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  1. Bar Sinister

    30 Jobs That Nobody Does Anymore

    I thought this was interesting. I can actually think of quite a few more jobs that existed a few decades ago that are gone now. 30 jobs that nobody does anymore
  2. Bar Sinister

    GM Closing Down Ontario Plant

    I guess this is one more reason not to buy a GM product. General Motors to shut down Oshawa plant in global restructuring
  3. Bar Sinister

    Are Automobile Warranties a Scam?

    I've been wondering about this for a few years. Every new car comes with a warranty protecting the buyer against serious and expensive defects. However, how much is this warranty needed? In order to maintain the warranty the car must be taken in to the dealership every 5000 km. I worked out...
  4. Bar Sinister

    Why I won't ever buy Apple

    Interesting program on CBC tonight about Apple's attempts to make its computers and other products almost impossible to repair.
  5. Bar Sinister

    Vaping Epidemic

    FDA declares youth vaping an epidemic, announces investigation, new enforcement
  6. Bar Sinister

    GoFundMe Exposes Just How Broken US Health Care Is

    So the greatest nations on Earth has a health care system that is so broken, people have to rely on GoFundMe to finance their health services. MAGA GoFundMe Exposes Just How Broken US Health Care Is
  7. Bar Sinister

    You want jobs? Support Green energy.

    Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined Times are changing, folks and with change comes...
  8. Bar Sinister

    7 world-changing inventions people thought were dumb fads

    The constant refusal of some CC members to accept technological change got me to wondering about how many other society changing inventions were condemned at the time of their inception. Well, it turns out that there are quite a few. Here are seven of the more important. 7 world-changing...
  9. Bar Sinister

    Britain is banning plastic straws — and asking Canada to join

    Another wonderful and pretty much useless product of the oil industry.
  10. Bar Sinister

    Alabama is full of NY Poop

    'Poop Train' Full of NYC Sewage Raises Stink in Alabama Town Talk about shit hitting the fan. Alabama's lax environmental laws allow sewage and other waste from other states to be...
  11. Bar Sinister

    How Canada became an education superpower

    How Canada became an education superpower When there are debates about the world's top performing education systems, the names that usually get mentioned are the Asian powerhouses such as Singapore and South Korea or the Nordic know-alls, such as Finland or Norway. But with much less...
  12. Bar Sinister

    Kansas - Trickle Down Stupidity in Action

    It is hard to believe that someone actually believes in this fiscal nonsense any more given that it has failed so completely everywhere it has been attempted. But here we have Kansas attempting to implement Trickle Down Economics with the usual abysmal result. The Atlantic...
  13. Bar Sinister

    Confused Americans Moving to Canada

    Here is something I just saw on the news - Americans considering moving to Canada to escape Obama, not realizing that if Obama was a Canadian politician he would be to the right of most Canadians on many of his policies. They also apparently do not realize that Obomacare is a weaker version of...
  14. Bar Sinister

    Will Beer Float Obama Over the Top?

    OK folks the election is over. Romney may as well throw in the towel and save himself a couple of months of frustration. It turns out that Obama actually brews his own beer or at least someone in the White House does it for him. Contrast this with teetotaller Mitt Romney and it simply is no...
  15. Bar Sinister

    NBC Cuts Tribute to Terror Victims

    It seems that in its coverage of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies NBC decided that viewers would rather watch Ryan Seacrest interview Michael Phelps than see a part of the ceremony honouring victims of the July 2007 terrorist attack that killed 52 Britons and injured many more. Apparently some...
  16. Bar Sinister

    Circumcision Circumscribed in Germany

    A ruling in Germany has placed a partial ban on circumcision until children are old enough to choose for themselves whether they wish to be circumcised. From the article: The court made its ruling in the case of a 4-year-old boy who had been circumcised at the wishes of his Muslim parents...
  17. Bar Sinister

    Russian Shuttlecock Machine Gun

    In an attempt to do away with rubber bullets and other more lethal form of riot control the Russians have developed a riot control gun that fires shuttlecocks at a rate of one shot per second with 300 atmosphers of force. Apparently that is hard enough to knock rioters of their feet without...
  18. Bar Sinister

    The American Dream Does Not Include Vacations

    It appears that the US is one of the few industrialized nations in the world where citizens are not guaranteed a yearly vacation. Please note the Canada and Japan are also right in there so far as denying their citizens vacations. Paid Holidays/Vacation Days in the U.S. Versus Other OECD...
  19. Bar Sinister

    Reddit - World News Site

    Interestingly I heard about this site on a CBC program today and then later on the local news. It is a world news site where readers can rate the stories. It appears that as usual the most trivial topics receive the most votes, but there are some interesting stories nevertheless, and the site...
  20. Bar Sinister

    Job Creation in Canada

    Just thought I'd drop in this little gem. After years of corporate tax cuts we have Bombardier laying off 3000 employees and tranferring the jobs to Mexico. And that is entirely the problem with across the board tax cuts that make no distinction between businesses that actually create jobs and...