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  1. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    About the same as he feels about Ukrainians.
  2. Jinentonix

    Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

    What a camel cum dumpster. Isn't it odd how the most violent fuckers in the world always portray themselves as victims? As for the dumb cunt that said the above, here's the fucktard's logic. When muslims are murdered it's "islamophobia". Yet when muzzies go on killing sprees the stupid fucking...
  3. Jinentonix

    And he's out

    Yeah, celebrating the removal of a far-left douchebag must really stick in your craw, eh?
  4. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    No, but Santa's workshop is "officially" in Finland and we know how Putie-baby feels about the Finns. Soooo....
  5. Jinentonix


    Yeah fuck you too. When you've personally FLOWN someone 1500 miles (3000 miles round trip) for gender reassignment surgery then come tell me how much you give a shit about trans people. And that was in the '90s before it was "cool". Remember all the stink over Jenner about how "brave and...
  6. Jinentonix


    Except it's not a fact. India is the most populous country on Earth.
  7. Jinentonix

    Liberals bring out the Knives

    Their best shot is a total house cleaning. There isn't a single current Liberal party member that doesn't have Trudope stink all over them. That includes unofficial members like Carney.
  8. Jinentonix

    World at War: 2025

    Gonna be a real fucking interesting year.
  9. Jinentonix

    WTF is wrong in the USA these days??

    Same shit that's going on across the West. Grey zone warfare from Russia and China. I think you'd shit your pants if you actually knew just how deep and how bad it is.
  10. Jinentonix

    Mass Shooting in New York City

    Uh huh. So were the 10 people killed in New Orleans by an islamo-nazi in a pickup truck "Just 'nuther day in 'Murica'?
  11. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    Nope. But when a govt that profits from the sale of tobacco gets all flexy about public health and safety, to the point it made people choose between their jobs or being experimented on, it tends to irk me somewhat.
  12. Jinentonix

    “Wokeness” in Canada and elsewhere…

    Don't be daft. Equity, obviously. They've just intentionally conflated the two, like they do with SO much else.
  13. Jinentonix


    Whomever is circumventing US tariffs and bans, soooo China?
  14. Jinentonix

    “Wokeness” in Canada and elsewhere…

    Neither do the leftards who push the "equity" bullshit.
  15. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    Oh fer fuck sakes. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of a govt that profits from the sale of tobacco that kills 500,000 Americans a year yet complains about public health and safety when it comes to firearms.
  16. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    Not really.
  17. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    And yet traffic fatalities are just as high as firearm-related homicides. Yeah. What was I thinking? The govt being complicit in the deaths of 500,000 people a year just to make some tax revenues on tobacco is nothing compared to the occasional fruit loop who goes postal.
  18. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    Man, those Ruzzians are funny little fucks. It's almost like they don't understand how war works. And I'm not talking about the propagandist idiots, I'm talking about those in the Party echelon like Medeved (or whatever), Bedpan and the funniest of them all, Peskov the clown. They can't seem to...
  19. Jinentonix

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    No need for the snark. It's obvious that a country with 350 million+ people and a 6.3/100,000 homicide rate is going to have a much greater total number of homicides than a country 1/9 it's size with a 2/100,000 rate. Average number of firearm-related homicides in the US in a year- 50,000...
  20. Jinentonix

    Canada 51st State

    Half??? O'Leary been enjoying Canada's legal weed I see.