WE really need to get rid of this guy


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

Trudeau's an idiot, don't get me wrong.

But that's pretty much it; a spoiled little idiot.

Trump is downright fucking dangerous.

And if you don't know why then you REALLY need to start paying attention.

... I'd ask if you're joking but I think you honestly believe that.

LOL - even the hard core supporters are NOT the same, at all.

I get it, you hate Trudeau. But to compare him to Trump is inanity.
Yes, I know. I'm out of touch with reality because it crosses your line of support. THE LEFT could never be dangerous, but it is.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I don't doubt it, but it doesn't answer the question asked.
I'm not being a dick. Maybe I didn't understand your question. Could you please pose it again.
Yeah, I know. I'd love to get a real conservative in the White House. Romney springs to mind.
The Republican Party is a dysfunctional mess, kind of like the Democratic Party.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yes, I know. I'm out of touch with reality because it crosses your line of support. THE LEFT could never be dangerous, but it is.

And what 'line of support' is that, hmn?

The Left, the Right - it's politics, it's ALL dangerous in some form or another, especially 'to the other side'.

You're out of touch with reality because you think Trudeau's 'destroyed people' and is somehow as bad as Trump.

That's why you're delulu.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
And what 'line of support' is that, hmn?

The Left, the Right - it's politics, it's ALL dangerous in some form or another, especially 'to the other side'.

You're out of touch with reality because you think Trudeau's 'destroyed people' and is somehow as bad as Trump.

That's why you're delulu.
He has destroyed people. He destroyed the political career of Jody Wilson Raybould and destroyed the names and careers of Vice Admiral Mark Norman and General Danny Fortin. he has created the utopia of tent cities, and entitlement. Have you seen the state of our cities, where it's legal to shoot heroin or meth in public but don't dare walk down a beach with a can of beer. Plenty of people have died under the watch of this benevolent dictator. Plenty of families were abandoned in Afghanistan under Trudeau's watch, and are still being actively hunted by the enemy we gave it back to. We lost 158 Canadians in Afghanistan, and for what? So we could hand it back to the same monsters we took it from. He has set this country back decades and priced a generation out of owning a home. What do Trudeau and Trump have in common? They both have convinced their side that the other side is way fucking worse.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
He has destroyed people.


He destroyed the political career of Jody Wilson Raybould

Your opinion.

and destroyed the names and careers of Vice Admiral Mark Norman

Rightfully to be pissed about that and after refreshing the story myself, same.

and General Danny Fortin.

Your opinion.

But that said, his going after everyone that was involved in the mishandling was the right thing to do.

So... he's destroyed the lives of three people; do we look at who was destroyed under Trump?

he has created the utopia of tent cities, and entitlement.

How is that his fault, exactly? Is he going out and making those tent cities? Is he denying people homes personally?

Or is it more involved than that?

(hint, it's not that first part)

As for "entitlement" exactly what do you mean by that?

Have you seen the state of our cities,

Yes. And considering Moncton in NB is turning into the biggest one in the Maritime's (cause other cities are, so rumours say, sending THEIR homeless to M'ton) well... my brother lives there, I've friends there, so yeah, I DO see it, hear about it. It's beyond insane there.

where it's legal to shoot heroin or meth in public but don't dare walk down a beach with a can of beer.

Oh really? It's LEGAL to shoot heroin or meth, IN PUBLIC? Got proof of it? Not that it's just people doing it, but LEGAL?

And I'm not talking about monitored places that are meant to give safe areas for addicts to use. We're talking in public, which is out in the open. And that it's LEGAL to do so.

Personally, I don't agree with any of it and regardless of what it is - beer, drugs - it all should be banned in public.

Plenty of people have died under the watch of this benevolent dictator.

Plenty of people also lived under the watch of this trust fund idiot (and other PM's too). So?

Plenty of families were abandoned in Afghanistan

Yes, they were, and that is STILL flat out wrong, and needs to be remedied.

But then I'm a "liberal" who thinks that kind of responsibility and promises made need to be carried out. Cons on the other hand tend to not give a shit because, well, towel headed mooselims. And if you think that they wouldn't be like that, you're again not dealing with reality.

under Trudeau's watch, and are still being actively hunted by the enemy we gave it back to.


The US - under TRUMP - gave it back to them.

All we did was stupidly follow the agreement that Trump made and later Biden had to follow. And sure, we could have gone back on it but guess what, NO ONE wanted to be there anymore. So unless YOU are willing to force people to stay there, it wasn't happening once Trump signed that deal with the Taliban.

Trump fucked that up, NOT Trudeau.

We lost 158 Canadians in Afghanistan, and for what?

Exactly. For what?

We COULD say it was to prevent another 9/11. We COULD say it was trying to help the people of Afghanistan further their lives so they didn't need the Taliban. We COULD give a lot of reasons.

But the - here's that word again, reality - is, that none of it would have worked. Why? Read up on Afghanistan's history.

So we could hand it back to the same monsters we took it from.

Not his fault.

He has set this country back decades and priced a generation out of owning a home.

LOL - no.

Banks, Inflation, the wealthiest in the world who value profit over humans, a pandemic that we fucked the dog over, all of that did this.

All Trudeau did was nothing to stop it outright, nothing to make things easier, nothing to help, etc.

That makes him part of the problem, not the SOURCE of the problem.

What do Trudeau and Trump have in common? They both have convinced their side that the other side is way fucking worse.

Well that much I can sort of agree with you... cause that's politics.

That said, Trump has actively, consistently, openly and without any consideration at all except to his ego pushed people TO hate the other side, and think it's worse.

Trudeau - he's just stupid. But I don't think PP or Singh or anyone else who isn't Liberal is worse because they're not Liberal.

It's because none of them are better than him, and they certainly haven't proven they deserve to be PM.

And regardless of that, I will NOT vote for him because "he's better than the others", because he isn't.

Others will vote for him because they don't like PP, or Singh.

Others might vote against him because they don't like him.

Look, I get you and Ron and others hate Trudeau SO MUCH that you have strokes every time he breathes, you go into seizures every time he speaks and you froth at the mouth every time you think of ANYTHING he's done, good or bad.

But just because he drives you to that end, does NOT make him worse, somehow, than Trump.

You CANNOT compare the two what so ever because for all the fucking shit Trudeau's done, Trump STILL has done worse.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Trudeau really did grab a teenage student by the pussy.

If you have $10 to pay BC Courts you can access the case where someone was ran over (fatality?) by a stoned Trudeau and swept under the rug.

Oh shit that right too. Trudeau has been to raves thrown by a serial killer in Port Coquitlam. Crack parties in Rob Boyds house in Whistler...
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006

Your opinion.

Rightfully to be pissed about that and after refreshing the story myself, same.

Your opinion.

But that said, his going after everyone that was involved in the mishandling was the right thing to do.

So... he's destroyed the lives of three people; do we look at who was destroyed under Trump?

How is that his fault, exactly? Is he going out and making those tent cities? Is he denying people homes personally?

Or is it more involved than that?

(hint, it's not that first part)

As for "entitlement" exactly what do you mean by that?

Yes. And considering Moncton in NB is turning into the biggest one in the Maritime's (cause other cities are, so rumours say, sending THEIR homeless to M'ton) well... my brother lives there, I've friends there, so yeah, I DO see it, hear about it. It's beyond insane there.

Oh really? It's LEGAL to shoot heroin or meth, IN PUBLIC? Got proof of it? Not that it's just people doing it, but LEGAL?

And I'm not talking about monitored places that are meant to give safe areas for addicts to use. We're talking in public, which is out in the open. And that it's LEGAL to do so.

Personally, I don't agree with any of it and regardless of what it is - beer, drugs - it all should be banned in public.

Plenty of people also lived under the watch of this trust fund idiot (and other PM's too). So?

Yes, they were, and that is STILL flat out wrong, and needs to be remedied.

But then I'm a "liberal" who thinks that kind of responsibility and promises made need to be carried out. Cons on the other hand tend to not give a shit because, well, towel headed mooselims. And if you think that they wouldn't be like that, you're again not dealing with reality.


The US - under TRUMP - gave it back to them.

All we did was stupidly follow the agreement that Trump made and later Biden had to follow. And sure, we could have gone back on it but guess what, NO ONE wanted to be there anymore. So unless YOU are willing to force people to stay there, it wasn't happening once Trump signed that deal with the Taliban.

Trump fucked that up, NOT Trudeau.

Exactly. For what?

We COULD say it was to prevent another 9/11. We COULD say it was trying to help the people of Afghanistan further their lives so they didn't need the Taliban. We COULD give a lot of reasons.

But the - here's that word again, reality - is, that none of it would have worked. Why? Read up on Afghanistan's history.

Not his fault.

LOL - no.

Banks, Inflation, the wealthiest in the world who value profit over humans, a pandemic that we fucked the dog over, all of that did this.

All Trudeau did was nothing to stop it outright, nothing to make things easier, nothing to help, etc.

That makes him part of the problem, not the SOURCE of the problem.

Well that much I can sort of agree with you... cause that's politics.

That said, Trump has actively, consistently, openly and without any consideration at all except to his ego pushed people TO hate the other side, and think it's worse.

Trudeau - he's just stupid. But I don't think PP or Singh or anyone else who isn't Liberal is worse because they're not Liberal.

It's because none of them are better than him, and they certainly haven't proven they deserve to be PM.

And regardless of that, I will NOT vote for him because "he's better than the others", because he isn't.

Others will vote for him because they don't like PP, or Singh.

Others might vote against him because they don't like him.

Look, I get you and Ron and others hate Trudeau SO MUCH that you have strokes every time he breathes, you go into seizures every time he speaks and you froth at the mouth every time you think of ANYTHING he's done, good or bad.

But just because he drives you to that end, does NOT make him worse, somehow, than Trump.

You CANNOT compare the two what so ever because for all the fucking shit Trudeau's done, Trump STILL has done worse.
No, you can't compare the two because there's no comparison. As President, Trump did some good things. Unfortunately, he had to fight like hell against the "swamp" both Dems & Republicans to do what he accomplished which was quite remarkable. Unfortunately, he couldn't do all that was required because of them. Because of the Marxists in the current Administration, IF he wins, OR whomever takes the Republican primary, will have to deal with exactly the same thing which is not good for the country. If Republicans win the next election, and even before, they'll have to get their shit together & fight like hell to save the country from idiots the same as we need to do in Canada. Things are NOT looking good for either of us. It'll be interesting to see what 2024 brings forth, likely more stupid policies & regulations stifling growth & the economy just like what's happened in Canada in 2015 and the past 3 years of the U.S.

I'm having a hard time being optimistic because of the stupidity of our leaders in both countries.

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Unfortunately, that 50 seat win will take seats from the Conservatives, not liberals. That would result in another liberal minority propped up by the dippers.
They have the Conservatives winning 191 seats to the Liberal 83 seats so there is room for the Conservatives to give up a few seats. Not that there is a party in place to take advantage of the regional support.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

Your opinion.

Rightfully to be pissed about that and after refreshing the story myself, same.

Your opinion.

But that said, his going after everyone that was involved in the mishandling was the right thing to do.

So... he's destroyed the lives of three people; do we look at who was destroyed under Trump?

How is that his fault, exactly? Is he going out and making those tent cities? Is he denying people homes personally?

Or is it more involved than that?

(hint, it's not that first part)

As for "entitlement" exactly what do you mean by that?

Yes. And considering Moncton in NB is turning into the biggest one in the Maritime's (cause other cities are, so rumours say, sending THEIR homeless to M'ton) well... my brother lives there, I've friends there, so yeah, I DO see it, hear about it. It's beyond insane there.

Oh really? It's LEGAL to shoot heroin or meth, IN PUBLIC? Got proof of it? Not that it's just people doing it, but LEGAL?

And I'm not talking about monitored places that are meant to give safe areas for addicts to use. We're talking in public, which is out in the open. And that it's LEGAL to do so.

Personally, I don't agree with any of it and regardless of what it is - beer, drugs - it all should be banned in public.

Plenty of people also lived under the watch of this trust fund idiot (and other PM's too). So?

Yes, they were, and that is STILL flat out wrong, and needs to be remedied.

But then I'm a "liberal" who thinks that kind of responsibility and promises made need to be carried out. Cons on the other hand tend to not give a shit because, well, towel headed mooselims. And if you think that they wouldn't be like that, you're again not dealing with reality.


The US - under TRUMP - gave it back to them.

All we did was stupidly follow the agreement that Trump made and later Biden had to follow. And sure, we could have gone back on it but guess what, NO ONE wanted to be there anymore. So unless YOU are willing to force people to stay there, it wasn't happening once Trump signed that deal with the Taliban.

Trump fucked that up, NOT Trudeau.

Exactly. For what?

We COULD say it was to prevent another 9/11. We COULD say it was trying to help the people of Afghanistan further their lives so they didn't need the Taliban. We COULD give a lot of reasons.

But the - here's that word again, reality - is, that none of it would have worked. Why? Read up on Afghanistan's history.

Not his fault.

LOL - no.

Banks, Inflation, the wealthiest in the world who value profit over humans, a pandemic that we fucked the dog over, all of that did this.

All Trudeau did was nothing to stop it outright, nothing to make things easier, nothing to help, etc.

That makes him part of the problem, not the SOURCE of the problem.

Well that much I can sort of agree with you... cause that's politics.

That said, Trump has actively, consistently, openly and without any consideration at all except to his ego pushed people TO hate the other side, and think it's worse.
Trudeau did the same thing with Canadians. He pitted vaccinated Canadians against unvaccinated Canadians.
Trudeau - he's just stupid. But I don't think PP or Singh or anyone else who isn't Liberal is worse because they're not Liberal
It's because none of them are better than him, and they certainly haven't proven they deserve to be PM.
I can't wait until PP is prime Minister. JS will never be prime minister, and will be remembered as hanging on Justin's testicles.
And regardless of that, I will NOT vote for him because "he's better than the others", because he isn't.

Others will vote for him because they don't like PP, or Singh.
No, that's where you're wrong. Plenty of Canadians voted for Justin, and a large portion of them now have buyers remorse.
Others might vote against him because they don't like him.
Those folks are already voting against him.
Look, I get you and Ron and others hate Trudeau SO MUCH that you have strokes every time he breathes, you go into seizures every time he speaks and you froth at the mouth every time you think of ANYTHING he's done, good or bad.
Whose head are you living in? This is a forum, not a Justin Trudeau love in. I think he's a clueless idiot, but his policies have royally screwed up the country.
But just because he drives you to that end, does NOT make him worse, somehow, than Trump.
Serryah, he is the polar opposite of Trumps politics, I don't like Trump either, but the playbook is the same. When you put stupid people in power, they often make for dangerous decisions.
You CANNOT compare the two what so ever because for all the fucking shit Trudeau's done, Trump STILL has done worse.
How is he worse. January 6th? I think he should be in Jail, but that's the corruption we are faced with. Trudeau has
leapt from one scandal into another. I won't go over the damage he's done again. But what I am saying is true. Our soldiers are going to food banks. Perhaps your visceral hate of Trump blinds you to the fact that someone could be equally as stupid and dangerous. Thanks for the lengthy reply.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Serryah, he is the polar opposite of Trumps politics,


I don't like Trump either, but the playbook is the same.

To you.

When you put stupid people in power, they often make for dangerous decisions.


How is he worse.

I've already listed how he's worse.

January 6th?

I kept away from politics but if you want to include that, it increases the list.

I think he should be in Jail, but that's the corruption we are faced with.

At least you think he should be in jail.

Trudeau has
leapt from one scandal into another.

Yep, he has, a reason why he's not just an idiot.

I won't go over the damage he's done again.

Good, because some of it is based on opinion and not fact.

But what I am saying is true.

To you.

Our soldiers are going to food banks.

They've been going to food banks for YEARS and you know that.

That should never be an option for any soldier. But if you're suggesting only Trudeau is to blame for that... come the fuck on.

Perhaps your visceral hate of Trump

LOL - I don't care about Trump enough to 'hate' him. But I do care about the ripples he's put out there that affect my friends in the states. And that is what pisses me off.

But you're one to talk about visceral hate, considering how much it's oozing from you about Trudeau.
blinds you to the fact that someone could be equally as stupid and dangerous.

I'm not blind to Trudeau's faults.

I just don't think they're as bad as Trumps.
Thanks for the lengthy reply.


Look, I know we're not going to agree on this. That said, the discussion was interesting and I looked into things I didn't know/remember.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They've been going to food banks for YEARS and you know that.

That should never be an option for any soldier. But if you're suggesting only Trudeau is to blame for that... come the fuck on.
Paying attention goes a long way...

As inflation and food costs rise, an Edmonton food bank for veterans is struggling to keep up with increasing demand.

The Veterans Association Food Bank opened its Edmonton location in 2020 after the same organization found success in Calgary.

They've since opened two more warehouses in Grande Prairie and Lethbridge to support veterans across the province.

But the rising need has made it difficult to keep up.




The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Look, I know we're not going to agree on this. That said, the discussion was interesting and I looked into things I didn't know/remember.

I don't hate Justin Trudeau. I don't even like FUCK TRUDEAU flags. I criticized the idiots that through gravel at him and his soon to be ex wife during the election he called to try and grab a majority. What I don't like are apologists, and there are plenty in both the Trump and the Trudeau camp. Probably equal amounts if we broke it down to per capita. I am aghast at the Kool Aid mentality in both camps and I can't for the life of me understand why people are so gullible. What Trump did on Jan 6th was treason, and people were killed as a result. It was the last act in the biggest gong show in American politics. I like to call it: the Running of the Tards. I can't wrap my head around anyone defending that. He planted that seed even before the election was called and should have been escorted to a cell. He's not a patriot, he and his gang of carpetbaggers were going to take the country even if they lost the election. Trump fucked that up for the republicans when he shot off his mouth that day. They were going to challenge it in the courts with judges they appointed. That came right out of Roger Stones mouth. I saw him say it. If Trump had let the election run they would have done what Gore did and challenged it in court. Anybody that believes anything different is living in deep denial. I am a conservative,but the Trump/Pence administration made the Bush/Cheney Administration look tame. I've had people I know say, "Trump connects with the working man. He's the best President that ever was." There's usually an orange Kool Aid stain in the corners of the mouth. The problem is choice. THe Democrats handed that election to Trump on a silver platter through their arrogance and blinders. Fucking Hillary Clinton who left guys to die in Benghazi. Between her and Bill I'm not sure what they were thinking. Actually, I do know what they were thinking. They were thinking, "There is no way that Americans are going to elect a loudmouth buffoon like Donald Trump. Let's run Hillary!" It was a huge mistake, but they just might be making it a second time. Because Joe aint going to make it through a term. He's in Ronny Reagan territory.

Trudeau hasn't staged a coup, but with the help of Jagmeet Singh they have taken this country hostage for at least another year. I'm a brothers keeper kind of guy, and although you might not think it, I am very pragmatic. Justin Trudeau and his cronies are reaping what they have sown with insane borrowing, and then downloading of a tax that has compounded since it started. What I still can't believe is that I watched this happen and Canadians were complicit. Over 700 billion dollars and while I know that there was money that had to be spent, this was like watching a degenerate gambler with an unlimited credit card. When you dump that much printed money into a market you create a tsunami of inflation. Followed by intertest rate hikes to basically throw a few canadians on the fire to slow that shit down. The government sanctioned 10,000.00 giveaway if your business borrowed 40,000.00 you only had to pay back 30,000.00. No oversight. Supposed to be for employees and went into the back pocket of the owners.

He isn't even a real Liberal anymore. He's so blinded by ego and legacy that he's willing to ride this dead horse right into hell no matter how many Canadians will be hurt in the process. They are trying to curb our fuel use like they curbed cigarettes with taxes, but it doesn't work. People still have to drive to work. Maybe not in cities, but in the rural parts of this country. And this really does start at the farm. My son is a dairy farmer, state of the art robots, free run, they come in to milk and eat go out to poops. But he also has nine tractors that need diesel and farmers don't get a carve out. Those tractors tend to the field that feed his cows, because in order to survive he has to grow his own hay and straw.

The government of Canada is killing Canadian Farmers with this carbon tax, and as a dairy farmer they also make him dump all excess milk that comes in over quota. Good milk gone. I'm very proud of my son, he served 20 years over two wars and a bunch of skirmishs. He met a farm girl fell in love and they gave us three grandkids, he became a farmer. The Trudeau government fucked with the military pension act so that you now have to wait until your 65 to collect your military pension. The only perk of 20 years plus service was getting a pension you pay into, while still young enough to pursue a new career. I'm being a bit personal here, because I saw his policies shut down nine companies in Alberta almost overnight. My brother lost his job, and was out of work for almost two years. I didn't always live in Alberta, I started in Ontario, when the economy tanked, I became an economic refugees. "Why Ay Man" Great song. Mark Knopfler.

We flew in and worked for six weeks then went home for two. Sometimes six weeks could turn into months. After living like that for two years, my wife and I decided to move here. Despite the bad press and ignorance hoisted upon Alberta by certain politicians and press outlets, it is one of those most culturally diverse provinces in Canada. Also the most welcoming province. We have every demographic here from coast to coast. Good pay for hard work.

Director James Cameron came here before he did AVATAR. He went to Fort Mac with a preconceived notion of what an oil patch is and who the people working there are. He openly admitted the bias in an interview. This isn't verbatum, but he said what he found were hard working people with families just like you and me. And he said that of everyone he met. When Jane Fonda came here, she came with a preconceived bias and so did Neil Young, but they were there for the photo op while Cameron was there to learn. Cameron looked at everything, including reclamation. Young and Fond? Not so much.

Trudeau and Freeland and Guillbeault are more like Neil Young and Jane Fonda. They are dedicated to hating the energy industry, while reaping its benefits and sticking it to the working class. Let's say we meet the targets they've laid down. It won't mean shit except that Trudeau, Guillbeault, and Freeland are millionaires who don't worry about having enough for heat and groceries. They care about legacy. We will not have made a mouse fart of a difference because China burns the coal we sell them and will continue to do so. Because India doesn't give a shit about carbon because they are emerging out of squalor and money trumps environment. People still gotta heat their homes, drive tractors, go to work so their children can eat and ready themselves for the next generation of lunatics.

The Trudeau government is a doomsday cult and this is their Waco in slow motion.

Sorry I got long winded. I don't hate him, I don't have time to hate anyone.
But I sure in the hell don't respect him because he like Trump is putting himself before the country and its people.

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Chrystia Freeland reportedly spends thousands on limos, taxis in GTA
Transportation expenses uncovered in Access to Information records

Author of the article:postmedia News
Published Jan 03, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 1 minute read

So much for her claims about riding her bike and taking public transit.

Access to Information records show that Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland has been billing thousands of dollars for limousines and taxis in the GTA, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

Freeland billed $3,040 for limo and taxi rides in addition to $6,736 for separate trips by her official chauffeur.

These expenses don’t include $781 spent by Freeland for cars and drivers at the Oct. 30, 2021 United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Scotland.

Freeland earlier said she led Canadians by example on climate change.

“I think all of us who are in these positions of responsibility need to take a deep breath and ask ourselves what we did today to fight climate change,” Freeland testified last June 7 at the Senate national finance committee.

“What did I do today to be sure that we’re doing the right things for Canada?”

Blacklock’s asked for the figures after Freeland said last July 27 she did not own a car and used only carbon-friendly methods to travel through the Toronto area.

All claims to the contrary were “blatant disinformation,” she said.

“I right now am an MP from downtown Toronto,” Freeland told reporters at the time.

“A fact that still shocks my dad is I don’t actually own a car because I live in downtown Toronto. I am like 300 metres from the nearest subway. I walk, I take the subway. I make my kids walk and ride their bikes and take the subway. It’s actually healthier for our family. I can live that way.”

Freeland has not explained her expense claims or use of a government-issue car and chauffeur in the GTA.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Trudeau Liberals still giving China more than $7.59 million in aid: Report
Amount confirmed in report tabled in Parliament, according to Blacklock's Reporter

Author of the article:postmedia News
Published Jan 03, 2024 • 1 minute read
The former Opposition leader has been critical of government aid to China.
China is still receiving $7.59 million in foreign aid from the federal government, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

The figure was confirmed by the Department of Foreign Affairs in a new Statistical Report on International Assistance tabled in Parliament.

Four years ago, opposition MPs asked for an immediate end to all foreign aid to a “communist dictatorial government that abuses human rights.”

Back then, China was getting as much as $41 million from Canada before then-Opposition leader Andrew Scheer called for all of it to be suspended.

“I don’t believe Canadian taxpayers should be sending any money to China,” Scheer told reporters at the time.

“We’re talking about a communist dictatorial government that abuses human rights, quashes freedoms, violates rights of its citizens and has a very aggressive foreign policy all throughout the region. China is headed in a direction that is not in alignment with Canadian values.”

The Chinese aid figures don’t include $18.7 million in repayable Export Development Canada loans or the Finance Department’s $159.2-million US purchase of shares in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank of Beijing.

Opposition MPs have repeatedly demanded that cabinet withdraw its bank investment.

“Forty per cent of the staff are Chinese nationals, many of whom are Chinese Communist Party members,” Bob Pickard, who last year resigned as bank communications chief, testified at a Dec. 11 committee hearing.

“I am alleging undue Chinese Communist Party influence in the everyday operations of the bank. People keep on asking me, ‘Where are the documents?’ Well if I had taken those documents, I’d either be in a Chinese jail right now or I would be under serious litigation.”

The largest recipient of Canadian foreign aid is Ethiopia at $206.6 million a year.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I don't hate Justin Trudeau. I don't even like FUCK TRUDEAU flags. I criticized the idiots that through gravel at him and his soon to be ex wife during the election he called to try and grab a majority. What I don't like are apologists, and there are plenty in both the Trump and the Trudeau camp. Probably equal amounts if we broke it down to per capita. I am aghast at the Kool Aid mentality in both camps and I can't for the life of me understand why people are so gullible. What Trump did on Jan 6th was treason, and people were killed as a result. It was the last act in the biggest gong show in American politics. I like to call it: the Running of the Tards. I can't wrap my head around anyone defending that. He planted that seed even before the election was called and should have been escorted to a cell. He's not a patriot, he and his gang of carpetbaggers were going to take the country even if they lost the election. Trump fucked that up for the republicans when he shot off his mouth that day. They were going to challenge it in the courts with judges they appointed. That came right out of Roger Stones mouth. I saw him say it. If Trump had let the election run they would have done what Gore did and challenged it in court. Anybody that believes anything different is living in deep denial. I am a conservative,but the Trump/Pence administration made the Bush/Cheney Administration look tame. I've had people I know say, "Trump connects with the working man. He's the best President that ever was." There's usually an orange Kool Aid stain in the corners of the mouth. The problem is choice. THe Democrats handed that election to Trump on a silver platter through their arrogance and blinders. Fucking Hillary Clinton who left guys to die in Benghazi. Between her and Bill I'm not sure what they were thinking. Actually, I do know what they were thinking. They were thinking, "There is no way that Americans are going to elect a loudmouth buffoon like Donald Trump. Let's run Hillary!" It was a huge mistake, but they just might be making it a second time. Because Joe aint going to make it through a term. He's in Ronny Reagan territory.

Trudeau hasn't staged a coup, but with the help of Jagmeet Singh they have taken this country hostage for at least another year. I'm a brothers keeper kind of guy, and although you might not think it, I am very pragmatic. Justin Trudeau and his cronies are reaping what they have sown with insane borrowing, and then downloading of a tax that has compounded since it started. What I still can't believe is that I watched this happen and Canadians were complicit. Over 700 billion dollars and while I know that there was money that had to be spent, this was like watching a degenerate gambler with an unlimited credit card. When you dump that much printed money into a market you create a tsunami of inflation. Followed by intertest rate hikes to basically throw a few canadians on the fire to slow that shit down. The government sanctioned 10,000.00 giveaway if your business borrowed 40,000.00 you only had to pay back 30,000.00. No oversight. Supposed to be for employees and went into the back pocket of the owners.

He isn't even a real Liberal anymore. He's so blinded by ego and legacy that he's willing to ride this dead horse right into hell no matter how many Canadians will be hurt in the process. They are trying to curb our fuel use like they curbed cigarettes with taxes, but it doesn't work. People still have to drive to work. Maybe not in cities, but in the rural parts of this country. And this really does start at the farm. My son is a dairy farmer, state of the art robots, free run, they come in to milk and eat go out to poops. But he also has nine tractors that need diesel and farmers don't get a carve out. Those tractors tend to the field that feed his cows, because in order to survive he has to grow his own hay and straw.

The government of Canada is killing Canadian Farmers with this carbon tax, and as a dairy farmer they also make him dump all excess milk that comes in over quota. Good milk gone. I'm very proud of my son, he served 20 years over two wars and a bunch of skirmishs. He met a farm girl fell in love and they gave us three grandkids, he became a farmer. The Trudeau government fucked with the military pension act so that you now have to wait until your 65 to collect your military pension. The only perk of 20 years plus service was getting a pension you pay into, while still young enough to pursue a new career. I'm being a bit personal here, because I saw his policies shut down nine companies in Alberta almost overnight. My brother lost his job, and was out of work for almost two years. I didn't always live in Alberta, I started in Ontario, when the economy tanked, I became an economic refugees. "Why Ay Man" Great song. Mark Knopfler.

We flew in and worked for six weeks then went home for two. Sometimes six weeks could turn into months. After living like that for two years, my wife and I decided to move here. Despite the bad press and ignorance hoisted upon Alberta by certain politicians and press outlets, it is one of those most culturally diverse provinces in Canada. Also the most welcoming province. We have every demographic here from coast to coast. Good pay for hard work.

Director James Cameron came here before he did AVATAR. He went to Fort Mac with a preconceived notion of what an oil patch is and who the people working there are. He openly admitted the bias in an interview. This isn't verbatum, but he said what he found were hard working people with families just like you and me. And he said that of everyone he met. When Jane Fonda came here, she came with a preconceived bias and so did Neil Young, but they were there for the photo op while Cameron was there to learn. Cameron looked at everything, including reclamation. Young and Fond? Not so much.

Trudeau and Freeland and Guillbeault are more like Neil Young and Jane Fonda. They are dedicated to hating the energy industry, while reaping its benefits and sticking it to the working class. Let's say we meet the targets they've laid down. It won't mean shit except that Trudeau, Guillbeault, and Freeland are millionaires who don't worry about having enough for heat and groceries. They care about legacy. We will not have made a mouse fart of a difference because China burns the coal we sell them and will continue to do so. Because India doesn't give a shit about carbon because they are emerging out of squalor and money trumps environment. People still gotta heat their homes, drive tractors, go to work so their children can eat and ready themselves for the next generation of lunatics.

The Trudeau government is a doomsday cult and this is their Waco in slow motion.

Sorry I got long winded. I don't hate him, I don't have time to hate anyone.
But I sure in the hell don't respect him because he like Trump is putting himself before the country and its people.

I agree with almost everything you said except the Jan 6th part. Exactly WHAT did he say/do that makes whatever he said/do criminal? Please explains as no one, to date, has provided me with an explanation. I've asked repeatedly to no avail. I understand he's an egotist, exaggerates, bloviates etc. but what has he done that was illegal? Serious question.