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  1. C

    Religion in Afghanistan

    Afghanistan The Problem and Reality Religion in Afghanistan Most of the people living in Afghanistan are of the Moslem faith. There are very few Bhuddists and even fewer Christians. Their adherence to the Islamic religion varies depending on their physical location within the country. Their...
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    Obama and Odinga

    Senator Barack Husein Obama’s father is from Kenya. His name was Husein Obama. He was a member of the Luo tribe. The Luo or Lwo are a family of linguistically affiliated ethnic groups who live in an area that stretches from the southern Sudan, through northern Uganda and eastern Congo (DRC)...
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    Obama? Oh, NO!

    So Senator Barack Obama won the primary in Iowa. How that happened is as mysterious to me as how he ended up in the United States Senate in the first place. I cannot understand why the people of Illinois took it on themselves to send as a representative of that...
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    Mohammed Cartoons

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    Girl Children in America

    How many prayers can I say to correct what has gone wrong? How many prayers would it take to change this vicious course of events? What actions can I take to fix these horrible things? A grown man walks into a school and assaults the girl children there. He then kills one and then himself with a...