Alberta is on the verge of another boom — will it be more sustainable this time around?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Full disclosure: I believe climate change is real and humans contribute to it. But that statement only displays my personal virtue. It does not measure how serious the problem is, nor does it suggest the actions or the costs required to solve it. But these latter details are really the only meaningful discussion points in climate policy.
That said, Mayor Jyoti Gondek’s first order of business as mayor — “to declare a climate emergency” — is a bit long on virtue and short on substance.
First of all, some context. The Alberta economy has been in a serious decline since 2014 and there is no end in sight. Unemployment continues to plague us at 7.6 per cent or nearly 180,000 individuals. Calgary’s downtown has become a ghost town with nearly 14 million square feet or 30 per cent vacant office space. Calgary used to be the fastest-growing city in Canada but now more people are leaving than are coming. These trends will continue. The primary economic driver and taxpayer in Alberta will continue to decline and Calgary as its nerve centre will continue to waste away.

This is happening because of malevolent federal government policies designed to destroy our industry. The rationale for these policies, “climate change is real,” somehow translated into “we need to kill the Alberta oil and gas industry.” It will get worse.

The recent COP26 conference demonstrated that the goalposts for these policies will continue to become more draconian. It sounds as if Calgarians have already done enough to save the planet, but Mayor Gondek wants us to do more?

Do we really need to be “a leader in the world of transition (to low carbon economies)” and “move past oil and gas”? Except the world is not moving past oil and gas.

Emissions continue to grow fastest in the highest-consuming countries of India and China. And oil-producing countries are growing their production. The International Energy Agency predicts that oil and gas demand will continue to increase for another 20 years until 2040. Why should Calgary bear a disproportionate cost of saving the world?

Yes, city council can declare a climate “emergency,” but it will do nothing except show Calgarians how woke they are and show the world how clueless we are in Calgary.

Anyway, the rest at the above LINK…

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Just give us our money back, and we'll engineer the carbon reduction revolution!!

Justin Trudeau’s government doesn’t appear interested in compromise and the current crusade against carbon emissions has only one industry and one province in its sights — and no, that won’t be those auto-manufacturing plants in Oshawa or the business-jet assembly lines of Dorval.

So, is there any chance of combating this, other than making vague threats to go our own way, which, while emotionally tempting, would be political and economic suicide, given the way this world is increasingly split into nationalistic camps?

… Instead, let’s challenge the likes of Trudeau and Guilbeault by going on the carbon-reduction offensive.

And what better tactic than using the same transfer payments issue. So, instead of simply whining it isn’t fair, let’s ask for those excess contributions to be rebated with the agreed proviso such billions will be spent exclusively on making Alberta the world leader in carbon reduction engineering.

We certainly have the expertise as well as the perfect playing field, with our massive bitumen reserves. Surely we can become the backbone of a truly effective green revolution, by showing it’s possible to engineer major energy extraction with a massively reduced footprint, alongside developing blue hydrogen and carbon capture technologies.

Let’s return the carbon reduction serve with a vengeance by putting the onus on Guilbeault and his fellow travellers to explain why they wouldn’t allow the true energy experts to arrive at an engineered solution and thereby make Canada the world leader in answering the most difficult question mankind currently faces.

The rest at the above LINK.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Just give us our money back, and we'll engineer the carbon reduction revolution!!

Justin Trudeau’s government doesn’t appear interested in compromise and the current crusade against carbon emissions has only one industry and one province in its sights — and no, that won’t be those auto-manufacturing plants in Oshawa or the business-jet assembly lines of Dorval.

So, is there any chance of combating this, other than making vague threats to go our own way, which, while emotionally tempting, would be political and economic suicide, given the way this world is increasingly split into nationalistic camps?

… Instead, let’s challenge the likes of Trudeau and Guilbeault by going on the carbon-reduction offensive.

And what better tactic than using the same transfer payments issue. So, instead of simply whining it isn’t fair, let’s ask for those excess contributions to be rebated with the agreed proviso such billions will be spent exclusively on making Alberta the world leader in carbon reduction engineering.

We certainly have the expertise as well as the perfect playing field, with our massive bitumen reserves. Surely we can become the backbone of a truly effective green revolution, by showing it’s possible to engineer major energy extraction with a massively reduced footprint, alongside developing blue hydrogen and carbon capture technologies.

Let’s return the carbon reduction serve with a vengeance by putting the onus on Guilbeault and his fellow travellers to explain why they wouldn’t allow the true energy experts to arrive at an engineered solution and thereby make Canada the world leader in answering the most difficult question mankind currently faces.

The rest at the above LINK.
That would be the official party line if the bitumen was located in a different province , not to pick nits but one starting with the letter Q .