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  1. Briteyes

    In honour of REMEMBERENCE DAY

    I think everybody needs to see this video it is a song called "A Pittance of Time" by Terry Kelly I tried uploading the video but it had errors so please click on the link and play the video it is a wonderful and a...
  2. Briteyes

    Canadian Softwood Producers win in highest U.S. trade court

    We have been so fortunate that Mr. Stephen Harper and David Emerson settled our softwood lumber dispute and it was implemented just one day before the U.S. ruled in our favour now we are out over 1 billion dollars. Here is the entire article it is a must read sorry it is so long. The 'Softwood...
  3. Briteyes

    The CPC rating the debate before it even began

    I was watching Mike Duffy live and I was shocked when the Liberal strategist read from a peice of paper that leaked from the CPC rating the debate hours before it even began here is the link for anyone who is interested in viewing it