So. . .


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Oh and look at little missy who thinks she knows what I give a damn about. Hey Serryah? Go pound back a big ol' steaming mug of Go Fuck Yourself ya scrubby little ditch pig.

Aww Jinny, sweetie, you're having another moment.


And I know, the truth hurts you so much, but like a lot of things in life, if you just admit it, that's the first step to healing!

Probably because your basic attitude is "Fuck 'em." And so the idea of exploring ways to undo some of the damage the colonizers did, and maybe even asking the descendants of the victims what they want, never occurs to you. You engage in the classic false dichotomy of restoration/doing nothing, claiming that since it's impossible to reset the world to the way it was in 1491 (or whatever date you pick as the start of the European invasion), there's no reason to do anything at all to try to live with FNs or accommodate their cultural outlook. Obviously flawed. It's your own culture, in the law, that says "Money cannot restore (whatever), but it is the only tool we have to make up for the damage caused." That's what Anglo-Canadian-American law says when Corporation A harms Corporation B, or when Person X harms Person Y. But, just as the liable person or corporation's lawyer loves to say "That won't undo the damage," usually leaving unspoken the next part, "so my client should get away with what they've done."

This is one of the better explanations really of the issue.

But I do wonder when is "enough, enough" when it comes to situations like this? Not just for FN, but Black Americans/Canadians and so on? Is there a cut off in generations, a cut off in history, that we should start from? End at?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Aww Jinny, sweetie, you're having another moment.

View attachment 22594

And I know, the truth hurts you so much, but like a lot of things in life, if you just admit it, that's the first step to healing!

This is one of the better explanations really of the issue.

But I do wonder when is "enough, enough" when it comes to situations like this? Not just for FN, but Black Americans/Canadians and so on? Is there a cut off in generations, a cut off in history, that we should start from? End at?
If 1492 didn't happen, a few years later it would have been Chinese. There'd be no "FNs" today.