Search results

  1. O

    Looking for Car, Halifax Nova Scotia

    Hello, This is a ridiculous question. Nonetheless, in order to have a small chance of success I'm posting it everywhere right now. I recently have taken a course at a driving school and was going to take my road test today. Unfortunately, my host parents have, in the last minute, otherwise I...
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    family meals

    I was wondering what relationships people in this forum have had throughout their life with their families. I personally have always had a great and healthy relationship with mine, even in the so called puberty, that I think I simply ignored. For incidence, during meals we had together we were...
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    Toyota, really such a role model?

    Hi, I was wondering if somebody here knows something about, or knows sources (links) about following little theme. I currently have to do a little research about Toyota, concerning its environmental plans, impact and its cultural impact etc. I don't wanna bother with the details but overall it...
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    Learning English in Canada: Experiences?

    Hi forum :smile:, I moved to Canada, more accurately Halifax in August last year to attend school. From the beginning it was my intention to stay here and graduate (I'm now in grade 11) even though I couldn't be sure of the ultimate success of my wish, mainly for financial reasons. Recently, I...