Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You don't believe in Christ. If you did, you'd be Christian, not a satan worshiping Muslim.
As for Palastinians, they are lucking to have what they have after '67 and lucky Israel is so patient with Hamas.

I believe in Jesus Christ as I believe in Prophet Mohammed.
But I believe in Jesus as a prophet and righteous servant and messenger of God..
I don't believe that Jesus Christ is God Himself, neither that Jesus is the son of God but the son of man.

It is you that follows Satan: because you provoke the Zionists to fight in deputy of you.. thinking you are smart while you only are destroying yourself and casting it in the fire of volcanoes immediately following your death (if you keep to your polytheism and tritheism.)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I believe in Jesus Christ as I believe in Prophet Mohammed.
But I believe in Jesus as a prophet and righteous servant and messenger of God..
I don't believe that Jesus Christ is God Himself, neither that Jesus is the son of God but the son of man.
It is you that follows Satan: because you provoke the Zionists to fight in deputy of you.. thinking you are smart while you only are destroying yourself and casting it in the fire of volcanoes immediately following your death (if you keep to your polytheism and tritheism.)

Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I believe in Jesus Christ as I believe in Prophet Mohammed.
But I believe in Jesus as a prophet and righteous servant and messenger of God..
I don't believe that Jesus Christ is God Himself, neither that Jesus is the son of God but the son of man.
It is you that follows Satan: because you provoke the Zionists to fight in deputy of you.. thinking you are smart while you only are destroying yourself and casting it in the fire of volcanoes immediately following your death (if you keep to your polytheism and tritheism.)

Why are you so full of hate? I find it rather in poor taste and I can't imagine what it must do for your mental health, specifically, or your overall health. If your Prophet is a person who hates and can't accept forgiveness or forgives, then I'm sure glad that Jesus does! I couldn't live like that.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Jews were there before Mohamed was born.

The ownership of entire earth belongs to God Almighty; He gives out of His ownership to whomever He pleases and strips the ownership from ever He likes to abolish.

Quran 3: 26-27, which mean:
(26. Say [O Mohammed, in your prayer:]

"Our God, the Absolute Owner of the 'kingdom and possession' [of the life of the World and the Next Life];

You offer 'kingdom and possession' to whomever [of your servants] You please, and take away 'kingdom and possession' from whoever [of people] You want;

You exalt whoever [of people] You like [to dignify among them] and abase whoever You want [to abase];

the good [as a whole] is by Your hand;

You are the All-Able to do anything [of that.]"

27. "You merge the night into the day, and merge the day into the night [because of the rotation of the earth around its axis].

You produce the living from the dead, and produce the dead from the living, and provide sustenance, to whomever You please, without stint."

See the complete interpretation of these 2 ayat:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
The ownership of entire earth belongs to God Almighty; He gives out of His ownership to whomever He pleases and strips the ownership from ever He likes to abolish.
Quran 3: 26-27, which mean:
(26. Say [O Mohammed, in your prayer:]
"Our God, the Absolute Owner of the 'kingdom and possession' [of the life of the World and the Next Life];
You offer 'kingdom and possession' to whomever [of your servants] You please, and take away 'kingdom and possession' from whoever [of people] You want;
You exalt whoever [of people] You like [to dignify among them] and abase whoever You want [to abase];
the good [as a whole] is by Your hand;
You are the All-Able to do anything [of that.]"
27. "You merge the night into the day, and merge the day into the night [because of the rotation of the earth around its axis].
You produce the living from the dead, and produce the dead from the living, and provide sustenance, to whomever You please, without stint."
See the complete interpretation of these 2 ayat:

Then obviously, he has chosen to give isreal what they have, and what they can take.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The ownership of entire earth belongs to God Almighty; He gives out of His ownership to whomever He pleases and strips the ownership from ever He likes to abolish.

Quran 3: 26-27, which mean:
(26. Say [O Mohammed, in your prayer:]

"Our God, the Absolute Owner of the 'kingdom and possession' [of the life of the World and the Next Life];

You offer 'kingdom and possession' to whomever [of your servants] You please, and take away 'kingdom and possession' from whoever [of people] You want;

You exalt whoever [of people] You like [to dignify among them] and abase whoever You want [to abase];

the good [as a whole] is by Your hand;

You are the All-Able to do anything [of that.]"

27. "You merge the night into the day, and merge the day into the night [because of the rotation of the earth around its axis].

You produce the living from the dead, and produce the dead from the living, and provide sustenance, to whomever You please, without stint."

See the complete interpretation of these 2 ayat:

Can you do this, you false prophet....


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
My comment:
God instructed His messenger to pray Him with this prayer, and He answered his prayer and gave him the inheritance of all the ancient world,
and will give to the Mahdi the ownership of the Arab and Muslim land, and I think at least the sovereignty of the entire earth.
This in spite of you, Jews and Christians: I mean the rancorous and blasphemers among you.

Quran 9: 33, which means:
(It is He [: God] Who has sent His messenger [: Mohammed] with the guidance [: included in the Quran] and [the Islam:] the religion of [pure] truth,

[Then God – be glorified – told that the truth will overcome and the religion of the Islam will prevail on all religions in the future, so He said …]

that He may make it victorious over all religions [in the future, in the time of the Awaited Mahdi: the Comforter] though the "idolaters and associaters" are averse [to that.])

See the complete interpreatation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
My comment:
God instructed His messenger to pray Him with this prayer, and He answered his prayer and gave him the inheritance of all the ancient world,
and will give to the Mahdi the ownership of the Arab and Muslim land, and I think at least the sovereignty of the entire earth. This in spite of you, Jews and Christians: I mean the rancorous and blasphemers among you.
Quran 9: 33, which means:
(It is He [: God] Who has sent His messenger [: Mohammed] with the guidance [: included in the Quran] and [the Islam:] the religion of [pure] truth,
[Then God – be glorified – told that the truth will overcome and the religion of the Islam will prevail on all religions in the future, so He said …]
that He may make it victorious over all religions [in the future, in the time of the Awaited Mahdi: the Comforter] though the "idolaters and associaters" are averse [to that.])
See the complete interpreatation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly

That's not what's happening, though, is it. Admit it, Satans predictions aren't coming true.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Then obviously, he has chosen to give isreal what they have, and what they can take.

This is true to some extent: this to degrade Muslims because they have fallen in the tomb worship:
but this is only temporary: when He has set the idolaters among Jews and Christians on Muslims in the present time:
only for a limited period until they come to devote themselves to Him alone without associate or son.

[[N.B. May also depend on the Holy Aqsa Mosque and preventing Muslims from prayers and the transgression on God's House of worship: the Mahdi may come: I saw some portents of his coming: "The sign of the coming of the Mahdi is the excavation of the Temple."]]

So God gave the land as inheritance to His servants among the Israelite in the time of Joshua and the rest of prophets.. then when they fell in the idolatry, He stripped the ownership from them and set on them the King of Babylon.

And He turned toward the Israelite afterwards when they listened to their prophets Ezekiel and Daniel and Nehemiah..

then they fell in the idolatry and wronged each other, and He sent them Jesus Christ.. and they denied him .. so He set on them Titus the Roman leader and destroyed them utterly.

Then He sent Prophet Mohammed, and when the Arab believed and broke their idols, He gave them the inheritance of the entire earth..

Then Muslims declined and fell in the idolatry and He stripped the ownership from them and set on them the Mongol and the Tatar.. then the Crusades, then the Imperialists and Zionists.

So now, the outcome depends on their devotion: if Muslims once again devote themselves to God (Insha Allah in the near future), He once again will make them the successors and masters of the earth to rule people with justice and devotion to God alone, and if they again fall in the idolatry .. things will deteriorate till Doomsday

Therefore, your end: Zionists and Imperialists (among Jews and Christians) is very near and depends on this condition. Very easy to God.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God fulfilled His promise to believers to give them sovereignty in the earth:

So God made the Muslims successors in the earth, following after the past righteous people in the time of the prophets, and in the time of Prophet Jesus and his disciples, and God fulfilled His promise to make them successors in the earth.

Quran 24: 55, which means:
(God promises those among you who believe [with a true belief] and work righteous [works]:

that He will make them successors [to dispose] in the earth [succeeding those before them], as did He – before them – make those [Children of Israel:] successors [who succeeded Pharaoh in Egypt and the Amalecite in Jordan],

and that He will establish for them their religion [of the Islam] which He has approved for them,

and will grant them security in exchange after their fear [of the associaters among the Arab];

[on condition that] they should worship Me [alone] but should not associate anything with Me. Then whoso becomes ungrateful, even after that [blessing], such will be sinners.

The complete interpretation of this aya, by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
This is true to some extent: this to degrade Muslims because they have fallen in the tomb worship:
but this is only temporary: when He has set the idolaters among Jews and Christians on Muslims in the present time:
only for a limited period until they come to devote themselves to Him alone without associate or son.
So God gave the land as inheritance to His servants among the Israelite in the time of Joshua and the rest of prophets.. then when they fell in the idolatry, He stripped the ownership from them and set on them the King of Babylon.
And He turned toward the Israelite afterwards when they listened to their prophets Ezekiel and Daniel and Nehemiah..
then they fell in the idolatry and wronged each other, and He sent them Jesus Christ.. and they denied him .. so He set on them Titus the Roman leader and destroyed them utterly.
Then He sent Prophet Mohammed, and when the Arab believed and broke their idols, He gave them the inheritance of the entire earth..
Then Muslims declined and fell in the idolatry and He stripped the ownership from them and set on them the Mongol and the Tatar.. then the Crusades, then the Imperialists and Zionists.
So now, the outcome depends on their devotion: if Muslims once again devote themselves to God (Insha Allah in the near future), He once again will make them the successors and masters of the earth to rule people with justice and devotion to God alone, and if they again fall in the idolatry .. things will deteriorate till Doomsday
Therefore, your end: Zionists and Imperialists (among Jews and Christians) is very near and depends on this condition. Very easy to God.

Sorry, your "god" is Satan and he will never win against our lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Almighty Father.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Sorry, your "god" is Satan and he will never win against our lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Almighty Father.
The angriest and most confrontational poster follows the teachings of Jesus . Really !

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Sorry, your "god" is Satan and he will never win against our lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Almighty Father.

If we check these words, we will know for certain that: a heavenly message [of Jesus Christ] has been changed into idolatry [of the present Christians].


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Here is a good history of the occupation of Palestine,
The current map of Palestine is often described as resembling "Swiss cheese". Over the past century it has been carved up, walled-in and filled with hundreds of illegal Israeli settlements and military checkpoints.
Now, in the latest round of Israel's ongoing occupation and policy of land-grabs this map could become even more disjointed. On July 1, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to announce Israel's annexation of the Jordan Valley and northern Dead Sea.
Annexation is a term used when a state unilaterally incorporates another territory within its borders. Annexing the Jordan Valley would mean that Israel would officially consider it part of the state of Israel.
"International law is very clear: annexation and territorial conquest are forbidden by the Charter of the United Nations," said Michael Lynk, the UN independent expert on human rights in the Palestinian territories.
To understand what annexation will look like on the ground and how we got here, Al Jazeera has compiled a collection of historic and present-day maps for you to explore.