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    Bush coming to Montebello AUG 20-21!

    Does this event interest anyone here? Planning on attending? The 3 banditos, Harper, Bush and Calderón (President of Mexico) are meeting in Montebello, Quebec on 21-22 August to continue their secret negotiations on the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)...
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    The Plan to Disappear Canada

    Is no one here concerned about this? I would figure it to be the hottest topic of conversation here.. but perhaps not? The Plan to Disappear Canada | June 19, 2007 Murray Dobbin If the machinations going on in this country...
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    Security And Prosperity Partenership

    DEEP INTEGRATION.. First.. (watch) Then.. (read) (read) Discuss?
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    This must end NOW: Canadian Support for Israel - ENOUGH! This has got to stop. Completely. Call your MP and tell them NO WAY are we getting involved in this illegal...
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    Are we about to lose our country?! "North American Unio

    Hi there everyone! I'm new! Just wanted to say HI before I get to the reason I came here to this site and registered specifically... (well, besides the fact that I'm SO SICK of having to deal with US citizens on the other boards I belong to and that its high time I spent my time talking about...