WE really need to get rid of this guy


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Trump is a far better person than turdOWE.

Prove it then.

Non-politically, Trump has:

- entered into the change rooms of underage and barely of age girls in his pageants on the excuse that he "owns" them.
- has said his daughter would make a great girlfriend for him (a "joke" he claims)
- has demanded innocent people be executed (central park 5) and not apologized
- bragged about sexual assaults
- committed sexual assaults
- avoided the draft (not a big thing to "libruls", unless you were pro 'Murica during that time; daddy's $$ got him out)
- takes credit for things that have nothing to do with him (latest is apparently the Home Alone 2 movie? )

Trudeau is a dick, sure. Trust fund baby, goes back on his word, but out of politics?
- he did black face
- he groped a woman, and gave a lame apology

On sexual assaults alone, Trump is worse times a thousand than Trudeau.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
- takes credit for things that have nothing to do with him (latest is apparently the Home Alone 2 movie? )
If you assume that giving incorrect directions to the lobby makes or breaks that movie (if you watch the scene after where Kevin enters the lobby he has just made a turn opposite to the one Trump gives so the implication is his directions were wrong. Most likely just a continuity error). But even so, on nobody's playbook is 2 considered better than 1.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
If you assume that giving incorrect directions to the lobby makes or breaks that movie (if you watch the scene after where Kevin enters the lobby he has just made a turn opposite to the one Trump gives so the implication is his directions were wrong. Most likely just a continuity error). But even so, on nobody's playbook is 2 considered better than 1.

Merits of the movies aside...

And then I saw this:

I can't help it; that's just funny as hell. It's from 2019 but being butthurt because CBC cut out his part is on par for Trump.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
At least True Dope doesn't have a history of stiffing his business contractors (that I know of).
Isn’t that a Biden thing? Asking from the outside, as long as business contractors means women or little girls?

Sorry, I read stiffing as sniffing above. My bad.
Prove it then.

Non-politically, Trump has:

- entered into the change rooms of underage and barely of age girls in his pageants on the excuse that he "owns" them.
- has said his daughter would make a great girlfriend for him (a "joke" he claims)
- has demanded innocent people be executed (central park 5) and not apologized
- bragged about sexual assaults
- committed sexual assaults
- avoided the draft (not a big thing to "libruls", unless you were pro 'Murica during that time; daddy's $$ got him out)
- takes credit for things that have nothing to do with him (latest is apparently the Home Alone 2 movie? )

Trudeau is a dick, sure. Trust fund baby, goes back on his word, but out of politics?
- he did black face
- he groped a woman, and gave a lame apology
Then there’s the whole Grey Point Academy thing, but shhhh says the NDA.
On sexual assaults alone, Trump is worse times a thousand than Trudeau.
On sheer volume perhaps due to their differences in ages (?) differences in exposure to negative media? Pre-2015 Trudeau was Canadian Royalty with no real negative media, but Trump not so much…


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Then there’s the whole Grey Point Academy thing, but shhhh says the NDA.

Didn't know about that one so okay, include that too.

On sheer volume perhaps due to their differences in ages (?) differences in exposure to negative media? Pre-2015 Trudeau was Canadian Royalty with no real negative media, but Trump not so much…

On basis that sheer volume and the fact Trump denies it even with proof.

Trudeau at least has given piss poor apologies.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
On basis that sheer volume and the fact Trump denies it even with proof.

Trudeau at least has given piss poor apologies.
On the Grey Point Academy thing, I’ve never seen him admit to, or apologize for, or allow the student (a La Wilson-Raybould type thing) in the NDA to speak about this…occurrence. If you can find it, I would love to see it.
Dude couldn’t remember (or admit to) how many times he wore blackface….let alone this sort’a thing. Dude doesn’t apologize, unless he’s apologizing for somebody else…but not himself, as it’s always a lesson that we can all learn from, etc…


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
On the Grey Point Academy thing, I’ve never seen him admit to, or apologize for, or allow the student (a La Wilson-Raybould type thing) in the NDA to speak about this…occurrence. If you can find it, I would love to see it.

Since I don't recall it - and sometimes my memory is shit - I'm going to look into it.

As for the Wilson-Raybould thing... well I've a different opinion than most about that and we'll just leave it at that.

Dude couldn’t remember (or admit to) how many times he wore blackface….let alone this sort’a thing. Dude doesn’t apologize, unless he’s apologizing for somebody else…but not himself, as it’s always a lesson that we can all learn from, etc…

Well that's your opinion. I've read instances where he has apologized. Doesn't mean he gets a pass but *shrug*

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Since I don't recall it - and sometimes my memory is shit - I'm going to look into it.
You’re not suppose to remember it. That was the idea behind the NDA & his getting out of the school mid-semester, announced by a law firm, & the soft media towards the Trudeau name pre 8yrs of exposed idiocy and even that took several years for him to be treated like anyone else.
As for the Wilson-Raybould thing... well I've a different opinion than most about that and we'll just leave it at that.
Yeah, She (Jody W-R) was free to speak, because it was 2015-ish, sort of.
Well that's your opinion. I've read instances where he has apologized. Doesn't mean he gets a pass but *shrug*
Must be.
  • Haha
Reactions: Serryah


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Blackface is all there's actual proof of him doing.

If you're alluding to a supposed sex thing, well: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trudeau-sex-scandal-school/

Now I'm sure you're going to point out people are covering for him or he's lying or blah, blah... unless now YOU can prove there's anything done with that, it's at least falling under the category of "Bullshit until proven"

That and being an freaky teacher which, TBH - I had freaky teachers in school too. Some not so great, some just embarrassing idiots.

From what I've seen (here no less: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/malcolm-trudeaus-yearbook-tells-a-bigger-story ) he falls under the later.

Dude couldn’t remember (or admit to) how many times he wore blackface….let alone this sort’a thing. Dude doesn’t apologize, unless he’s apologizing for somebody else…but not himself, as it’s always a lesson that we can all learn from, etc…

Yeah... that's not exactly true.

Yes, he couldn't remember the times he did black face (and I've my opinions on that) But here you go:

I want to begin by saying a few words directly to racialized Canadians who face discrimination every single day in their lives even in a country like Canada. What I did hurt them, hurt people, who shouldn’t have to face intolerance and discrimination because of their identity. This is something that I deeply, deeply regret. Darkening your face, regardless of the context of the circumstances is always unacceptable because of the racist history of blackface. should have understood that then and I never should have done it.

During his statement, which he made aboard his campaign plane in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Trudeau was asked multiple times by reporters if he would resign. The prime minister avoided answering the question directly. “I take responsibility for my decision to do that. I shouldn’t have done it. I should’ve known better,” he said.

He added: “It was something that I didn’t think was racist at the time, but now I recognize it was something racist to do, and I am deeply sorry.”

When asked about what he has to say to members of his staff who are part of minority groups, Trudeau responded, “I have a number of calls to friends and colleagues tonight, and I will have many more calls to make.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized Thursday afternoon about the controversy of him appearing in photos from years ago dressed in blackface and brownface. At least three photos have been released that show Trudeau wearing darkened makeup on his face.

"This is something I deeply, deeply regret," Trudeau told reporters in Winnipeg. He said wearing blackface is "always unacceptable because of the racist history of blackface. I should've understood it then, and I should have never done it."

When asked if the public can expect more photos of him in blackface to emerge, Trudeau said he couldn't be sure.

"I'm wary of being definitive about this, because the recent pictures that came out, I don't remember. I didn't understand how hurtful this is to people who live with this discrimination every day. I shared the moments that I recollected. I recognize that is absolutely something unacceptable to do," he added.

"I have dedicated my service to Canada to combat intolerance and racism whenever I can," he said, evoking how his administration has promoted greater understanding of unconscious bias and intersectionality. "I didn't see that from the layers of privilege I have. For that, I am deeply sorry and I apologize."


You asked. There you see it.

Will you change your stance on this now to say at least he apologized and recognized he was a fucking idiot?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You’re not suppose to remember it.

I don't remember it because blackface was all I heard about. After looking into it, well, see above.

That was the idea behind the NDA & his getting out of the school mid-semester, announced by a law firm, & the soft media towards the Trudeau name pre 8yrs of exposed idiocy and even that took several years for him to be treated like anyone else.

Sure, okay.

Tapping into that Anti-Trudeau juice again I see.

We get it, you don't like him, think he's the worst thing since the Devil, etc.

Making up shit or parroting conspiracy theories doesn't prove jack shit.

Yeah, She (Jody W-R) was free to speak, because it was 2015-ish, sort of.

Well IMO if she had been part of the Con's cabinet, and the same thing happened, no one would believe her and they'd call her every name in the book for 'lying'.

Cause the Cons can do no wrong and her being part of Trudeau's supposed "inclusive" government is the only reason y'all are taking her side.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Depending on the context, truth is subjective. There are absolute truths, then there are truths of the stupid apes we humans are that aren't always right.
So get off your fucking hairy bonobo ass and join the fucking homo sapiens already. Whats stopping you?