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  1. G

    Science & Environment

    Sometime next the end of this century, historians 28ll write books about the insane neurotic Manis of the pre3nt ime. No one will believe them. Hmmm, they might believe the legend St,Greta of Green Fables :)
  2. G

    Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

    raising the further risk, never has 29rked, but Leftards cannot understand why. The rich just move thiier money out of the country. Thy very seldom move it back. Comissar JT andhis mindless gang of wreckers have driven old and new money 8n all versions out of Canada. I am hopeful re. Poilievre...
  3. G

    Trudeau Makes Good on Ethical Energy to Germany

    ROFLMAO X 10³² What a brainless fool. He is an embarassment to us all.
  4. G

    Your opinion - Do you care about the New King of England?

    I saw a recent video cl8p of the new PM telling Charles that he, the PM, was able to form a govt. Charles looked really bad. His suit looked way too big on him, and he looked a century old. I am no fan of royalty but Charles is only human after all is said and done.
  5. G

    Funeral Song of Choice?

    J.S.Bch. Excellent choice. If the volume is high enough (200W rms per channel ?) also partial to wolfe Mo's Arts Requiem. Also/maybe the Stones 'Paint It Black'.
  6. G

    Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

    Wolf was an honorable man. He allowed Quebec to keep their language, laws, and Church. Yes for sure he was honorable and it was his biggest mistake. FTR there is no such entity as the quebec 'Nation'. And also FTR we should stop paying for their presence.
  7. G

    Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

    All religion is just superstitious rubbish to me, but only one of them will kill you for mocking their prophet or disagreeing with their 'holy' book. That religion is Islam. To state this is NOT Islamophobia, it is a statement of fact and record. .
  8. G

    Trudeau Makes Good on Ethical Energy to Germany

    To date and in any reasonable time frame, there is no commercially effective method of extracting H² from water, LNG, methane etc. Nor from pixie farts! In addition, the H² molecule is by far the smallest molecule and is thus the most prone to leak. H² leaks are very explosive. Much more...
  9. G

    Saskatchewan Nuclear and Nuclear Accesories

    Face it.. Our present day Fed govt will flush Canada down the drain if reelected. PP may or may not be what Canada needs. If so. no- one will cheer louder than I. If he is a disappointment, then out he goes.
  10. G

    Hamas attacks Israel

    But Hamas is only more believable to two classes of people; (1) the uneducated, mentally challenged haters (hating is So-o much easier than actually thinking! ). And (2) , Muslim supporters who quite literally want Islam and Sharia world hegemony even if they have to nuke billions to...
  11. G

    Hamas attacks Israel

    As a non-Jew I stand unequivocally with the only nation in the ME that runs free elections where Jews, Christians, Druze, Zoroastrians, Atheists, and Muslims are all allowed to vote and that includes running for, office as MP's ln the Knesset. They can also qualify to become Israeli citizens.
  12. G

    LGBTQ+, and especially believers, remember that God makes all souls equal.

    Wrong Prove it. But first prove the existence of a soul
  13. G

    Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

    Gilgamesh typing here. Somehow a Muslim violator of goats and utter typical Islamic lies and dishonesty is posting under my name etc.. Until this terrorist garbage worker ceases and desist, please note that I am not posting on any subject close to Hamas terrorist pig droppings etc. Thank you...
  14. G

    Cosmology - Astrophysics

    There are no particles. We 'exist' only as lines of code in a simulation. Whether or not the software is developed by our descendants 10,000 years from now, or some pimple snotnosed alien teenager ln his dad's basement is unknown. I will get back to to you faux humans soon.
  15. G

    U.S. Is Most Powerful Indo-Pacific Nation: Report | China In Focus

    Due to the ironclad reality of a fast dwindling population, China becomes more irrelevant with each passing day. They have no oil, no fertilizer and a huge pop. to feed as their mfg ability is collapsing due to huge drop in population in general and working age young particularily; remember...
  16. G

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    Excellent post. Thank you.
  17. G

    Did Prophet Mohammed doubt about his apostle-hood?

    Gilgamesh It is said that God mandated 'personkind' to have free will ha ha ! Or is that too complex for the religious trolls here. Since this invisible Big Head In The Sky has never been seen by by competent sane observers, it is all moot. The Torah, Tanach, New Testament, Quran were all...
  18. G

    Did Prophet Mohammed doubt about his apostle-hood?

    The word itself means submit which says a lot. It is indeed the religion of peace as it claims; there is indeed, nothing more peaceful than a graveyard.