Search results

  1. typingrandomstuff

    Politics and Hard Question Solvers

    Post your questions. When I see your question, I will answer. One question per person. When I am about to answer a question, I will write uhm type: "now serving the username". Any extra questions will be answered on the second day. For example, if one person post two question on January the 1st...
  2. typingrandomstuff

    Find your political view

    Take the political compass test! Although the url is from the England, the test is very accurate. As an odd person, this compass really figure out my position on politics. Take this test to find out yours. If the result is not satisfactory, you can still be...
  3. typingrandomstuff

    Dedication Day

    Engineers and Student Thank you all for bringing the efficiency in the places! Special thanks to the first person who ever invented the renewable sources, the people who tries to make non-toxic batteries in the Metro papers, the people who give support to the engineers. Companies Thank you for...
  4. typingrandomstuff

    Another type of system.

    Below these sentences is a new system I come up with to improve process and ability in Canadian politics or politics for any country. There are still some facts I am not sure of :happy10: and so I hope for logical feedbacks on dignity, honour, human rights, marketing, learning, science...