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  1. iARTthere4iam

    Chalk River Reactor

    The reactor at Chalk River is offline. This is affecting hundreds of thousands of people every week. The government of Canada is forcing the reactor back online against the wishes of the nuclear regulator. Is it better to restart the reactor in order to allow the hundresds of thousands of...
  2. iARTthere4iam

    Handguns in Canada

    It is not allowed in Canada to have a gun to defend yourself. By what regulation are security guards like Brinks allowed to carry a handgun?
  3. iARTthere4iam

    Freedom and Capitalism

    The right to make a living by using your talents and hard work is one of the greatest blessings we can hope for. Capitalism is the natural result of freedom of action. Capitalism is not Walmart, or "big" oil, or the stock market but the thousands of private enterprises that employ the majority...
  4. iARTthere4iam

    Canada and natives

    What is the solution to the native problems in this country? Specific land claims alone are going to run us at least 25 billion, and require a massive army of lawyers and researchers to get through- that's just the backlog, not to mention all the new claims comming in all the time. Native...
  5. iARTthere4iam

    Quebec's new carbon tax

    Quebec has announce the country's first carbon tax to be levied on gasoline, diesel, coal, coke, propane etc.. The province is apparently asking that this tax be absorbed by the companies that provide the energy and hope that the cost will not be passed onto consumers. I have just read this and...
  6. iARTthere4iam

    What do you make from Saffron??

    Saffron sandwiches. I've always wanted to eat that.
  7. iARTthere4iam

    What is terrorism?

    It seems that people will label anything that they don't like or agree with as terrorism. Terrorism is not a nation nor is it war or guerilla warfare. Terrorism is a tactic of influencing politics with fear. In Iraq both guerilla warfare (blowing up military convoys with IEDs) and terrorism...