Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
New Zealand Gun Crime Hits 10-Year High After Strict Gun Confiscation
By Ryan Foley
Published June 28, 2020 at 3:24pm

It’s been more than a year since New Zealand instituted strict gun confiscation in the wake of a mass shooting in Christchurch in March 2019. So according to liberal logic, gun crime in New Zealand should be at an all-time low now.
But that’s the opposite of what has happened. According to figures obtained by Radio New Zealand, “[L]ast year had the highest rates of gun crime and deaths involving firearms for nearly 10 years.”
The gun-control legislation implemented in New Zealand banned all “military-style” semi-automatic guns and so-called “assault rifles.” In an effort to take those weapons out of circulation, the country established a mandatory “gun buyback.”
In 2014, before the implementation of gun control, New Zealand had a gun-related death rate of less than 1 per 1 million people. According to Radio New Zealand, the nation recorded 2.4 gun-related deaths per million people in each of the past two years.
So if the goal is to reduce gun violence, gun control is an epic failure. At the very least, gun control does very little to reduce gun crime.
This should not come as much of a surprise. A 2018 study by two pro-gun-control groups found no observable effect on gun homicides and suicide rates in California that could be linked to gun-control laws in the state.
Similarly, if gun control worked as well as liberals claim it does, Chicago would be a peaceful utopia. Instead, the Windy City is an epicenter of gun violence. Last weekend, 104 people became victims of gun violence in the nation’s third-largest city, with 14 losing their lives.
Perhaps it never occurred to gun-control advocates that criminals, who by definition do not obey laws, are not deterred by strict gun-control laws.
As a group of New Mexico sheriffs speaking out against proposed gun-control legislation in their state in 2019 explained, “you’re just taking guns out of law-abiding citizens’ hands.”
Will Democrats implement New Zealand-style gun control if Biden wins the presidency?
“This is not going to affect the criminals out there. They’re going to be able to get guns, and they do not follow the law.”
In America, law-abiding citizens need guns more than ever as left-wing mobs push to “defund the police” and go on rampages of looting and destroying businesses. This anarchistic unrest comes in the wake of the death of George Floyd in police custody a month ago.
Yet these arguments do not deter liberals. Should Joe Biden win the presidency in November, he has promised to make anti-gun extremist Beto O’Rourke his gun-control czar. Liberals would love to implement the same gun-control measures in America that proved ineffective in New Zealand.
In light of the failure of gun-control measures to reduce gun violence in New Zealand, it might make sense for the nation to reconsider its “assault weapons” bans and gun confiscation program. Instead, New Zealand is doubling down on its gun-control efforts.
According to Reuters, New Zealand implemented a gun registry earlier this month. Residents will be required to update the registry as they buy or sell guns.
It might seem tempting to dismiss the idea of such wide-reaching gun control ever taking effect in the United States. After all, the right to keep and bear arms is explicitly protected in the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
However, liberals have made it clear that they see abolishing the Second Amendment as part of their long-range plan. The late Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote as much in a 2018 New York Times Op-Ed titled “Repeal the Second Amendment.”
Liberals and Democrats should look at the statistics in New Zealand and here at home before moving ahead with their gun-control agenda — even though these statistics probably will have the New Zealand effect, causing liberals at home to push for more gun control, not less. 10-Year High After Strict Gun Confiscation
Justin is an idiot.
Thats a bit of a prejudiced look at NZs situation.
Kiwis can work in Aussie and Strayans can live and work here.
NZ has had an influx of gang members from Australia as Aussie is deporting anyone breaking the law and 1/8th of NZs population lived in Aussie.
A large proportion the NZ workers are Maori who go there to escape racism from white honkies in NZ.
They feel they get a better deal, just many Canadians try to work in USA, bigger bucks, warmer climate, etc.
So a lot of biker club dudes, The Mongols, Diablos, HAMC, Highway61, etc. get deported to NZ, even if they were born in Aussie, as they are Kiwis.
The Maori boys love the biker life style and "Do well" in that enviornment.
NZ Police are raiding their club houses and confiscating drugs, guns, bombs, bikes, cars and are reducing the weapons count in NZ.
Ther gangs raid Police stations for weapons and guys who have legal weapons, but it will come right in the long run.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017

Here's the armed man who broke into Rideau Hall in order to chat about guns with the Prime Minister.

You really cant tell the Somali refugees by just looking. He actually looks like a typical white middle aged tub of lard.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Thats a bit of a prejudiced look at NZs situation.
Kiwis can work in Aussie and Strayans can live and work here.
NZ has had an influx of gang members from Australia as Aussie is deporting anyone breaking the law and 1/8th of NZs population lived in Aussie.
A large proportion the NZ workers are Maori who go there to escape racism from white honkies in NZ.
They feel they get a better deal, just many Canadians try to work in USA, bigger bucks, warmer climate, etc.
So a lot of biker club dudes, The Mongols, Diablos, HAMC, Highway61, etc. get deported to NZ, even if they were born in Aussie, as they are Kiwis.
The Maori boys love the biker life style and "Do well" in that enviornment.
NZ Police are raiding their club houses and confiscating drugs, guns, bombs, bikes, cars and are reducing the weapons count in NZ.
Ther gangs raid Police stations for weapons and guys who have legal weapons, but it will come right in the long run.
So it’s the natives acting up ? Okay glad we don’t have any of that in Canada .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oom, yacka, wurka

I can ride a kangaroo
(Yeah, yeah)
Make Kinkajou stew
(Yeah, yeah)
But I'm a big disgrace to the aborigine race
My boomerang won't come back


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Oom, yacka, wurka

I can ride a kangaroo
(Yeah, yeah)
Make Kinkajou stew
(Yeah, yeah)
But I'm a big disgrace to the aborigine race
My boomerang won't come back
That was a great song , how politically correct.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Liberal anti-firearms policy is targeted at law-abiding firearms owners.
Liberal anti-firearms lies are targeted at non-firearms owning Canadians.
You know the truth.
The re-classifications are based on fear not fact.
The “buyback” is fake, you can’t buy back what you don’t own.
The policy will be a costly waste.
It won’t save lives, but it might cost lives.
We know the truth, but millions of non-firearms owning Canadians don’t.
They don’t know the truth.
They don’t know they are being lied to by their government.
They don’t know the slippery slope this policy represents.
They don’t know the truth now, but they will.
This summer, I will be focused on educating non-firearms owning Canadians about the truth behind the Liberals' Firearms Confiscation Plan.
We are going to target different types of non-firearms owning Canadians with different messages through a series of articles and videos.
Canadians need to know this policy is worse than junk science, a waste of money, damaging to democracy, and foreshadows the next step on the path to state control.
The first article has been posted, The Truth Behind The Liberals’ Firearms Confiscation Plan.
Our local Conservative Association is going to be advertising the series on Facebook to help amplify the message and reach Canadians who might not normally click a link for an article or a video about firearms.
If we are going to have a chance of winning the next election and reversing this policy, we need non-firearms owning Canadians onside.
If you can help our Association, your donation will sponsor a week of Facebook ads.
We’ll update all sponsors on our campaign's performance each week.
Cheryl Gallant
Member of Parliament for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Bill Blair: Get Your Ministerial House in Order

On May 1st, 2020, the Liberal government banned a swath of semi-automatic firearms by Order in Council (OIC), all of which are commonly used for hunting and sporting purposes in Canada.

Every week we also learn of more horror stories based on SOR/2020-96.

This week we learned of an RCMP memo sent to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The letter advised “some AR-15 parts” are now prohibited based on the OIC, but the RCMP memo did not specify which ones.

The problem is the RCMP’s guidance to the CBSA on AR-15 parts – it’s intentionally vague and misleading.

Worse, Bill Blair refuses to correct the RCMP’s error.

As a result of this intentionally vague RCMP memo, the CBSA is now seizing all AR-15 gun parts at the border, even though they are perfectly legal to import.

The CBSA, after relying on bad advice from the RCMP and in the absence of correct information, are erring on the side of extreme caution.

The only AR-15 parts the Minister's putrid May 1st Order in Council banned are AR-15 upper receivers. Order in Council SOR/2020-96 reclassifies the following parts as Prohibited Devices:

Upper receivers.

Every other part of the AR-15 (with the obvious exception of the lower receiver) is an uncontrolled spare part, yet there are 48 cases ongoing because of this RCMP mis-directive.

The CBSA seized $9,000 worth of AR-15 parts inventory from a single firearm dealer alone, based on the RCMP’s misinformation. That’s a lot of money for a small business in normal times, let alone the COVID-19 pandemic we’re still struggling with.

Now individuals and businesses must fight with CBSA to obtain their legally-imported spare parts.

If Minister Blair gave a crap about the rule of law (as he claims), he would order the RCMP to give the CBSA accurate information instead of forcing them to guess.

He would immediately order the CBSA to release all shipments of AR-15 spare parts, without penalty or storage charges (and with an apology letter for the illegal seizure).

This problem is 100% Minister Blair’s fault:

  • He drafted the Order in Council.
  • He is the Minister in charge of the RCMP.
  • He is the Minister in charge of the CBSA.
  • He refuses to order the RCMP to give CBSA accurate information.

Canadian individuals and businesses, 48 of them at last count, are suffering even more because of his ineptness and incompetence.

Minister Blair, please stop lying and start doing your job.

Get your ministerial house in order.

It’s your law, Minister, now order the RCMP to obey it.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Bill Blair: Get Your Ministerial House in Order

On May 1st, 2020, the Liberal government banned a swath of semi-automatic firearms by Order in Council (OIC), all of which are commonly used for hunting and sporting purposes in Canada.

Every week we also learn of more horror stories based on SOR/2020-96.

This week we learned of an RCMP memo sent to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The letter advised “some AR-15 parts” are now prohibited based on the OIC, but the RCMP memo did not specify which ones.

The problem is the RCMP’s guidance to the CBSA on AR-15 parts – it’s intentionally vague and misleading.

Worse, Bill Blair refuses to correct the RCMP’s error.

As a result of this intentionally vague RCMP memo, the CBSA is now seizing all AR-15 gun parts at the border, even though they are perfectly legal to import.

The CBSA, after relying on bad advice from the RCMP and in the absence of correct information, are erring on the side of extreme caution.

The only AR-15 parts the Minister's putrid May 1st Order in Council banned are AR-15 upper receivers. Order in Council SOR/2020-96 reclassifies the following parts as Prohibited Devices:

Upper receivers.

Every other part of the AR-15 (with the obvious exception of the lower receiver) is an uncontrolled spare part, yet there are 48 cases ongoing because of this RCMP mis-directive.

The CBSA seized $9,000 worth of AR-15 parts inventory from a single firearm dealer alone, based on the RCMP’s misinformation. That’s a lot of money for a small business in normal times, let alone the COVID-19 pandemic we’re still struggling with.

Now individuals and businesses must fight with CBSA to obtain their legally-imported spare parts.

If Minister Blair gave a crap about the rule of law (as he claims), he would order the RCMP to give the CBSA accurate information instead of forcing them to guess.

He would immediately order the CBSA to release all shipments of AR-15 spare parts, without penalty or storage charges (and with an apology letter for the illegal seizure).

This problem is 100% Minister Blair’s fault:

  • He drafted the Order in Council.
  • He is the Minister in charge of the RCMP.
  • He is the Minister in charge of the CBSA.
  • He refuses to order the RCMP to give CBSA accurate information.

Canadian individuals and businesses, 48 of them at last count, are suffering even more because of his ineptness and incompetence.

Minister Blair, please stop lying and start doing your job.

Get your ministerial house in order.

It’s your law, Minister, now order the RCMP to obey it.


If it is black and scary it must be gone .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Any bets on what inspired the incursion into Rideau Hall grounds?

The guy had what they called a "M14" rifle. I bet it was a Norinco M305. No matter, both were rendered valueless, and set up for theft by the state on May 1, without consulting with the representatives of the people.

When Dear Leader suspends democracy and starts seizing peoples' firearms, some are going to get very pissed off.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
If it were up to the people of Canada there wouldn't be any guns in this country.

After the federal government unveiled a new “assault-style” gun ban earlier this month, almost nine in 10 Canadians believe Ottawa should be spending more to crack down on firearms smuggled across the Canada-U.S. border, according to a new poll conducted by Ipsos exclusively for Global News.

And while a third of Canadians believe the recent ban on 1,500 of those weapons goes too far, eight in 10 say they agree with the move and about 70 per cent believe all handguns should be prohibited as well, the poll suggests.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If it were up to the people of Canada there wouldn't be any guns in this country.

After the federal government unveiled a new “assault-style” gun ban earlier this month, almost nine in 10 Canadians believe Ottawa should be spending more to crack down on firearms smuggled across the Canada-U.S. border, according to a new poll conducted by Ipsos exclusively for Global News.

And while a third of Canadians believe the recent ban on 1,500 of those weapons goes too far, eight in 10 say they agree with the move and about 70 per cent believe all handguns should be prohibited as well, the poll suggests.

Christ you spew a lot of mindless bull shit! Do you just go out of your way to piss people off?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
If it were up to the people of Canada there wouldn't be any guns in this country.
After the federal government unveiled a new “assault-style” gun ban earlier this month, almost nine in 10 Canadians believe Ottawa should be spending more to crack down on firearms smuggled across the Canada-U.S. border, according to a new poll conducted by Ipsos exclusively for Global News.
And while a third of Canadians believe the recent ban on 1,500 of those weapons goes too far, eight in 10 say they agree with the move and about 70 per cent believe all handguns should be prohibited as well, the poll suggests.

I see your math isnt any better than globals. 1/3....or 3.3/10 feel the gun law went too far, and 8/10 agree with it? Come on now, this is elementary grade math.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Most of us have a baseball bat behind the door as first line of Defense . The guns come out later .
Most of us do not own a gun and have never owned a gun and will never own a gun.

Most of us would prefer that none of us have a gun.

Of course I'm only talking about Canadians. I have no idea how many of you own guns.