Things that make Canada great


Mar 24, 2002
Hey, I found this on a site, here's the long list of things which make Canada the best!

Great variety in seasons

Great world-wide reputation with other countries

We invented Hockey

We invented Basketball

We invented the telephone

We invented cable T.V.

There are over 2 million Canadian patents

We are one of the G-7 countries

We are a part of NATO

We are a part of NAFTA

We are one of the only countries that can put up with Americans

We have a low crime rate

Canada doesn't have the highest national debt (The U.S. does, ha!)

We have a slightly lower debt per-capita than the U.S.

We can understand American-English. (Well most of us anyway)

Canadians are polite

Canada is easy to spell

Canada is easy to pronounce

We have one of the top education systems

Canada has one of the fastest growing populations in the world

Canada introduced peace-keeping

Our government pays for medicine. In other words, no hospital bills

We have nice cities

We have clean cities

We are at peace with many countries

We are the leader in telephone technology

We have better technology than the U.S.

We made those dinosaurs in Jurassic Park

We are not stupid

We invented refinning

Canada has more clean water than any other nation

Canada is a free and democratic society

Hockey is Canada, Canada is hockey

We know how, and when to use the word, "eh"

We have two official languages, and a leader that speaks his own

Unlike what many people think, Canadians are patriotic

We are probably the least biased country

There's a lot of famous Canadians

We don't have to worry about nukes or bombs

Lots of ski resorts

We have the world's longest brige (P.E.I. to the mainiland)

We have the world's tallest self-supported structure (CN Tower, Toronto)

Most of us know what the CN Tower is for

We have the world's longest street (Yonge St., Toronto to somewhere near Manitoba)

We are great world-leaders withour beer

Canadians are 300% less likely to be murdered than Americans

Economy living up to most of its potential of all G7 nations

Falling crime rate

We have the 'Smarties' candy unlike Americans (Very important, isn't it?)

Our schools have less of a dicipline problem than American schools

Canadian students rank higher than American students in Math, Science, English, ...

1/3 of Microsoft programmers come from the University of Waterloo

Canadian invented the baseball glove

Canadian invented insulin

Canadian invented the kitchen stove

Titanic, written, directed and produced by a Canadian, James Cameron

Nelvana Corp. of Toronto hired to produce all American cartoons on CBS

Canadian woman second in comand at UN (American not 1st or 3rd or 4th or... in command)

Canada is the only country at the Atlanta summer olympics that sent more women than men, meaning we aren't sexist

Canada is one of the few countries with women in the millitary

Canada has a trade surplus, unlike our southern friends

Canada is slated to get rid of the deficit and debt before the U.S.

Canadian music is world reknowned

Unemployed Canadians receive higher welfare cheques than unemployed Americans

Average life expectancy of a Canadian is 79 years, the highest in the world (U.S. is 75 years)

Canadian cities lead the world in quality of life. Vancouver (1), Toronto (3), Montreal (15). Closest American city was Atlanta at thrity-something

Canadian discovered Pablum (Baby food)

Women in Ontario can walk around topless legally (For men: YES! For women: Your freedoms are expanded)

Canadian doctor at the Montreal General Hospital was able to map the human brain

Recovered bodies of the Titanic are buried in Halifax (not really something to demonstrate patriotism but an interesting fact)

Canada never owned slaves (there were slaves in Canada in the 18th century but they were owned by the British government)

Many American slaves came secretly to Canada during the American civil war

Canada receives more immigrants per capita than the U.S. (almost twice as much)

Canada among most popular tourist destinations in the world

Canadian universities are world-reknowned for quality education and cheap tuitions

Canada is one of few countries at the UN to be apart of the security counsil, giving Canada a strong voice

Canada has teh lowest crime rate among major industrialized countries

Canada leads all economic powers in economic growth

World's best infrastructure

Very low inflation (0.9%)

Falling unemployment rate

Canadian social programs are unsurpassed

Stocks reaching new records

Major profits among Canadian companies

Canada is home to the world's third largest food franchise--Fogen Frutz

More medals per capita than any other country at the Atlanta Summer Olympics

Canadian troops lead the invasion of Normandy

Invasion planned in Quebec City by Mackenzie King, Winston Churchill, and Roosevelt

Canadian attack at Vimy Ridge during WWI; one of the turning points of the war

You know the nuclear bombs the U.S. prides itself on? Well they get the essential uranium from Canada

More drinkable water in Canada then anywhere else in the world

The longest inclined tower in the world (Olympic Tower, Montreal)


New Member
Nov 17, 2002
Don't forget we _had_ one of the mightiest navies in the world and overall had the largest percent of our population goto war during wwii!


Electoral Member
Mar 27, 2002
Montréal, Quebec
Canada is a great country, which many people elsewhere don't recognize. Along with that list are a lot of other cool things about Canada like our unique and clean cities and beautiful scenery.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I urge Ontario women to get busy with those freedoms and stuff! The world is watching. Ignore them and their trench coats. :cool:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Actually a lot of these things that make Canada great are false but as long as it makes Canadians feel good about themselves I guess that is OK.

Plus the author compares Canada to the US a lot which says quite a bit about his obsession with the United States.
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Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta

Wrong and a myth.
The Burning of Washington is the name given to the burning of Washington, D.C., by British forces in 1814, during the War of 1812. Strict discipline and the British commander's orders to burn only public buildings are credited with preserving most residences, and as a result the facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House, were largely destroyed. The attack was in retaliation for the U.S. invasion of York, Upper Canada (now Toronto, Ontario, Canada), at the Battle of York in 1813, in which U.S. forces looted and burned the city, including the Parliament Buildings of Upper Canada.
The White House was burned. Only the exterior walls remained, and they had to be torn down and mostly reconstructed due to weakening from the fire and subsequent exposure to the elements, except for portions of the south wall. A legend emerged that during the rebuilding of the structure white paint was applied to mask the burn damage it had suffered, giving the building its namesake hue. This is unfounded as the building had been painted white since its construction in 1798. Of the numerous spoils taken from the White House when it was ransacked by British troops, only two have been recovered — a painting of George Washington, rescued by then-first lady Dolley Madison, and a jewelry box returned to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939 by a Canadian man who said his grandfather had taken it from Washington. Most of the spoils were lost when a convoy of British ships led by HMS Fantôme sank en route to Halifax off Prospect during a storm on the night of November 24, 1814.

While Canada did not exist as a sovreign nation at the time, they did burn it down.


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta

Actually a lot of these things that make Canada great are false but as long as it makes Canadians feel good about themselves I guess that is OK.

Plus the author compares Canada to the US a lot which says quite a bit about his obsession with the United States.

You seem to be the only American on this thread- who's obsessed about whom?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Burning of Washington is the name given to the burning of Washington, D.C., by British forces in 1814, during the War of 1812. Strict discipline and the British commander's orders to burn only public buildings are credited with preserving most residences, and as a result the facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House, were largely destroyed. The attack was in retaliation for the U.S. invasion of York, Upper Canada (now Toronto, Ontario, Canada), at the Battle of York in 1813, in which U.S. forces looted and burned the city, including the Parliament Buildings of Upper Canada.
The White House was burned. Only the exterior walls remained, and they had to be torn down and mostly reconstructed due to weakening from the fire and subsequent exposure to the elements, except for portions of the south wall. A legend emerged that during the rebuilding of the structure white paint was applied to mask the burn damage it had suffered, giving the building its namesake hue. This is unfounded as the building had been painted white since its construction in 1798. Of the numerous spoils taken from the White House when it was ransacked by British troops, only two have been recovered — a painting of George Washington, rescued by then-first lady Dolley Madison, and a jewelry box returned to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939 by a Canadian man who said his grandfather had taken it from Washington. Most of the spoils were lost when a convoy of British ships led by HMS Fantôme sank en route to Halifax off Prospect during a storm on the night of November 24, 1814.

While Canada did not exist as a sovreign nation at the time, they did burn it down.

They're right...THEY the British did...just as the your post says.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Naw.... White house was just gutted in a fast raid. It was painted fast so the damage wasn't obvious. Hence, the term "whitewash" an official practice of governments on both sides of the border ever since....



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You seem to be the only American on this thread- who's obsessed about whom?

Because it amuses me to see these things. I have only recently become aware of a sect of the Canadian population that obsesses over things like this and comes up with these curious tidbits.

For example... Canadians led the D-Day invasion. Well let's go check...shall we?

Were they in charge? No Eisenhower American

Oh...well Canadian Airborne troops must have landed first. Hmmm...wrong again. Only British and Americans landed the night before D-Day...therefore LEADING THE WAY.

Well did they hit the beach first? Sort of an irrelevant fact but there is nothing I found that said Canadian boots hit dry sand first.

Well there must be something to it. Ah...there we go...Canadians were the only ones to reach their assigned objectives on the first day. Although they were not able to hold them and had to fall back. Let's ignore that though. So that "TYPE" of Canadian will come to the conclusion...

Canadians led the D-Day invasion.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Naw.... White house was just gutted in a fast raid. It was painted fast so the damage wasn't obvious. Hence, the term "whitewash" an official practice of governments on both sides of the border ever since....


Whitewash is inexpensive white paint.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
The great thing about Canada is we're not really obsessed with America. We just watch your every move trying to figure out how to get your money.

Waste of time really though. We should be examining China more closley as they soon will have all the American money.