"Saints confirm takeover bid received
Paul AllenSAINTS this afternoon confirmed they have received a preliminary approach from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen regarding a potential takeover of the club.
The Daily Echo carried a story this morning saying Allen, the 19th richest man in the...
What a suprise.....criminals...the lot of em....
"Friendly fire death was 'criminal'
Friday March 16, 11:11 AM
Click to enlarge photoThe friendly fire death of British soldier Matty Hull was unlawful and the result of a criminal attack, a coroner has ruled.
Oxfordshire assistant deputy...
I was shocked to read this, did you know Britain owed so much in monetary terms to both the USA and CANADA?......in a way, as an Englishman, it sickens me because, however you cut it, Britain fought alone to save democracy in the world also I didnt realise we needed to loan money off our own...
crickey....I hope your okay?, one of Southampton Football Club's main Goalkeepers dropped a Salad Cream (yep THAT stuff) on his foot, it broke, broke a bone in his foot and the glass went in his leg, he was out for a while.
Not too good for a man who's hands are supposed to be safe as...
Hi everyone,
As you probably know, I am English, and I've been watching the news lately, and find that this guy, David Irving is currently the subject of an Austrian prison sentence for denying the holocaust...now, this isnt specifically about this, it's more about the distruction of the...
since I've ruled out Islam, Judaism or christianity as proper religions, I think I'm probably an athiest....
although, this is interesting, and you'll know a bit of it if u watched the da vinci code...did you know in judaism there were originally 2 gods?..male and female?...but what they didnt...
I used to be an Agnostic.....but I'm not sure anymore :)
and as this seems to have strayed, bringing the topic back on target...what ya been dining on lately Tam?.....
dont tell me, you've given that hobby of cooking up for lent and taken a new routine of Arby's, MacD's, KFC, Popeye's and...
It's much more watery....it must be something to do with the freezing period that alter's it's coheision or something, because it tastes like the water and the white constitute in it seems to seperate.
Sorry if that sound like waffle, but it's like if you freeze diluted cordial as opposed to...
Milk tastes h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e, dire, revolting, disgusting, tasteless, rancid, horrifying, filfthy, mank, ah yuck when it's been defrosted.
Sorry, my mum does it all the time, it's disgusting.
Hey everyone, I've just finished watching Celebrity Big Brother in the UK and wondered if you'd heard all the problems that are going on in the show.
I feel ashamed to be British when I hear Jade Goody, Jo O'Meara and Daniella Lloyd racially abusing Shilpa Shetty in the way they are.
And not...
Right everyone,
I'm gonna get this off my chest. Ok, we seem to have a lot of "brit bashers" here, although they probably wouldnt be bashers if they wernt sick to death with the amount of spam-like postings they get from a member who's username starts with a dark colour.
I know people have...
Back to the subject of reading material, I've just finished Roald Dahl's "the wonderful story of Henry Sugar and five more", it's a fabulous read, it's got so many layers to it...I'm mainly a big fan cus it's just got me an A* in my English assignment.
Every other pupil was chuffed with their...
Such a great series, it's at it's best when he's fighting the French......well, anywhere, India, the Iberian coast...shame he was too young to fight in the Americas, I'd like to have seen him gallantly defending British citizens against those rotten turncoats!!! lol.
I ate cow dung once Tam, so...
This one will shock you, I cooked it in Malawi, near Lake Malawi.... (hold on to your hats....and you sick buckets!!!)
Fly Burgers
Chaoborus edulis Malawian Lake Flies
Banana Leaves
Chopped Tomato and Onions
oh and some salt to add bit of flavour.
Mix the flies, tomato, onion and...
Should be all the same recipe cheif, depends how your barperson pours it though...needs a good 2 minutes to settle down half way thru usually...I leave it and either put sumthing else thru at just below the guiness mark, then finish it off.....usually with a four leaf clover....cus I can lol