Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
OOOooo! Snarky!


It should be pointed out that LIE-berals such as hemerHOID and T-bonesfor brains ARE SO ARROGANT

that they automatically assume that any person who disagrees with them MUST SOMEHOW BE CONFUSED!

And thus unable to see clearly the CLAIMED LIE-beral sense of RIGHTNESS AND ENTITLEMENT!

In related news- Toronto Sun writer Lorrie Goldstein has DARED TO PUT INTO PRINT THAT WHICH WE ARE ALL THINKING!

Goldstein has pointed out that in the aftermath of the Wuhan Pestilence - with the BILLS PILED SO HIGH

one way of saving a good many of our govt services - WOULD BE TO CUT BACK the pay rates of civil service union HOGS!

As I have pointed out in the past there is NO GOOD REASON WHY the clerk marking your $100 water bill as being paid

should be getting MUCH BETTER PAY AND PERKS than the private sector clerk marking your $100 grocery bill as being PAID!

In an unrelated article from National Post - the writer Mintz points out that our National Debt is actually DRASTICALLY HIGHER

than what is being admitted - IF WE COUNT ALL THE LIE-beral issued PENSION PROMISES made by LIE-berals in the classic

style made famous by Wimpy - to paraphrase: "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for your LIE-beral support today"!

But THAT LIE-beral Tuesday IS NOT COMING!

There is NO MORE MONEY! Wuhan Pestilence and LIE-beral virtue signaling that claimed closing the border and quarantining

travellers was some how RACIST has SOLD OFF OUR FUTURE by allowing the Wuhan Virus to do so much damage!

And now LIE-berals are CAUGHT! HOGS are DEMANDING that the economy be re-opened so they can continue

GRABBING MORE GRAVY! Even as an epidemic of bankruptcies edges ever nearer to our lives!

HOGS DEMAND that the gravy train roll on using tracks that were WASHED AWAY in an avalanche of disease!

The economic hand writing is ON THE WALL!

There are BIG CHANGES coming to a HOG BARN NEAR YOU!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
We can, but not when the leader dropped the ball at the start and has been making a bigger disaster every single day.
You have described Trump to a tee.

Trudeau on the other hand has done such a good job that his popularity has gone up and stayed up.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You have described Trump to a tee.

Trudeau on the other hand has done such a good job that his popularity has gone up and stayed up.

Which aspect of the job that Trudeau has done has been good? You mean showing preference to immigrants (refugees) over his own citizens? You mean ignoring the thuggery running rampant in the R.C.M.P.? You mean shovelling money indiscriminently out the back door to gain popularity?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Which aspect of the job that Trudeau has done has been good? You mean showing preference to immigrants (refugees) over his own citizens? You mean ignoring the thuggery running rampant in the R.C.M.P.? You mean shovelling money indiscriminently out the back door to gain popularity?
Exactly .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Which aspect of the job that Trudeau has done has been good? You mean showing preference to immigrants (refugees) over his own citizens? You mean ignoring the thuggery running rampant in the R.C.M.P.? You mean shovelling money indiscriminently out the back door to gain popularity?
Prisoners getting CERB while disabled got $300 GST top u speaks volumes on who matters.

Trudeau is turning those on the bottom into Criminals. The parameters of the CERB are so loose that anyone earning $104 a week walking dogs or selling Avon qualified.

They cant afford repayment or the fine, theyll have to take default the fine and take jail time.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prisoners getting CERB while disabled got $300 GST top u speaks volumes on who matters.

Trudeau is turning those on the bottom into Criminals. The parameters of the CERB are so loose that anyone earning $104 a week walking dogs or selling Avon qualified.

They cant afford repayment or the fine, they'll have to take default the fine and take jail time.
This is assuming Revenue Canada ever gets around to pursuing even 1/10th of the fraudulent CERB applicants. The volume of applicants will be monstrously huge, & as noted above many of the most blatantly ridiculous ones have no means of repaying the $2000 per month x many many months....and it'll be blood from a stone so they'll just become multi-billion dollar debt write-off's that we or our children or or our children's children will eventually have to pay off. Some might get punished, and most will get nothing except more Gov't $$$.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You have described Trump to a tee.
Trudeau on the other hand has done such a good job that his popularity has gone up and stayed up.
ROFLMFAO. Always good to have a laugh at breakfast. Fact is the native bands on the west coast have done a better job of protecting their people than trudOWE has of protecting the country.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This is assuming Revenue Canada ever gets around to pursuing even 1/10th of the fraudulent CERB applicants. The volume of applicants will be monstrously huge, & as noted above many of the most blatantly ridiculous ones have no means of repaying the $2000 per month x many many months....and it'll be blood from a stone so they'll just become multi-billion dollar debt write-off's that we or our children or or our children's children will eventually have to pay off. Some might get punished, and most will get nothing except more Gov't $$$.
Use the trudOWE method of paying back todays debt with tomorrows inflated $$$$. End up paying $0.10 on the $$. Look how well that worked for pappa.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
ROFLMFAO. Always good to have a laugh at breakfast. Fact is the native bands on the west coast have done a better job of protecting their people than trudOWE has of protecting the country.

Given the fact that by speaking out your ass you generally have a 50% chance of getting things right. How is it that Hoid is able to fail so miserably when he does it? :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Given the fact that by speaking out your ass you generally have a 50% chance of getting things right. How is it that Hoid is able to fail so miserably when he does it? :)
Maybe because he only speaks out his ass on subjects he knows nothing about. That of course is every subject.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
ROFLMFAO. Always good to have a laugh at breakfast. Fact is the native bands on the west coast have done a better job of protecting their people than trudOWE has of protecting the country.
Yes every band have signs barring visitors due to Covid .