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  1. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Goldstein, "But the wish to know exactly what is going on is independent of politics and scientists must never bend their desire for knowledge to any political cause, however noble." Tonington, what kind of unmitigated crap is that? Notwithstanding that she may not be a climatologist, she's...
  2. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Wikipedia, "...forecasts become less accurate as the difference in time between the present moment and the time for which the forecast is being made..." Time? A two day forecast is a good bet, but a two week forecast is nothing to bet the farm on. Weather forecasting is utterly useless, as is...
  3. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    That's putting things straightly Walter. And NASA mothballed DSCOVER, perhaps the single most valuable asset in sorting this thing out. As long as politicians put the blinders on the scientists, we'll all be groping in the dark.
  4. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Tonington you are insufferably earnest. Walter's got your go-oat! Walter's got your go-oat!
  5. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Well Walter, if the advent of snow on a winter's day doesn't prove that global warming is a political conspiracy to prevent us from using our new Cadillac SUVs, what is? Ice the tree-hugging losers! You're getting so desperate I can hear you giggling. According to Torrington, climate cannot...
  6. J

    Our cooling world

    Dark Beaver, as usual your news sources are fantastic! The Tunguska explosion was an alien spaceship! The black death was a biological warhead from nasty space aliens! The Machine, blah, blah, blah...! Why don't you read the Wall Street Journal? The Fraser Forum? The news of the Machine? You'd...
  7. J

    Our cooling world

    Avro, "Old Walt... Nothing but weak munded blather coming from the ole chap.:lol: It's not nice to lol at old folks Avro. Have you ever seen a 100 year-old man cry? Walter and liberals don't mix. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  8. J

    Our cooling world

    Walter, "Canadian agriculture would benefit from higher temperatures." I can easily believe that, but your statement that anti-warming measures by government "lead to the destruction of Canadian agriculture" is as yellow as sensational claims that global warming threatens world war and global...
  9. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Tonington, "...short term changes would need to be way out of the running trend to be outside the norm that is global warming." Do you mean that global warming is difficult to observe? That by the time it is observable it will be far advanced? That comparing historical weather and climate data...
  10. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Joseph Farah is a bit over the top but, Gore's company, GIM was specifically established to take financial advantage of new technologies and solutions related to combating Global Warming. Gore is in fact cashing in on what can not unfairly be called hysteria. He is no scientist, that's for...
  11. J

    Our cooling world

    Walter, "Will today’s Conservative government ignore scientists again and implement unfounded policies that lead to the destruction of Canadian agriculture?" Really Walter? Are you serious about this?
  12. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    O.k. Walter. You're Sombody already. But Antarctica has shifted. And who shifted it? I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am. Let's face it. It was you, Walter.
  13. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Oh, THAT Antarctica. I knew dat. If that white patch melts off the sea goes up by 70 meters. That's a lot. I'd like to see some maps of the world with an additional 70-140 meters of seawater, whatever year that might be. If everything is happening as fast as I've heard, this is a mere 100...
  14. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Tonington, your intellect may be less ponderous than you think. If there really was an antarctic continent, somebody would have told me. I've got a goat and about $11.00 here that says we can launch that satellite!
  15. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Tonington, "Antarctica is a continent.' More of this leftist B.S. I cannot bear. Walter, "Devastating man-made global warming is here, they insist, and causing terrible, terrible suffering." Walter, you are usually so not insane. This thread is getting to you. Tonington, once one of sound...
  16. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    According to my climate expert, Switsof, the expert he quoted that I quoted in turn is not his expert. This has become a matter of considerable complicacy. Of course the northern ice cap is floating, Tonington. I knew dat. The old ice in the drink trick. But what about that other pole...
  17. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Sorry Dirtlinder. My eyes glazed over when the dude announced galactic warming. The universe is cooling I'm afraid, and we can't stop it. The universal freeze is some years off but one thing that we can all do right now is worry. Another thing we can do is stop science because science is what...
  18. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    dirtylinder, if you must believe everything that you read, for goodness sakes don't read the Tin Hat Times. In a New York Times Op-Ed piece, Robert L. Park reports on the quiet cancelation by NASA of an Earth observing satellite called the Deep Space Climate Observatory, also called Triana...
  19. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Apparently Tonington is right, and it's easy to verify. The satellite is also known as the Trianna deep space observatory. The scientific objectives include measurements by NISTAR, a global thermometer of sorts, a gang of four radiometer, which "observed seasonal and interannual variability...
  20. J

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    SwitSof's expert, "But the pack ice has reduced by 40% in thickness during the same period which is considerable” The article goes on to state that while the melting of the entire polar cap will have little effect on ocean water levels, 10% of the Greenland ice would be substantial. What's...