Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Given the severe hard times Canada is facing; what about the idea of cutting all politicians salaries by 20%. Surely in this desperate hour our leaders will not desert us and agree to do their part. Civil servants to follow. It has to happen sooner or later.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Given the severe hard times Canada is facing; what about the idea of cutting all politicians salaries by 20%. Surely in this desperate hour our leaders will not desert us and agree to do their part. Civil servants to follow. It has to happen sooner or later.
Probably the best way to start is to cut those who think their own salary is too high! :)

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Probably the best way to start is to cut those who think their own salary is too high! :)
Canada is 154 yrs old.

When the first settlers came they had nothing and worked hard. Ten generations later people have everything and don't have to work hard. Now successive generations can sustain on wealth left by those previous and all is good. Justin Trudeau a prime example.

Only thing is we have lost the ability / interest to work hard and provide as a nation. We live on borrowed funds and continue to be distracted by superficial priorities.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Canada is 154 yrs old.

When the first settlers came they had nothing and worked hard. Ten generations later people have everything and don't have to work hard. Now successive generations can sustain on wealth left by those previous and all is good. Justin Trudeau a prime example.

Only thing is we have lost the ability / interest to work hard and provide as a nation. We live on borrowed funds and continue to be distracted by superficial priorities.
Yep, everyone today is "entitled" and the "Government" OWES us! :)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Given the severe hard times Canada is facing; what about the idea of cutting all politicians salaries by 20%. Surely in this desperate hour our leaders will not desert us and agree to do their part. Civil servants to follow. It has to happen sooner or later.
The only ones who have not suffered one bloody bit from this scamdemic is our politicians and government workers. I just read the other day that many government workers have got themselves a raise during these terrible crises virus times. WTF? I believe that it is safe to say now that pretty much all of our dear political leaders have become a bunch of communist like dictators and who have now shown us all during this virus crisis, that they have helped create, could not give a shit about us all. It would appear as thought hey hate our f'n guts. I say fire most of the batards and arrest them all for treason against we the Canadian people. Works for me. (y)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Canada is 154 yrs old.

When the first settlers came they had nothing and worked hard. Ten generations later people have everything and don't have to work hard. Now successive generations can sustain on wealth left by those previous and all is good. Justin Trudeau a prime example.

Only thing is we have lost the ability / interest to work hard and provide as a nation. We live on borrowed funds and continue to be distracted by superficial priorities.
And I bet that many out there just cannot wait for their first guaranteed income taxpayer check. What's another few hundred million dollars added to the Canadian debt that the hard working middle class person will have to pay out. Those f'n middle class people are all filthy rich, don't you know? :cool:


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Just look at her lying face. Just more bull shit coming out of another welfare recipient political bum who has no problems lying every day to we the people. These people need to be fired and then arrested and charged for crimes against Canadians. It's time to take our freedoms and rights back and save hundreds of billions in tax dollars every year. These welfare recipient political bums deserve nothing but scorn. They deserve our contempt. Works for me! :D


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's time to take our freedoms and rights back and save hundreds of billions in tax dollars every year. These welfare recipient political bums deserve nothing but scorn. They deserve our contempt. Works for me! :D
That would require an educated, motivated population who are demanding political accountability and competent leadership over superficial virtue signalling, hollow talking points, and "free" handouts.

Not going to happen in this country....ever.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
sad that nothing short of a bloody revolution is ever going to change any of this.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
sad that nothing short of a bloody revolution is ever going to change any of this.
We get precisely the leadership we deserve. In all honesty, we shouldn't blame Trudeau and incompetent Liberals for the mess this country is in any more than we should blame gravity for skydiving accidents. (Re)elect banana stuffing clowns to run the show....expect nothing less than a fucking 3 ring circus. Oh Canada.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Essential services.

Seems like a nice lady but guessing she has already been promoted to her level of incompetence.

And that is how infrastructure money flows.

It is truly amazing at the level of incompetence that we are getting from our welfare recipient politicians and bureaucrats these days. Incompetence must be one of the things that all politicians must show before they become politicians. They are probably told to act like they care and give a dam about all of us peons and show competence but in realty they are told to try and screw around with the people who pay these overpaid scoundrels. Just lie in their stupid looking faces if necessary. The majority of them will believe your lying bull shit anyway.

It is we the sheeple that have allowed our dear comrade leaders to make fools of us every day. They lie, cheat and steal from Canadians every day and most Canadians pretty much do nothing about it. We get what we deserve and the welfare bum recipient politicians have no problem with treating Canadians pretty much like a bunch of buffoons. Well deserved. Even after a year of this Convid 1984 virus nonsense and scamdemic they still go along with the lies put out by our dear leaders and the media about this virus being so dangerous to us all and that we must all get the vaccine jab if we want to stay alive and go back to the old normal life that we once lived and enjoyed. Such bull shit. It will never end and the old normal will never come back if we keep listening to these lying politicians, the media, and those so called paid off health officials. Politicians want to keep it this way and keep trying to make people to constantly live in a state of fear and panic and paranoia. It's all for their benefit and not we the people's benefit. Hello out there/ Are you getting it yet? just wondering. :rolleyes:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
That would require an educated, motivated population who are demanding political accountability and competent leadership over superficial virtue signalling, hollow talking points, and "free" handouts.

Not going to happen in this country....ever.
It's not going to be easy to try and convince the many many millions of stunned Canadians out there that they have been bull shitted into a state of fear and panic and paranoia over some not so dangerous virus or as to how their tax dollars are being blown every day. They are being robbed of their tax dollars every day by the elite overpaid welfare recipient political thieves in Ottawa and Quebec that treat the ordinary Canadians like a bunch of buffoons and assholes.

They will never be made accountable because the majority just do not seem to give a shit about anything but themselves. We now live in a me-me-me generation that thinks that the world owes them a living. We seem to be turning out these many so called "educated" people who seem to show these days that they have not been paying attention in class. Sad but true alright. It may never happen in this country at all alright. The people have been dumb downed and they appear to like it. IMHO, I think that Canada is full of no mind brain dead stupid idiots. They must be because they sure act like it. Just saying. ;)
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It's not going to be easy to try and convince the many many millions of stunned Canadians out there that they have been bull shitted into a state of fear and panic and paranoia over some not so dangerous virus or as to how their tax dollars are being blown every day. They are being robbed of their tax dollars every day by the elite overpaid welfare recipient political thieves in Ottawa and Quebec that treat the ordinary Canadians like a bunch of buffoons and assholes.

They will never be made accountable because the majority just do not seem to give a shit about anything but themselves. We now live in a me-me-me generation that thinks that the world owes them a living. We seem to be turning out these many so called "educated" people who seem to show these days that they have not been paying attention in class. Sad but true alright. It may never happen in this country at all alright. The people have been dumb downed and they appear to like it. IMHO, I think that Canada is full of no mind brain dead stupid idiots. They must be because they sure act like it. Just saying. ;)
The problem lies in the fact most Canadians live a good comfortable life despite the poor showing from our capitals . That will be soon change as the piper will come calling .


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
The problem lies in the fact most Canadians live a good comfortable life despite the poor showing from our capitals . That will be soon change as the piper will come calling .

As long as we have a bunch of useless who cares welfare recipient politicians who could careless about what will happen to Canada in the future, and who keep borrowing hundreds of billions and blowing those hundreds of billions on their pet peeve socialist liberal programs and agendas, Canada will eventually have to pay the piper. Our dear pathetic leaders will not suffer because they will get to keep their useless jobs. It will be we the people who will pay the price for our who gives a shit attitude also. Most Canadians will need a good kick in the ass before they hopefully and finally wake the phuk up. :cool:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Most Canadians have a good life and pay little attention to politics , sadly .