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  1. B

    The secret of eternal life

    There is a secret, that most of the world knows nothing about. And this secret is, the only way of eternal life. The secret that I am referring to is, “the result” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. -------------------------------------------------- The result of the Gospel, is that the only way...
  2. B


    Although the Lord never gave us a clue, as to when He would be coming back for us, He did tell us to be ready to meet Him..... Matthew 24:44 “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” -------------------------------------------------- And He did...
  3. B

    A question

    Hi everyone I can’t figure out, how to send a PM(personal message), to someone here. Can someone help me? Thank you
  4. B

    Life’s most important question

    Hi Life’s most important question, is “Are you saved”. This question, is important, because it will determine where you will spend eternity; Oh, by the way, the source of all this information, is the Holy Bible(God's Word), so it can be trusted! The first thing that you must understand, is...