Recent content by TomG

  1. T

    Our cooling world

    You might want to check the quality of the sources. The author at: and the publication (sometimes known as The Daily Torygram) at: Of course, the quality of...
  2. T

    Ontario Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform

    Ontario residents who wish to have some impact on their form of governance can read about the Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform and make comments here: There are three days remaining in which to make comments. The Assembly was...
  3. T

    Favorite Snacks

    Oh well, I’ll be figurative; what the heck. Snack: A small bite that makes me happy for a time. A limerick by an anonymous author I read in a book went: “A tutor who taught on the flute. Tried to teach two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, Is it harder to toot, Or to tutor two...