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  1. P

    Should We Lower Gas Taxes?

    Are the federal and provincial governments addicted to gas tax revenues? The federal government is enjoying a huge tax winfall from the rising gas prices, more than they ever hoped for in their budgets for road maintenance and creation. Should the Federal government be allowed to gouge...
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    Members Only Healthcare Clinic

    A members only clinic will be opening up in Edmonton and Calgary shortly after a successfull start up in Vancouver. Of course they pay for membership, $2000-4000/year but they get top notch healthcare services. Most of which focuses on preventative healthcare, rather than the public system...
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    Medical Tourism - send the government the bill

    Waiting list are getting so long for soem people they are willing to go to India, Cuba and China to get the medical care they need. For someone in dire need of medical care to go to one of these countries is an indication of the poor services received here (or lack there of). The latest story...
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    N.S. Nursing Home Crisis

    It's now a regular feature of the Daily News and Chronicle Herald, spotlighting the repulsive living conditions of seniors at the VG. We tell seniors in need of critical care that they might have to wait a year to get into a nursing home and we're putting you in a temporay 'cell' in the VG which...
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    Canadian Healthcare vs USA or Europe !

    We have long compared our healthcare system to the lowly USA private system. This both lowers the bar and is a poor comparison because we are publicly funded. A new report was just released comparing canadian and european healthcare sytems, called Euro-Canada Health Consumer Index 2008 you can...
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    Health Canada Fighting Cancer

    After a January 2007 publication revealed DCA (dichloroacetae) had anti cancer properties in animal studies researchers in Canada have now started a phase 2 clinical trial after Health Canada gave approval, rather than a phase 1 study. Unlike other national organizations like the NRC or the...
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    Michael Moore's 'Sicko' Scrutinizes Canada's Healthcare

    Moore often compares the Canadian universal healthcare system to the Americans system. Usually this is aimed to draw attention to the 40 million uninsured Americans but critics reply Canada has unacceptably long waiting lists for major treatments as reason not to adopt that system. Canadian's...
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    Canadian Government Promotes Self, Not Green Cars

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Environment Minister John Baird made the announcement of a 31 million dollar program towards promoting green cars. Of that $21 million will go towards the ecoENERGY for a Personal Vehicles program. This so called program will provide information on green cars...