Prostitution: legal-ethical discussion-debate


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
Sex drive in humans is sex drive in humans. it is there, and it will never go away. And it needs to be fulfilled. Some can connect this sexual fulfillment to a certain relationship, and get it within that relationship, some can't, for a variety of reasons. Some people's sexual desires are simple and conventional, and thus easy to satisfy, some people's aren't. And it concerns both males and females. So there will always be demand for prostitution, and where there is demand, there is supply. The thing is to make things safe for the people who resort to this kind of services.

Yeah, I know it's pretty sad isn't it? that people are not evolved enough to have dignity. I have not had a girlfriend for a year and you do not see much running out for a prossy. . Yes, people do have petty pleasures though, and prostitution was seen as dirty and scandalous and should be kept as such, if we are to make prostitution an acceptable buisness then what does this say to males? and their view of women... maybe it is just me, but I do not ever want to disrespect women or see them as de-valued, I just want my children to grow up in a world where women are valued, where pornography is taboo, and where sex is called love and there is no difference. I would not give myself to a women I did not have feelings for (yes, I am a male) but maybe I'm just a faggot:)


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
Actually, I think the japanese are extremely unique in this case, as the geisha is part of their heritage. As europeans we do not have prostitutes regarded as such, except maybe in burlesque places in France and Germany.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you actually are interested in a conversation even though by your rhetoric I believe I am just being naive.

... a woman is designed to what her nature demands her body is designed to bear children did you study at school?

I assume that you don't mean this. A woman is more than a baby-producing machine, here is a woman I admire for a lot of reasons, and making babies isn't one of them. Unfortunately her life was ended far too soon due to the Nazis, but that is another tale. Woman are far more than baby making machines. The amount of women who are childless and happy about that choice is large. There is nothing as insulting than to suggest to a woman that nothing she ever does will be as important as having a baby.

- or has your left wing goverment now brainwashed you into believing that gay couples rasing children is perfectly normal and accectable,

Null hypothesis states that, not the left wing government. The burden of proof lies with people to prove otherwise. There is no reason a priori to believe that a gay couple will be any different than a heterosexual couple in their ability to educate their children, statistics says that.

Are you not the one who is deluded to think that a someone can be a feminist and sell her bosy and still have pride in this?

A feminist is a person who believes that women and men are equal, they are not necessarily a woman. Men sell their bodies out to corporations for the purpose of performing labour, they hold a lot of pride in themself for their work, why would it be any different for a woman? There are a lot of organizations around the world whose members were prostitutes and they are proud of that fact.

What is most degrading for people in the sex trade are the crude individuals who oppress them. These are people that do no harm to society except in some non-humanist ethical views where humans can insult abstract entities. Yet, the people who view them as corrupt are quick to throw stones, denigrate, arrest and abuse in many other ways these non-harmful persons.


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
Yes, I am interested in conversation, and despite that my my rehetoric may show otherwise I always enjoy speakig to people and learning from others. It is just my own personal fears that there is increasingly no place for myself and others like me (however few they may be) in a world like this - times are gone for honest men (undertans the true meanding of these words), that traditional values are being undermined, you say about gay couples eduacting there children just as well? from what statistics exactly? where these statistics carried out by the goverment? - I say no more. I mean for a start what evidence is there to base these claims? - this law in england has only just been put into effect so there is not even enough time to know the true impact this left wing lunacy will have, to undermine trraditional values. We males can feel that we are undermined to you know:).

You confuse what I say Maybe I was not clear enough, I apologise. I do not see women here just to have our babies, or as baby producing machines, I hate males that view women this way. I see it as just that women have an equal role and equal opinon in society. It is always to convenient for lefists to say that to have a child is beneath them, sure the choice is determined by the couple together whether they have children or not, but you cannot deny that to have a child in the west is seen as unfashiable and undesirable to the careerist coffee house bourgeoise "intellectuals". But I agree with you, it is unfair to say that all a women is good for is to have children, some of the most important figures in history and some of the greatest perspectives are from a woman's point of view.

Y'know society really needs to change, there is no in between people are all about extremes, you're either left or right or you're either a feminist or a male cheuvinist. I consider myself to respect women and hate chevinists, And I sympathise with some philiosophies of the left and some of the right. but yet I find it disapointing that in a majority of western countries it is fashinable to sleep around, yet when you are in a loving relationship you are resented for wanting to start a family because it would "destroy" the woman's freedoms, it's selfish, and it's a decadent capitilist mentaility in my eyes.


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
I see feminism as redundant because a woman and a man can never be equal, a woman thinks differently to a man and vice versa, woman has a different anatomy to a man etc. This is not to say they are inferior or be kept in the house like most femists think it is a males goal (Well I guess most males are animals anyway). It is only right that women have an equal footing in society as men, but there are things that women are naturally qualified for such as maternal instinct (Which I'm afraid this is where the gays raising children becomes redundant:) - no matter how many gays having children tv shows the goverment airs or how many goverment websites it does not change this ). I think women in the infantry for the army is lunacy, we men are the warmongers:).
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Electoral Member
May 9, 2006
...maybe it is just me, but I do not ever want to disrespect women or see them as de-valued, I just want my children to grow up in a world where women are valued...

Neither do I, but it's going to happen no matter what. So, why not make it as safe as possible for the women who choose to be prostitutes?

Secondly, if a woman chooses to be "de-valued", who are we to say to her that she is not allowed?


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
yes but your sources are not exactly reliable are they? - the bbc do not even let us celibrate our national holiday or even Queen Victoria is not even aknowledged here, in hopes that it will not offend immigrants. The BBC make it their duty to ram homosexuality down everyones throats at every chance and brainwash our children at every chance, I mean for god's sake educating children to think that homosexual sex is as valid as hetrosexual sex is lunacy, if it was as valid hetrosexual sex then a child would be produced out of love end of ****ing story. It is not so there is no argument. The lefts are in power in Canada and in england, so homos will be gloryfied and made more important as a social experiment they will push us to the limits with their experiments see how far they can go with it till we say NO MORE! - all scientific researchers who conclude that homosexuality is the sign of a defect with be held back from showing the truth and not fundd because it will undermine their policies, did noone consider this:D, does no one notice that policys change when a different party is in:D. If you are trying to "prove" to me that homosexuality is normal in nature than you are failing miserably ESPECIALLY by showing a bbc website, the WORST website for institutionalized racism and in-equality. It has been proven that when a male feels inferior or is rejected in the animal kingdom he goes for the nearest hole:D, and other do it as a new experience, I'm going to stop my moaning because you people are beyond saving, I just hope you are having sex with animals and children in the future once you've got bored with gay sex move on to the next "equality" trend, but exactly where is the "equality" for the child being raised by a ****ing same sex couple? you lefties I bet never thought about that one did you? - how can a child fully recieve the equal love from both. Don't give me your new age vogue and cosmopolitan bull****, I've heard it all before. You're silly arguments pale in comparison of a tradition that has lasted since the beginnings of human civilization a gay trend since the 60's will never compare to the man and a woman it is alpha and omega yin and yang accept it. There was a bumming craze in ancient rome and Greece because they tried to be "elite" and "intellectual" and exeriment and look how it ended for them:D.

Just what are you people going to link me to next a site about male seahorses having babies and say that transgenders are perfectly normal give me a ****ing break. I could link you to a site saying that some animals kill the young cubs because they are ill or inferior? does this make this just in society also:D I do not think so.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Oh no Everyone! Agimat is onto us! Quick! Pack up your glory holes and lets run to some dark corner of the world to hide in until his prying eyes move on.

As for Rome, it had the most powerful empire the world had ever known, it had Pax Romana (the longest peace in the known world), and it did well right up until it started becoming christian and being told homosexuality is wrong.. did that end for Rome :p


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
As soon as prostitution and soliciting for the purposes of prostitution are completely legal, that opens the door for government regulation. Prostitution should be government regulated. Prostitutes should have to be a minimum age, be required to tested for communicable diseases, not allowed to work while they are infectious, pay into a pension fund, belong to a union...

No I would not want anyone to work as a prostitute, but in a free country consenting adults should be free to whatever they want as long as they don't harm others or burden society. My morals or any else's morals are beside the point. What important is that harm to the individual and to society is minimized. The current system involves minors, contributes to the spread of disease and in general has very poor and dangerous working conditions.


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
I do not often respond to the rhetoric average pc jock. There where more facotrs involved than Christianity, and to be honest hasn't the entire European civilization done just fine WITH Christianity:), now don't diss it because your so modern cool and challenging. It was not rome actually Christianity continued well on into the Byzantine empire. But homosexuality and decadence leads to decay end of story, you have no arguments, but more importantly you have no fundament in which to base your argument, either scientific or otherwise. rome actually failed through corruption and homosexality decadence and mass immigration all played a part, end of story. Our modern "civilization" is no exception. rome was most powerful empire in the world? what about the hungarians, the british and the ottomans? well actually I think Britian was never an empire in the true sense, but you get the point. At the end of the day, I will be the one who is laughing when history repeats itself, when you are the slaves of islam because you turned into a dedacent pleasure seeker.


Senate Member
Yes. Its about time. I can't believe that in the 21st century, prostitution is still illegal.

If I give you money, that's not a crime.

If I have sex with you, that's not a crime.

But if I give money to you and have sex with you, then that's a crime.

And if you're a man, that's another crime in 12 states.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Really Agimat? Cause here I was thinking that Rome got so big at a time when it was full of homosexuals. Im also pretty sure Byzantine all in all was a constant downward spiral before being fully consumed by Islam.

In fact, I've never ever heard of a country or nation going down the drain because it had any homosexuals.

I know its "cool" these days to be christio-centric (the type of "christians" who in an effort to prove they are better than other christians, like its a contest, blatantly ignore reality and rewrite history).

But at some point, you'll mature, realise its not cool and mellow out into a normal person who hopefully didn't lose his or her faith when they saw what type of person they were when they were young and trying desperately to fit in with their peers.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
I see feminism as redundant because a woman and a man can never be equal, a woman thinks differently to a man and vice versa, woman has a different anatomy to a man etc. This is not to say they are inferior or be kept in the house like most femists think it is a males goal (Well I guess most males are animals anyway). It is only right that women have an equal footing in society as men, but there are things that women are naturally qualified for such as maternal instinct (Which I'm afraid this is where the gays raising children becomes redundant:) - no matter how many gays having children tv shows the goverment airs or how many goverment websites it does not change this ). I think women in the infantry for the army is lunacy, we men are the warmongers:).

Not sure if you are going to come back, but I will continue for the sake of the thread. I see feminism as a self evident truth. Although anatomically a male and a female may be different (ignoring for now the case of the trans-gendered), the evidence shows that the differences in abilities and natural tendencies between men and woman is miniscule compared to the standard deviations within the skills of men and women. It is also possible to make a case for the cause of this to be environmental.

Subsequently, the statistics have failed to disprove the null hypothesis, subsequently, in general there is no reason to believe that a man can't do whatever a woman can and vice versa. You asked about studies being done, and who did them. The null hypothesis states that: There is no difference between the abilities of a man and a woman. You do not form experiments to test the null hypothesis, you set up experiments to disprove it. So most of the statistics are produced by statisticians working for religious lobby groups or just some psychologist out of interest. I have failed to find a paper which accurately discounts the null hypothesis.

For the subject at hand, statistics have also failed to show that prostitutes make unfit parents. Of course as I stated, the burden of proof does not lay with believing they are fine parents. The burden of proof lies with those who would say otherwise.

As soon as prostitution and soliciting for the purposes of prostitution are completely legal, that opens the door for government regulation. Prostitution should be government regulated. Prostitutes should have to be a minimum age, be required to tested for communicable diseases, not allowed to work while they are infectious, pay into a pension fund, belong to a union...

No I would not want anyone to work as a prostitute, but in a free country consenting adults should be free to whatever they want as long as they don't harm others or burden society. My morals or any else's morals are beside the point. What important is that harm to the individual and to society is minimized. The current system involves minors, contributes to the spread of disease and in general has very poor and dangerous working conditions.

I used to feel the same way about them being forced to test for STD's, but then I was reading something written by a prostitute's lobby group that changed my mind. The uncertainty that a customer has about the cleanliness of the prostitute protects them. If a prostitute is forced to produce a "meat certificate" to show their cleanliness, than the client may not worry any more and pressure the prostitute into unsafe sex. Without that certificate most people will wear a condom, as they should, and in that way the prostitute is better protected, and the client knows what they are getting into anyways.

Apparently, the number of people who go into prostitution for a short time to make a lot of money is the largest majority of them. It is not true that the majority are drug addicts or degenerates, which is a good thing. Of course some of them are, and these people need help. Child prostitution is a terrible thing, but our public communications laws makes everything happen behind closed doors where it is hard to patrol, the only way to "help" a minor trapped in prostitution at the moment in Canada is to have them arrested. The horrible "living off the avails" law, which is supposed to protect against pimps has the terrible effect that a prostitute can't even take a friend out to dinner, let alone support a family. The government has been aware of how terrible these laws are for two decades and has done nothing, they just don't want to get their hands dirty.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
omg what is the world coming too, when men still are unevolved and view women as sex toys:(

Men!?! Have you turned on a TV lately? Women think they're sex toys every bit as much as men do - more so.

If you don't want to be sex toys stop using feminine wiles and take a chance like the rest of us. It's women that do it to themselves. Men just get the blame.

I'm tired of Oprah Nazi's that are too afraid of men and too afraid of responsibility but ready to blame men for every problem they have. What an awful way for women to live.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Legalized prostitution would give people more jobs.

Keep the sex workers healthy and gainfully employed.

They can get a good pension plan.

And still keep them at risk from STDs, rape, murder (look at the Jack the Ripper-style murders that occurred in Britain in November and December), etc.

The way you describe legalised prostitution you make it sound as though it should become a proper profession, like a bank manager or a train driver.

"Tell me, little girl. What do you want to be when I grow up?"

"I want to be a prostitute. I hear that job has a good pension plan."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Actually, I think the japanese are extremely unique in this case, as the geisha is part of their heritage. As europeans we do not have prostitutes regarded as such, except maybe in burlesque places in France and Germany.

It's usually liberal, Socialist, traditionally left-wing countries who have legalised prostitution.

I think the Germans have. I'm not sure about the French. The Swedes and Dutch DEFINITELY have. It also wouldn't surprise me if Canada followed suit.

Luckily, there's not much chance of prostitution being legalised in Britain, especially after what happened last year when several prostitutes were murdered, Jack the Ripper-style, in the space of a few weeks in Suffolk.

Legalising prostitution is silly. It'll mean MORE prostitutes on our streets at night and more women putting themselves at risk of rape or murder. During the "Jack the Ripper 2" murders as Sun newspaper columnist declared that there should be more cops, watching out for prostitution, patrolling our streets and every prostitute that they see should be hauled off the streets, mainly for their own safety.

But legalising prostitution would surely contribute to more women putting themselves at risk of rape or murder and who think it's okay to make money by using their bodies as mere sexual playthings. Pieces of meat.