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  1. H

    Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.(important)

    i found a very informative website. it's very easy to use. on the left hand side just click on the state you live in . and see how much surpluse your state has of tax payer money, they are not using.
  2. H

    is the IRS a fraud on the american public?

    watch this very good about is there a law that forces people to pay income tax. NO LAW ; NO TAX.
  3. H

    we need to stop the american union.

    the secret meetings has started. members of goverment, ceo's of corporations, ect.. meet in secret. Here's the scandal that should be outraging Canadians across the country. On September 12-14, elite proponents of deep integration...
  4. H

    watch this movie. it's about politics

    1hour and 52 mintunes. it's called terrorstorm
  5. H

    with 911 coming up ,who still belives the official story?

    i was wondering how people many belives the lies of the official story of what happend ? and about what happend on 7/7/2005. here a sort clip from a great journalists :john pilger talking about british solders caught in terror. the clip is 4mins
  6. H

    a fight for our sovernty

    here from a canadian government site here is the oficcial web site . here one that shows the nafta super highway that are being built. we need to stop this thing for happening , i urge you...
  7. H

    read this !

    i want you to google type : june 29 1989 washington times and you'll understand what goes on at the white house.
  8. H

    i would like to have a discussion on this movie

    please watch the movie in its entirety and then i would like to know your thoughts on the movie . thanks. here is the is called the robots rebellion. it's 2 hours
  9. H

    i want to download a movie from google video ?

    i want to know if it is possible to somehow download a movie from google video, into a burnable format like mpg,avi, i did press the download button on the left ,but it only saves it on the google video that i have on my destop.and in my file it's there but under some wierd format , and it's...
  10. H

    please answer my question on money

    i want to see how big this manipulation is i have two simple questions. 1.who prints the money? 2.and where do are taxes go to? can't wait to hear your replys.thanks