, and it's a fun way to "travel"...
I understand why Australia wants to ban e-cigarettes because vaping is bad for your health. But for me, vaping has been a big help since I quit smoking. I buy my vapes from Spam-Spam, and this ban would be a problem. Vaping helps me handle my nicotine cravings without going back to cigarettes...
The thing is, those exercises are tailored to your specific injury and recovery needs. The guys from sherwood park physiotherapy kept track of how I was progressing, and they can tweak things if necessary.
I had a similar situation when I injured my knee last year. My doc sent me to sherwood park physiotherapy and like you, I was handed a bunch of exercises that seemed to be straight from the internet.