A refreshing change on the campaign trail — crystal clear answers from a politician

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Not every question has a definitive Yes or No answer.

But everything seems to be black or white these days. There's no room for subtlety, nuance, degrees, patience, thoughtful critical analysis,..etc.

We're living in this f*cked up Twitterverse where every question must be answered immediately with a Yes or No response.
Most of what we get are "non answers".


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trudie's feminist hypocrisy is showing again

Trudeau allows candidate to run for re-election, despite sexual harassment allegations

Cosmin Dzsurdzsa
August 31, 2021

Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau refused to condemn one of his candidates who is facing six years worth of sexual harassment allegations from several young female staffers.

Trudeau stood by Kitchener Centre candidate Raj Saini’s re-election effort during a campaign stop in Kanata, Ont. on Tuesday.

“Mr. Saini has shared the processes. There have been rigorous processes undertaken that he has shared the details of. We know that it is extremely important to take any allegation seriously, which we certainly have, and we always will because everyone deserves a safe workplace,” claimed Trudeau.

According to CBC News, seven sources have corroborated four different incidents where Saini is alleged to have made unwanted sexual advances and inappropriate comments towards female staffers. Saini has denied the allegations. ....More
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Trudeau failed on climate change so he is targeting ... Stephen Harper??
By Sabrina Maddeaux. September 01, 2021 https://apple.news/AtSlhH9r1SzCdjMtoMfDfKQ

Am I the only one who keeps having déjà vu? The Justin Trudeau Liberals’ election campaign in 2021 is remarkably similar, verging on identical, to the one they ran in 2019.

This is strange for two reasons. One: a heck of a lot has happened since 2019, like a global pandemic, several civil rights movements, a reckoning on residential schools, a full-blown housing crisis … the list goes on. You’d think the Liberals would put a bit more effort in to come up with unique, innovative solutions for this uniquely tumultuous time.

Second: running on a very similar platform, bringing up the same old wedge issues, and making the same old speeches highlights how few of their past policy promises actually became reality. Simply put: we can’t move on to new issues, because they never adequately addressed the old ones.

As a result, the election news cycle feels like a less-funny version of Groundhog Day. This week, we’re reliving the climate change edition.

At a Quebec campaign stop, the Liberal leader performed a years-old shtick we’ve seen many times before, attempting to strike fear into the hearts of young voters who may not remember what climate policy was like under “the Harper era.” (??)

But Stephen Harper’s climate policies are neither here nor there in 2021. Campaigning against the track record of a man who hasn’t been in power for six years is practically the definition of grasping at straws. Trudeau clearly doesn’t feel confident enough to attack Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole directly on this, so instead he gestures at a behind-the-scenes bogeyman.

However, since Trudeau brought it up, let’s talk about those Harper climate policies he calls “half measures.” If this is how he feels, why did the Liberals adopt Harper’s greenhouse gas reduction targets once in office? His party claims these are a “floor,” not a “ceiling,” but, as it stands, they’re not even going to make it out of the basement.

Trudeau says he’s on track to reduce emissions by 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and now promises to exceed those goals, but reports issued by his own government say it’s not going to happen. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) says that even under a fantasy best-case scenario, one that takes into account policies under development but not yet in place, Canada’s emissions in 2030 will only be 19 per cent below 2005 levels.

While we’re at it, what happened to that 2019 promise to Greta Thunberg to plant two billion trees? He repeated the promise again in his 2020 speech from the throne and adjusted it to one billion trees by 2028 right before the current campaign. There’s still no realistic plan to achieve this.

If the best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour, then any Liberal climate promises should be treated with extreme skepticism. After six years in government, Trudeau should be able to clearly point at climate successes and run on his own merits. He should be willing and eager to debate other candidates on the topic. That he’s instead using a former prime minister as a punching bag doesn’t bode well for those who seek real environmental change.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Holy Cow! I don’t know what happened in the two French federal debates…. But this is a dog pile with every question being directed to Trudo to answer “So Buddy, you’ve had six years so why didn’t you do this?” or very similar…. From every direction.

Erin O’Toole can only lose one way: if he gets fewer seats than Trudeau.

Trudeau, however, can lose two ways. He can fail to win a majority, which is the only reason this garden-party election was called. This would be a loss and a humiliation. He may also get fewer seats than he had when he called it. This is the second loss to which he is exposed. And this would leave him alone in a sinking canoe. What then?

Is there a Woke Seat at the UN waiting for him bought with our tax dollars or something?


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Holy Cow! I don’t know what happened in the two French federal debates…. But this is a dog pile with every question being directed to Trudo to answer “So Buddy, you’ve had six years so why didn’t you do this?” or very similar…. From every direction.

Erin O’Toole can only lose one way: if he gets fewer seats than Trudeau.

Trudeau, however, can lose two ways. He can fail to win a majority, which is the only reason this garden-party election was called. This would be a loss and a humiliation. He may also get fewer seats than he had when he called it. This is the second loss to which he is exposed. And this would leave him alone in a sinking canoe. What then?

Is there a Woke Seat at the UN waiting for him bought with our tax dollars or something?
If I understand Canadian law, even if Trudeau gets less seats than O'Toole, he still gets first crack at getting "the confidence of the house". Even if its a Conservative majority, he gets first crack since he is defending PM. In a case of a clear defeat, he would tell the GG he cannot get confidence and it would then go to the party with the most seats. I can't see TrueDope saying that in anything less than a Conservative majority. Now if he puts a throne speech out there and it is defeated, then the GG will likely also give O'Toole a shot rather than call an election so soon after a previous one.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Will the Liberal Party back Trudeau after this, or turf him for Freeland (until she got caught in the election Lying and even got Twitter-Spanked about O’toole’s stance on healthcare), or maybe Mark Carney until people do even a simple Wiki search & read up on him a bit further?
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Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Will the Liberal Party back Trudeau after this, or turf him for Freeland (until she got caught in the election Lying and even got Twitter-Spanked about O’toole’s stance on healthcare), or maybe Mark Carney until people do even a simple Wiki search & read up on him a bit further?
The Liberal party has historically not backed their leaders when defeated. They sometimes don't back them when they win. I don't think Creitien really left on his own terms. Martin showed him the door.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
If I understand Canadian law, even if Trudeau gets less seats than O'Toole, he still gets first crack at getting "the confidence of the house". Even if its a Conservative majority, he gets first crack since he is defending PM. In a case of a clear defeat, he would tell the GG he cannot get confidence and it would then go to the party with the most seats. I can't see TrueDope saying that in anything less than a Conservative majority. Now if he puts a throne speech out there and it is defeated, then the GG will likely also give O'Toole a shot rather than call an election so soon after a previous one.
Even if its a Conservative majority, he gets first crack since he is defending PM. - Wrong. If the Conservatives get a majority, they're automatically the party in power and the Leader becomes PM. Otherwise, what's the point in being a majority party?? If JT is defeated, he's gonzo period.

If however JT gets a minority government (which he has now) and his Throne Speech is defeated, then either a coalition has to be agreed to by the remaining parties to support the minoity gov't. If they chose not to support whatever party has the minority, another election needs to be called. In the current minority government, the NDP has supported the Liberals which is why the election didn't need to be called at this time.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada needs truth in politics -- the Liberals aren't providing it http://apple.news/Al4ovn7QtR8C_mlx1SRYiWg

As we enter the last stretch of a national election that no one asked for other than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his bid to rule with a parliamentary majority, it seems the Liberal leader’s ambitions are facing a setback.

There are no polls that suggest Trudeau will return with a majority government on Sept. 20. At best, the status quo will be restored and a Liberal minority government will have to govern for a short while before falling on a confidence vote.

Trudeau could have governed for the next two years with the support of the NDP, but that would mean sharing credit with Jagmeet Singh, a a political figure whose support among the youth rivals that of Trudeau, who got away with groping, putting on blackface and photobombing bridal parties just because his key selling point was his sex appeal.

Come 2021, and that appeal seems to have evaporated and, to Trudeau’s shock, the supposedly dull and dour Erin O’Toole ended up ahead in the polls — marking the end of Trudeau’s reign as the do-nothing prime minister under whose watch two Canadians spent their 1000th day in a Chinese lock-up with no respite in sight.

With O’Toole within shooting distance of a Conservative minority government, Trudeau and the Liberals pulled out the weapon of last resort — lies wrapped up as make-believe truth in TV advertising.

Back in June of 2020, O’Toole launched a statement on Twitter that summarized his plan to be leader of the Conservative Party and for the upcoming election. He said:

“Five months ago I launched my program to ‘take back Canada’. I promised to fight for energy workers, auto workers, forestry workers and all of the hardworking Canadians who built this great country. … All of these Canadians are being taken for granted by Justin Trudeau. He calls them tax cheats. He calls them outdated. He wants to transition their jobs. But today, you can read my plan to stand up for Canada and to transition Justin Trudeau back to the celebrity speaking circuit.

O’Toole concluded: “Join the discussion. Join our fight. Let’s take back Canada.”

The renewed response to O’Toole’s message was wholly misconstrued and falsified by Trudeau’s Liberals. A TV commercial made by the Liberal Party still now running construes a completely opposite meaning to O’Toole’s call to “Take Back Canada” — changing the word “back” to “backwards”.

The Liberal response was blatantly misleading.

Here is what the Liberal TV advert says:

“Erin O’Toole says he wants to take Canada back. Back to private for-profit healthcare. Back to the days when assault weapons were legal. Back to MPs pushing anti-abortion laws. And, back to denial and inaction on climate change.

The Conservative Party and Erin O’Toole: Don’t let them take Canada ‘backward’.”

Some may believe this is too minor an issue to fuss about, but for a decade, yours truly helped manage the corporate communications of a leading Saudi business house where the temptation to misconstrue the adversary was guided not by regulations, but one’s personal ethics.

It is these petty twists of the truth that lead to a culture where an Attorney General says that she was asked to lie and when a party leader poses as the voice of Indigenous Canadians but mocks a First Nations protestor in front of a crowd.

It’s time for Canadians to punish those who are not truthful in their politics. We need to fight to ‘take back’ our country from those who feel they have a birthright to rule us, even as our two Michaels rot in a Chinese prison. http://apple.news/Al4ovn7QtR8C_mlx1SRYiWg

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canadians have faced painful and punishing hardship during the pandemic. It has caused great fiscal and economic damage, while deep divisions over the right path to recovery are already tearing at the very fabric of Canadian society.

The Liberals seem to be making things worse. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau called an unnecessary election in the middle of a pandemic, despite his promises not to, trying to win more power on divisive wedge issues and promises of endless spending, while risking the long-term health of this country.

Canada faces more significant challenges today than it has in a long time: challenges to our economic growth, our financial stability and our national unity. Our recovery calls for a government that takes these things seriously. That’s why we believe the Conservatives are the right choice to govern. http://apple.news/A57xaaKFNTKmhMNHMf88fJg


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Canadians have faced painful and punishing hardship during the pandemic. It has caused great fiscal and economic damage, while deep divisions over the right path to recovery are already tearing at the very fabric of Canadian society.

The Liberals seem to be making things worse. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau called an unnecessary election in the middle of a pandemic, despite his promises not to, trying to win more power on divisive wedge issues and promises of endless spending, while risking the long-term health of this country.

Canada faces more significant challenges today than it has in a long time: challenges to our economic growth, our financial stability and our national unity. Our recovery calls for a government that takes these things seriously. That’s why we believe the Conservatives are the right choice to govern. http://apple.news/A57xaaKFNTKmhMNHMf88fJg
Yup Conservatives is what we need all right . But where can one find those ? Certainly not in the PCs .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
PC’s are the closest we have at this point with a chance of actually getting anywhere. In a couple more cycles the Maverick Party might evolve into something but they aren’t there yet….

That other far right fringe party is just a flash in the pan in response to the divisiveness of the current Liberal brand.

PC’s might just be “Liberal Lite” without the corruption BUT that’s a significant qualifier after the six years we’ve gone through and the legitimate option this time around.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Maverick party, so far is much like Reform was 20 years ago. We voted for for them more as a protest to the two eastern establishment parties that are not much different from a western perspective. there still isn’t enough difference between them except now one has a leader and the other has a lying sack of shit from kweebek.
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