Neither USA nor EU nor Russia nor any other state can reverse the weather change

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Because it is an early one of the signs of Doomsday, i.e. it is the beginning of successive events preceding Doomsday.
It is because the earth has advanced towards the sun by several miles.
Therefore, it is useless to make conferences and meetings of leaders of the world countries aiming at reversing the weather change.. because it is a matter begger than all these governments and countries and the UN.

The earth approaches the sun
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Because it is an early one of the signs of Doomsday, i.e. it is the beginning of successive events preceding Doomsday.
It is because the earth has advanced towards the sun by several miles.
Therefore, it is useless to make conferences and meetings of leaders of the world countries aiming at reversing the weather change.. because it is a matter begger than all these governments and countries and the UN.

The earth approaches the sun

I don't know as to whether we have advanced closer towards to sun or not, but I do know that earth and its geography changes every year from many massive weather or earthly events such as earthquakes and hurricanes and so on. It's all just mother nature way of moving the geography of the earth around. Nothing new to see here folks or worry about because we cannot do a bloody thing about it. Mother nature is the boss here and she will do whatever she wants to do with her earth.

All this Al Gore bullshit about global warming and climate change is just that, all bullshit. Many of these global climate scientist pushers are just trying to get people all uptight and to believe their bullshit to try and make lots of money off of the fools. Global climate or climate change is just like covid. Panic the sheeple into a fear of dying and they will do whatever they are told without question. We could be all told by our fearless leader politicians and the fake media tomorrow that the sky is starting to fall down, and we need to stay at home for our safety and there will be many stupid gullible buffoons out there who will do just that and stay home so as not to get hit on the head by some sky pieces. The media and our politicians can get most stupid and gullible people scared to shit over nothing. Covid already has shown us just that. :rolleyes:

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
When a planet loses its heat becoming colder than before, the gravity of the sun will influence it more and the sun will draw that planet nearer to itself.
why the planet is near or far from the sun
That’s just completely stupid, the temperature of a planet has no effect on the sun’s gravitational influence on it. Temperature appears nowhere in the gravitational equations, the force of gravity depends only on the masses of the bodies involved and their distance from each other.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In spite of the insisting of some who cling to the present textbooks and refuse to consider any new idea.. I say:
See our Moon how it has no satellite circling around it, and even NASA and others have not and could not send any satellite to circle around Moon continuously (not only one or two circles.)
Moreover, there have been many times of the Deep Space Impacts where they hit some large rocks in the space, but could not last landing on such rocks which have no gravity because of being cold objects.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I don't know as to whether we have advanced closer towards to sun or not, but I do know that earth and its geography changes every year from many massive weather or earthly events such as earthquakes and hurricanes and so on. It's all just mother nature way of moving the geography of the earth around. Nothing new to see here folks or worry about because we cannot do a bloody thing about it. Mother nature is the boss here and she will do whatever she wants to do with her earth.

All this Al Gore bullshit about global warming and climate change is just that, all bullshit. Many of these global climate scientist pushers are just trying to get people all uptight and to believe their bullshit to try and make lots of money off of the fools. Global climate or climate change is just like covid. Panic the sheeple into a fear of dying and they will do whatever they are told without question. We could be all told by our fearless leader politicians and the fake media tomorrow that the sky is starting to fall down, and we need to stay at home for our safety and there will be many stupid gullible buffoons out there who will do just that and stay home so as not to get hit on the head by some sky pieces. The media and our politicians can get most stupid and gullible people scared to shit over nothing. Covid already has shown us just that. :rolleyes:
How could you deduce it was 'mother nature'? Did she tell you that or it is only the insisting of atheists to deny God the Creator and Almighty?

Anyhow, God knows who is the 'stupid gullible buffoons' : those who see the changes before their eyes and yet they keep to their Al Gore or others trivial claims.
Know then that the destiny of Earth will be like that of the present condition of Venus, then will be like that of Mercury... which will gradually take place within1-2 thousands years.
Moreover, the political leaders of the imperial states exploit the climate change to their advantages: politically and economically and to subject the weak countries to their cunning and wickedness: so as to increase the suffering of the weak countries in exchange of increasing their own income and to achieve their wicked purposes.

The standstill of the earth
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The scientific miracle of the Mahdi:
To every era there is a book revealed from God suitable for that era, and to every community is their suitable messenger from God; God gives to His messenger a miracle specific to him that is suitable to that period of time.
The miracle of Moses was the staff because at his time the magic was prevalent among people, and the staff disproved their magic.
Jesus lived at a time, their medicine was excellent at that time, and he healed the albino and the congenitally blind: such miracles given to him by God, and his miracles exceeded their medicine.
While the miracle of Mohammed was the Quran which overcame the fluency and eloquence of the Arabs.
The Mahdi lives in the time of science: and his miracle is scientific, and to explain of the ambiguous ayat of the Quran.

Therefore, the Mahdi explains things that the ancient people could not comprehend, as Jesus Christ said in the Gospel according to John: 16: 12-13
“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them at the present time. 13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come."

The Awaited Mehdi who is also called the Comforter in the Gospel.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
What the Mahdi told people in his book: The Universe and the Quran:

1- Doomsday, which will involve the Earth and the entire solar system, will happen after 2000 years from now.
What is Doomsday?

2- The Earth will stop its axial rotation after 1000 years from now.
The standstill of the earth

3- Gradual changes will occur in the earth and its atmosphere, until it will be like Venus now (cloudy and turbid atmosphere), then like Mercury at present (no atmosphere.)

4- Mars and the planets beyond it bear life and even intelligent life.
The planets are inhabited

5- Mars is inhabited by the Martian people and is habitable by man of Earth.
The journey to Mars is successful

And so many other things: some agree with the present science and others to correct the mistakes of scientists, and this depending on the Glorious Quran and the inspiration from God.


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
In spite of the insisting of some who cling to the present textbooks and refuse to consider any new idea..
Your ignorance is massive and relentless. For all the satellites we’ve sent out to explore the solar system and the wider cosmos, all the civilian and military satellites around the earth, all the calculations done to get them there, no consideration of the temperatures of the bodies involved was necessary, ordinary Newtonian physics is all that’s required. The fact that it works seems to tell you nothing, because as usual in your world, religion trumps reality.

And on another silly point you tried to make, you should know that the earth’s distance from the sun varies by over 3 million miles a year, every year, all the time, between perihelion and aphelion.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It is amusing that he talks about "clinging to the present textbooks and refusing to consider any new idea" whilst clinging to a 1300-year old book and rejecting any new data.

Ready?. . .

Set?. . .

"That's different!"

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Quran revealed since about 1400 years ago is God's word which is the everlasting truth, while many concepts and theories are changing, which is not bad because this is science and knowledge: it increases by time by correcting mistakes and discovering new things.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The Quran revealed since about 1400 years ago is God's word which is the everlasting truth, while many concepts and theories are changing, which is not bad because this is science and knowledge: it increases by time by correcting mistakes and discovering new things.
Right. In other words, it's an old text you cling to and deny any facts that contradict.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
For all the satellites we’ve sent out to explore the solar system and the wider cosmos, all the civilian and military satellites around the earth, all the calculations done to get them there, no consideration of the temperatures of the bodies involved was necessary, ordinary Newtonian physics is all that’s required.
I did not say about the satellites they sent to the space: I said no satellite around Moon.
Moreover, I did not object to Newton's physics, but the satellites take orbit according to their sizes: so the rocks and artificial satellites are nearer to the earth than the bigger satellite: Moon. While the space station takes a midway position between Moon and the artificial satellites that are smaller than the Space Station.
Diagram 3
And on another silly point you tried to make, you should know that the earth’s distance from the sun varies by over 3 million miles a year, every year, all the time, between perihelion and aphelion.
Why the interpreter said the earth got nearer to the sun by several miles only:
Of course, if it gets much nearer, the heat will be extremely high.

Moreover, IMO and my contemplation of the Quran aya 84: 19 and its interpretation:
([That] you [people] shall cross a plane after another.)
The interpretation:
When these signs will take place, which are mentioned in the previous 2 ayat, at that time you will ride up the planes or layers of the atmosphere: a layer after another, so that you will rise up and get nearer to the sun; i.e. Earth will take you: mounting with you the layers of the sky: one layer after another.
And we know the layers of atmosphere each one measuring about several miles; e.g. the troposphere height is about 9-12 miles or so.

The earth approaches the sun


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If it gets hotter as you get closer to the sun, why is it that when the temperature at sea level is 20C, the temperature at 12,000 meters above sea level (12 km closer to the sun), the temperature is about -55C?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Right. In other words, it's an old text you cling to and deny any facts that contradict.
I cling to the Quran which does not contradict the correct knowledge, and moreover it gives better explanation.
In addition, the interpretation of the Quran is a new revelation.
By the way, there is a narration: "The Mahdi brings a new book with much impact on the Arabs."
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If it gets hotter as you get closer to the sun, why is it that when the temperature at sea level is 20C, the temperature at 12,000 meters above sea level (12 km closer to the sun), the temperature is about -55C?
This has another explanation: as much as you get away from the earth surface (and from the earth central heat), it will be colder; at the top of the troposphere it may reach - 60 C.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
This has another explanation: as much as you get away from the earth surface (and from the earth central heat), it will be colder; at the top of the troposphere it may reach - 60 C.
So, as you get closer to the sun, it gets colder. Thanks.

It's no wonder the Arab world hasn't come up with anything for several centuries.
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I did not say about the satellites they sent to the space: I said no satellite around Moon.
True but not relevant, you've repeatedly claimed that temperature affects gravitational interactions and it doesn't, you are simply wrong. Besides, the Lunar command module during the Apollo 17 mission orbited the moon without a problem for three days. It is entirely possible to put satellites into orbit around the moon, it's been done.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There are currently at least four artificial satellites orbiting the moon: the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Artemis P1 and Artemis P2, and the Chang'e 5-T1.