Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Yes. I was hoping that with:
Tiananmen Square & Hitler aside?
When asking:
I was just commenting on the misinformation and disinformation, & yeah the author is more overly dramatic than needed, but is he (or she?) wrong? Tiananmen Square & Hitler aside?
That could circle back to the thread topic.
And what brought Tiananmen Square into it?

Why yes, it WAS the article that you chose to post.
Yes, they are two different things. Government corruption, leading to murder and government corruption, not leading to murder. Two very different things.

Yes, I chose to post a link from a newspaper article, & I quoted enough so that those reading it would have the gist of the link. It’s true. I did that.

Here’s the same link without me posting anything from it:
…& not referring to the tangent the author takes in trying to equate CUPE needing to be abused by the government using the Emergencies Act, & not referring to the overly dramatic Tianenmen Square comparison….

….Is the author of that above linked news anrticle incorrect about the misdirection and cisdirection?

Serryah say yes, and you say Hitler, and that Tiananmen Square and Ottawa parking emergency are not the same thing. I agree, they are not the same thing (Tiananmen Square & Ottawa Protest), & I’m curious about how the….Conrad Black who penned the article…is incorrect about pointing out the misdirection & disdirection. Sorry, disinformation & misinformation.
Wasn’t someone gonna do something about Misinformation & Disinformation? Who was that again? Just sounds so familiar…
Anyway, question, asked and not answered. I’ll just leave it alone myself.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
On Feb. 14, 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government invoked the Emergencies Act as an extreme overreaction to the presence of the Freedom Convoy protest on Parliament Hill. This was the first time the Emergencies Act had ever been enacted in Canada. The far-reaching act allowed police to arrest protesters, remove vehicles and restrict access to public spaces. But more alarmingly, it also permitted the government to freeze personal bank accounts of suspected protest organizers.

But last week a federal judge ruled Justin Trudeau government’s use of the Emergencies Act was unconstitutional because the protest did not constitute a national emergency and was therefore unjustified. Judge Richard Mosley ruled that the convoy’s presence failed to meet the reasonable standard of a threat to national security required to invoke the Act.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” – Federal Court Judge Richard Mosley.
Damn racist misogynists with unacceptable views, the lot of them.

In the court of public opinion, Canadians were rightly appalled by the government’s unreasonable and irrational crackdown.

The clear violation of Constitutional rights should be disturbing to all Canadians and also cause concern about how our country is perceived by the rest of the democratic world.
1707103014168.jpegPrime Minister Trudeau received international condemnation for the gross overreaction and infringement of human rights. Unfortunately, Canada did not set a good example on the world stage for its handling of the incident and now faces legal consequences for its actions???
1707102499760.jpegBut instead of accepting the verdict and adapting its policies, the Trudeau government announced that it planned to appeal.
1707102463482.jpegThe Liberal government evidently is not prepared to acknowledge that Canadians’ rights were violated, and that alone is deeply troubling.
Section 2C of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms codifies the right to peacefully assemble including participation in demonstrations and protests. The Charter, established in 1982 by the Prime Minister’s own father, Pierre Trudeau, is an integral part of the Canadian Constitution. How ironic that Justin Trudeau would so audaciously violate it 40 years later.
Invoking the Emergencies Act was an unprecedented abuse of power – it should be reserved for threats to national security and extreme circumstances like times of war.
1707102701227.jpegClearly, the Freedom Convoy posed no such threat. The laws of the land must apply equally to the government as much as they do to the public. Any deviation from that standard invalidates the rule of law and invites anarchy and chaos.
Governments have a fundamental responsibility to carefully weigh the consequences of using such extraordinary powers. Protecting Canadians from further erosion of their rights is critical, especially in light of the federal government’s pending appeal.
If overturned, an extremely dangerous legal precedent would be established that would invite the Trudeau Liberals to continue infringing on the rights of Canadians without repercussion.
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The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
This is anecdotal, but I have noticed a spike in meal claim audits in the trucking industry. I know probably 12 or 15 people that got audited since that protest. I've been audited myself. I've never seen the CRA clamping down on truckers like this.
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bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
This is anecdotal, but I have noticed a spike in meal claim audits in the trucking industry. I know probably 12 or 15 people that got audited since that protest. I've been audited myself. I've never seen the CRA clamping down on truckers like this.
C.R.A. has a loophole for non residents maintaining a home in a foreign country to be taxed a flat rate of 15% on income paid as a bonus.

Pro sports has taken to structure contracts to be bonus heavy in order to put more money in the players pocket. Trevor Harris got a $250,000 bonus and a base salary of $190,000. Kind of blatantly sticks it to the tax payer who coughed up for the infrastructure the athlete uses to earn his income.

Where is the C.R.A. on that one? Out checking on lunch receipts of the people that pay real taxes. Canada has always been bad that way but may be at an all time low with the current regime.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This is anecdotal, but I have noticed a spike in meal claim audits in the trucking industry. I know probably 12 or 15 people that got audited since that protest. I've been audited myself. I've never seen the CRA clamping down on truckers like this.
It’s about this time of year that I start getting requests from those being audited, for their last entire years worth of ELD logs, so they can prove they where far enough from home to try and write of a portion of their day to day meals. Never happened before last year, and it was requested by several.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'm not even gonna mock your budding conspiracy theory this time, because sadly, governments like using the tax code to harass their perceived enemies.

It's a go-to tactic, because they can backstab their target group whilst piously claiming to be good shepherds of government money.

Nixon was famous for it.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm not even gonna mock your budding conspiracy theory this time, because sadly, governments like using the tax code to harass their perceived enemies.

It's a go-to tactic, because they can backstab their target group whilst piously claiming to be good shepherds of government money.

Nixon was famous for it.
Could be a coincidence. None of our fleet was involved in the goat rodeo in Ottawa, & maybe it’s just a focus on the sector in general.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Could just be the randomness of random audit selection, coincidentally, leading on this particular sector of the economy. And an apparent pattern where there isn’t one?
Could be. Happens all the time. Tax authorities frequently pick an "area of interest" for enforcement without any nefarious motives. I'm just saying this time there's a rational basis for suspicion.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It’s about this time of year that I start getting requests from those being audited, for their last entire years worth of ELD logs, so they can prove they where far enough from home to try and write of a portion of their day to day meals. Never happened before last year, and it was requested by several.
CCAs are getting slimmer. Putting more money in your pocket.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Now, don't get me wrong. . . if True Dope was otherwise spotless, this abysmally stupid, thuggish, ham-fisted invocation and use of the Emergencies Act would, by itself, disqualify him from running anything more significant than food truck.

Still, comparing it to Tiananmen Square is a bit much.
And they call Trudeau a "Drama" something something...
I was just commenting on the misinformation and disinformation, & yeah the author is more overly dramatic than needed, but is he (or she?) wrong? Tiananmen Square & Hitler aside?
Yes Ron. Government lies and mass murder are exactly the same thing.
Coincidence? Maybe, but those chicken nuggets (I hope they’re chicken) look kind of aggressive.
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