PIerre takes it - 68 percent on the first ballot and what a winning speech


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Anti-women YouTube tag needs explanation
Author of the article:postmedia News
Publishing date:Oct 07, 2022 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read • 55 Comments

If Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre is as repulsed by misogyny as he says, he needs to investigate who embedded an anti-female tag in his official YouTube videos going back to 2018.

Not just dismiss it by saying it’s impossible to figure out who did it on the same day Global News broke the story of the hidden tag #mgtow, short for “Men Going Their Own Way.”

YouTube tags, unlike those on Twitter, are not visible to the reader, but are a way for people — in this case men with anti-female views — to connect with each other.

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded Poilievre apologize for “purposefully using his videos to appeal to far-right, misogynistic online movements” that have had, “devastating real-life consequences for women” Poilievre went on the offensive.

He said he removed the tag as soon as he learned of it, that he condemns the organization it referred to and he denounces all forms of misogyny.

That included, Poilievre said, Trudeau firing Canada’s first Indigenous attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, during the SNC-Lavalin scandal, disrespecting minority women in his caucus who decided to leave politics and dressing in Blackface so many times, he can’t remember how many.

While those are good lines in the Parliamentary debating club, it doesn’t explain how the YouTube tag went undetected for four years.

The Conservatives say no one working for Poilievre today inserted the tag, but if they know that, why is it impossible to figure out who did in 2018?

Did that individual think it would be to Polievre’s political advantage to attract votes from men who don’t like women?

Did anyone authorize the use of the #mgtow in advance?

Declaring there’s no way to determine who was responsible on the same day the tag was discovered, isn’t an adequate response.

Poilievre would never have accepted such an answer from Trudeau if their roles had been reversed.

This isn’t the first time Poilievre has been accused of anti-women views by the Liberals and it won’t be the last.

That’s why he has to be ready to defend himself, in this case by making a serious effort to find out who put the #mgtow tag on his YouTube feed and why.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Anti-women YouTube tag needs explanation
Author of the article:postmedia News
Publishing date:Oct 07, 2022 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read • 55 Comments

If Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre is as repulsed by misogyny as he says, he needs to investigate who embedded an anti-female tag in his official YouTube videos going back to 2018.
Do you think that’s not happening? I’d bet you a nickel (a Canadian $0.05 piece, so about $0.04 USD) that it is.
Not just dismiss it by saying it’s impossible to figure out who did it on the same day Global News broke the story of the hidden tag #mgtow, short for “Men Going Their Own Way.”

YouTube tags, unlike those on Twitter, are not visible to the reader, but are a way for people — in this case men with anti-female views — to connect with each other.

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded Poilievre apologize for “purposefully using his videos to appeal to far-right, misogynistic online movements” that have had, “devastating real-life consequences for women” Poilievre went on the offensive.

He said he removed the tag as soon as he learned of it, that he condemns the organization it referred to and he denounces all forms of misogyny.

That included, Poilievre said, Trudeau firing Canada’s first Indigenous attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, during the SNC-Lavalin scandal, disrespecting minority women in his caucus who decided to leave politics and dressing in Blackface so many times, he can’t remember how many.

While those are good lines in the Parliamentary debating club, it doesn’t explain how the YouTube tag went undetected for four years.
If nobody was looking for it…that would explain it.
The Conservatives say no one working for Poilievre today inserted the tag, but if they know that, why is it impossible to figure out who did in 2018?

Did that individual think it would be to Polievre’s political advantage to attract votes from men who don’t like women?

Did anyone authorize the use of the #mgtow in advance?
These are all great questions.
Declaring there’s no way to determine who was responsible on the same day the tag was discovered, isn’t an adequate response.

Poilievre would never have accepted such an answer from Trudeau if their roles had been reversed.

This isn’t the first time Poilievre has been accused of anti-women views by the Liberals and it won’t be the last.
Oh I’m sure you’re very correct there. Accusations of anti-woman, anti-everyone, anti-everything, and definitely accusations of racism and misogyny.
That’s why he has to be ready to defend himself, in this case by making a serious effort to find out who put the #mgtow tag on his YouTube feed and why.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Anti-women YouTube tag needs explanation
Author of the article:postmedia News
Publishing date:Oct 07, 2022 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read • 55 Comments

If Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre is as repulsed by misogyny as he says, he needs to investigate who embedded an anti-female tag in his official YouTube videos going back to 2018.

Not just dismiss it by saying it’s impossible to figure out who did it on the same day Global News broke the story of the hidden tag #mgtow, short for “Men Going Their Own Way.”

YouTube tags, unlike those on Twitter, are not visible to the reader, but are a way for people — in this case men with anti-female views — to connect with each other.

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded Poilievre apologize for “purposefully using his videos to appeal to far-right, misogynistic online movements” that have had, “devastating real-life consequences for women” Poilievre went on the offensive.

He said he removed the tag as soon as he learned of it, that he condemns the organization it referred to and he denounces all forms of misogyny.

That included, Poilievre said, Trudeau firing Canada’s first Indigenous attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, during the SNC-Lavalin scandal, disrespecting minority women in his caucus who decided to leave politics and dressing in Blackface so many times, he can’t remember how many.

While those are good lines in the Parliamentary debating club, it doesn’t explain how the YouTube tag went undetected for four years.

The Conservatives say no one working for Poilievre today inserted the tag, but if they know that, why is it impossible to figure out who did in 2018?

Did that individual think it would be to Polievre’s political advantage to attract votes from men who don’t like women?

Did anyone authorize the use of the #mgtow in advance?

Declaring there’s no way to determine who was responsible on the same day the tag was discovered, isn’t an adequate response.

Poilievre would never have accepted such an answer from Trudeau if their roles had been reversed.

This isn’t the first time Poilievre has been accused of anti-women views by the Liberals and it won’t be the last.

That’s why he has to be ready to defend himself, in this case by making a serious effort to find out who put the #mgtow tag on his YouTube feed and why.
More of the Leftist posturing. They'll do anything to ensure that PP is seen in the worst way possible because he actually makes a lot of sense & since Trudeau cannot run on his policies because they're so bad, they want to destroy any opposition.

Trudeau continues to be a coward - he couldn't be bothered to even acknowledge the invite to the Iranian Protest held outside of Toronto this past weekend - hmmm, why does that seem familiar - oh, that's right, he couldn't be bothered to meet with the people involved in the Convoy either. I wonder why?

The MSM is also following his lead - nothing to report on the protest here apparently even tho' 50,000 people showed up in support of the Iranian Protesters. There is nothing in the headlines about what is going on in Iran. Why is that?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
More of the Leftist posturing. They'll do anything to ensure that PP is seen in the worst way possible because he actually makes a lot of sense & since Trudeau cannot run on his policies because they're so bad, they want to destroy any opposition.

Trudeau continues to be a coward - he couldn't be bothered to even acknowledge the invite to the Iranian Protest held outside of Toronto this past weekend - hmmm, why does that seem familiar - oh, that's right, he couldn't be bothered to meet with the people involved in the Convoy either. I wonder why?

The MSM is also following his lead - nothing to report on the protest here apparently even tho' 50,000 people showed up in support of the Iranian Protesters. There is nothing in the headlines about what is going on in Iran. Why is that?
He courts the Muslim vote . And the ones in Southern Ontario support the subjugation of woman . What’s a politition to do when he wants votes ?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Meh….hate to say it but, if an accusation is coming from a guy who can’t even recall how many times he wore black face, made the term Kokanee Grope famous, has a payout & nondisclosure agreement with a former student, elbowed a female MP in parliament, and fired other female MPs because they would not support political interference and corruption….maybe Trudeau is the wrong guy to be making these accusations as his credibility on this front is nonexistent.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
From the news articles I've read, it comes down to this.

The video was tagged with the #mgtow for four years.

No one noticed.

PP has an 'amazing' group of social media people who control the content. He does the work, they take care of the after.

When it was brought up, the tag was taken down.

He did not apologize.

He did say he took the tag down and that misogamy was not welcome in his party.


Personally I think he had no clue it was tagged like that.


He should fire everyone on his team from that time, if no one will admit to putting the tag up. Simple as that. Obviously those in the team from the time can no longer be trusted.

Considering the BS like this coming from 'other parties' (ahem), it won't be as big a deal as it could be.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
…When it was brought up, the tag was taken down.

He did not apologize.

He did say he took the tag down and that misogamy was not welcome in his party.


Personally I think he had no clue it was tagged like that….
Yeah, he didn’t apologize but he did address the situation. Generally an apology is for something that you’ve done &/or are personally responsible for.

Apologies for things you aren’t personally responsible for or haven’t done yourself directly come across as disingenuous.

An apology for Genghis Khan invading the known world in the 12th century by a Canadian Politician would come across as disingenuous (yes I know an extreme example), but we have an example right now of a Canadian politician who is more than willing to apologize for anything and everything as long as it’s not something that he has been directly involved in or responsible for. 😁. I think the lack of apology is a way to show that Pierre Poilievre is not like that other guy.

The issue at hand was a hashtag #MGTOW which stands for men going their own way. In all honesty I’ve never heard of this until the last week. It’s tied to an anti-feminist, and frankly anti-women, movement. Poilievre’s response was to denounce misogyny, saying he had the hashtag removed, and then turn the tables on Trudeau’s track record with women and even funding extremists. I still think Trudeau was exactly the wrong person to confront Poilievre about this issue.

“We condemn all that behavior. We condemn misogyny always and everywhere, and we ask the Prime Minister to finally do the same.”

Trudeau kept punching back at Poilievre before getting hit back harder by the Conservative Leader.

Let’s be honest, this was an own goal by Poilievre and his team – this hashtag should never have been there. That said, much of the voting public has little understanding of the intricacies of posting YouTube videos online, they will just want to know, is Poilievre someone who doesn’t like women?

With his wife standing by his side or introducing him at events, with his daughter in his arms, that’s a tough claim to make. The most likely scenario here is that some young staffer working on Poilievre’s team several years ago thought they were being smart using this hashtag and it’s been copied and pasted ever since. I’m assuming (ass/u/me, yeah, I know) that this is being pursued behind the scenes and somebody’s going to get spanked or become unemployed quickly.

The Liberals will use this for all it is worth, it is clearly a story they planted – something all parties do – and they were ready to pounce on it. In addition to having rehearsed lines for Question Period, the Liberals sent out a fundraising email a short time later to the hundreds of thousands of Canadians on their email list.

Make no mistake, this could hurt Poilievre with a key demographic that he needs to win in the next election – women.

The difference this time is, rather than play by the Liberal narrative, Poilievre turned the tables on Trudeau and aggressively took him to task on his own record.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
An apology for Genghis Khan invading the known world in the 12th century by a Canadian Politician would come across as disingenuous (yes I know an extreme example)
The "known world?" To your pig-ignorant ancestors, maybe.

You're right, of course, but I will carve out one exception. For the PM, the GG, or the Cabinet member with jurisdiction to apologize for some action Canada may have taken back when can be appropriate. That official is speaking for the corporate person of Canada, which has existed at least since 1867, and could be considered to have existed with a relatively-free will and responsibility for its actions back to the early 1600s.

A parallel example might be the U.S. apologizing for the Trail of Tears or the interment of Japanese Americans in WWII, though none of the people who made those decisions or took those actions was alive when the apology came.

As Pete Poo-lover is in no such position, he can only validly apologize for his own actions and those of organizations over which he exercises significant control.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That official is speaking for the corporate person of Canada, which has existed at least since 1867
Well, we are on our 3rd Corporate Canada.

1. Confederation of Canada
2. Dominion of Canada
and currently it's just...
3. Canada

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
From the news articles I've read, it comes down to this.

The video was tagged with the #mgtow for four years.

No one noticed.

PP has an 'amazing' group of social media people who control the content. He does the work, they take care of the after.

When it was brought up, the tag was taken down.

He did not apologize.

He did say he took the tag down and that misogamy was not welcome in his party.


Personally I think he had no clue it was tagged like that.


He should fire everyone on his team from that time, if no one will admit to putting the tag up. Simple as that. Obviously those in the team from the time can no longer be trusted.

Considering the BS like this coming from 'other parties' (ahem), it won't be as big a deal as it could be.

Families, Children, and Social Development Minister Karina Gould spoke out after Global News reported that Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre had used a hidden tag linked to online misogynist communities in several of his official YouTube videos.

Gould said she was “outraged” to learn about the tag and to learn that Conservatives had called off an internal probe into the matter. “An apology is not enough,” she said.

There wasn’t an apology so…Maybe this MP in Trudeau’s Cabinet should have been the one to confront Poilievre in Parliament, but she wasn’t. It was potentially too juicy for Trudeau to allow someone with potentially less baggage (especially a woman ‘cuz it’s 2015-ish) to get the sound bite that bit him back in spades. Oh well.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yeah, he didn’t apologize but he did address the situation. Generally an apology is for something that you’ve done &/or are personally responsible for.

Apologies for things you aren’t personally responsible for or haven’t done yourself directly come across as disingenuous.

An apology for Genghis Khan invading the known world in the 12th century by a Canadian Politician would come across as disingenuous (yes I know an extreme example), but we have an example right now of a Canadian politician who is more than willing to apologize for anything and everything as long as it’s not something that he has been directly involved in or responsible for. 😁. I think the lack of apology is a way to show that Pierre Poilievre is not like that other guy.

The issue at hand was a hashtag #MGTOW which stands for men going their own way. In all honesty I’ve never heard of this until the last week. It’s tied to an anti-feminist, and frankly anti-women, movement. Poilievre’s response was to denounce misogyny, saying he had the hashtag removed, and then turn the tables on Trudeau’s track record with women and even funding extremists. I still think Trudeau was exactly the wrong person to confront Poilievre about this issue.

“We condemn all that behavior. We condemn misogyny always and everywhere, and we ask the Prime Minister to finally do the same.”

Trudeau kept punching back at Poilievre before getting hit back harder by the Conservative Leader.

Let’s be honest, this was an own goal by Poilievre and his team – this hashtag should never have been there. That said, much of the voting public has little understanding of the intricacies of posting YouTube videos online, they will just want to know, is Poilievre someone who doesn’t like women?

With his wife standing by his side or introducing him at events, with his daughter in his arms, that’s a tough claim to make. The most likely scenario here is that some young staffer working on Poilievre’s team several years ago thought they were being smart using this hashtag and it’s been copied and pasted ever since. I’m assuming (ass/u/me, yeah, I know) that this is being pursued behind the scenes and somebody’s going to get spanked or become unemployed quickly.

The Liberals will use this for all it is worth, it is clearly a story they planted – something all parties do – and they were ready to pounce on it. In addition to having rehearsed lines for Question Period, the Liberals sent out a fundraising email a short time later to the hundreds of thousands of Canadians on their email list.

Make no mistake, this could hurt Poilievre with a key demographic that he needs to win in the next election – women.

The difference this time is, rather than play by the Liberal narrative, Poilievre turned the tables on Trudeau and aggressively took him to task on his own record.
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I know you don't like Trudeau, that's fine.

I'm not going to get into it over Trudeau because at this point, it's also pointless. Even if I do have points I'd love to make in counter to yours, I'm not going to bother.

I don't like him, I think he's fucked up a lot. End of story for me.

I wasn't saying he HAD to apologize, only that he hadn't.

I was making points about the situation.

What I think he SHOULD do is posted after the BUT.

What he SHOULD do is fire every single media person who had control of that aspect of his presence since 18. Every single one of them. Because if no one can fess up to doing it, they ALL can't be trusted at this point.

Hire a new team.

That's the simple, and best way, for him to handle this.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I know you don't like Trudeau, that's fine.
Have I been that obvious?
What he SHOULD do is fire every single media person who had control of that aspect of his presence since 18. Every single one of them. Because if no one can fess up to doing it, they ALL can't be trusted at this point.

Hire a new team.

That's the simple, and best way, for him to handle this.
Yeah, that, or:
1) Address the issue immediately.
2) Have that Hashtag removed immediately.
3) Work backwards to find out who is responsible for putting it there in the first place, and deal with that person directly accordingly as opposed to punishing every single person on the media team that may or may not of known about this.

I’m assuming a small number (or one) of people would’ve known about this or word of it would’ve come out (like during the conservative leadership vote?) as this would have been media caviar.
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Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Have I been that obvious?

Yeah, that, or:
1) Address the issue immediately.
2) Have that Hashtag removed immediately.
3) Work backwards to find out who is responsible for putting it there in the first place, and deal with that person directly accordingly as opposed to punishing every single person on the media team that may or may not of known about this.

I’m assuming a small number (or one) of people would’ve known about this or word of it would’ve come out (like during the conservative leadership vote?) as this would have been media caviar.
4) add appropriate controls that it doesn't happen again.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yeah, that, or:


No "or".

If we're no longer giving any politican a break for anything they or staff do, there is no 'or' for this.

If he means what he said, he'll fire every single person who had access to his social media, then hire new people. He already asked/look into reviewing this and said 'no one knows how it happened'. So, no one is fessing up, can't trust them. Kick em all.

End of story.

I’m assuming a small number (or one) of people would’ve known about this or word of it would’ve come out (like during the conservative leadership vote?) as this would have been media caviar.

Doesn't matter.

It's come out now.

He's against it. His team won't say who did it, fire them all.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON

No "or".

If we're no longer giving any politican a break for anything they or staff do, there is no 'or' for this.

If he means what he said, he'll fire every single person who had access to his social media, then hire new people. He already asked/look into reviewing this and said 'no one knows how it happened'. So, no one is fessing up, can't trust them. Kick em all.

End of story.

Doesn't matter.

It's come out now.

He's against it. His team won't say who did it, fire them all.
IF. The minute this happens on the Liberal side of the floor will be the time I worry about it happening on PP side. Truedope is involved in a scandal a month and it somehow does not warrant outrage, firing or resignations.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Have I been that obvious?

Yeah, that, or:
1) Address the issue immediately.
2) Have that Hashtag removed immediately.
3) Work backwards to find out who is responsible for putting it there in the first place, and deal with that person directly accordingly as opposed to punishing every single person on the media team that may or may not of known about this.

I’m assuming a small number (or one) of people would’ve known about this or word of it would’ve come out (like during the conservative leadership vote?) as this would have been media caviar.
So, not knowing much about how hashtags work, is it possible that it was added from an external source?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
IF. The minute this happens on the Liberal side of the floor will be the time I worry about it happening on PP side. Truedope is involved in a scandal a month and it somehow does not warrant outrage, firing or resignations.

Oh well that's bullshit - at least on the 'outrage'.

But sure, whatever you want to see.