Should Trudeau Be More Aggressive with Albertchewan?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
That's the spirit, teach the little f*ckers young about the fine arts of incompetence and corruption!
I was a member of the Youth Parliament way back when it first got started in Saskatchewan. I missed the part on incompetence and corruption but I did learn a lot about governance and politics and the experience instilled in me a life-long interest in both.

BTW - the 'little f*cker' comment was in really bad taste, JLM.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I was a member of the Youth Parliament way back when it first got started in Saskatchewan. I missed the part on incompetence and corruption but I did learn a lot about governance and politics and the experience instilled in me a life-long interest in both.

BTW - the 'little f*cker' comment was in really bad taste, JLM.

It was meant to be taken with a grain of salt and definitely not meant to be offensive! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Canadian National Railway Co. is beating benchmark stock indexes as its profit and shipments surge, a boost for Mr. Gates, the largest shareholder. At $64.5-billion, the railway has passed Suncor Energy Inc. to become Canada's fourth-largest company by market value.

...and Gates was owned by Epstien, and has been for a LONG time...

CN has also just announced some employee layoffs are coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh to keep costs down and stock options open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all - with the demand for fossil fuels being so weak right now.................

thanks to so many civil service union HOGS getting ready to

STRIKE instead of planning their next trip down south............

the market for fossil fuel is weakening........................

so CP and Cn will be shipping LESS OIL BY RAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I suppose it depends on what exactly you mean by the 'Right'. I doubt the Nazi party would be interested in you - no loss on your part though.

I don't generally think in terms of "left" or "right" but more in terms of "feasible" , "functional" or "hare-brained"!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Arguing things of regional importance with a globullist is like arguing with a stump except the stump is smarter.

The truth is there was NO WAY that Moe could get ANY........................

USEFUL RESPONSE out of Our idiot Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS I have said before- the WEST IS SCREWED until such time as enough people.........................

get tired of LIE-beral BAIT AND SWITCH LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy TOLD THE TRUTH when he told us "he wanted to kill the Cdn oil patch"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he DISAPPROVES OF NATURAL GAS USE AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The nice thing about LIE-beral policy -is that every time a LIE-beral helps one person......................

TWO OTHERS GET SCREWED to pay for that LIE-beral generosity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral math is relentless.............................

eventually they will SCREW ENOUGH PEOPLE and get THROWN out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I don't generally think in terms of "left" or "right" but more in terms of "feasible" , "functional" or "hare-brained"!

So your union mandates that you be "UNFEASIBLE" and "HARE BRAINED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is THAT YOUR EXCUSE Joyless LIE-beral Monkey???????????????


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Trudeau should simply shut up and resign. He's a disgrace to our country and is nothing but an airhead! He's mean, he's argumentative, he lies and he has absolutely no integrity. The Canadians who did vote for him need to give their heads a shake!

He's not and never will be PM material as he's a selfish, egotistical man who has no view of anyone or anywhere but himself and who surrounds himself with people who are in awe of him. He's a disgusting individual period!

Just sayin....
You should have used the term 'Ottawa'. Then tackle the US and then the UK and then France and then the World Bank as who has been making Canada into a big slum for their benefit. Not just sayin . . .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It's been 21 years since I've been connected to ANY union!


You have been comfortably RETIRED THAT LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some clever person posted this observation: “It is my thought that civil service union Hogs are swarming social media sites to stifle any voice that dissents from their own. Are there others who would agree with my belief that they are heavy handed and authoritarian and therefore a threat to democracy”?

In related news- should we ask just what all those LIE-beral media relations staffes spend their day doing? Maybe things like spreading Fake News on behalf of their political employer? And- would we have less Fake News if politicians had to write their own crap instead of hiding behind a smoke screen of “I was mis-quoted”?

I must insist that this person is quite right in assuming civil service Hogs are BENDING election law in a most disgraceful fashion! One has only to imagine the screams of outrage that would come from the LIE-beral/Hog headquarters if corporate CEO`s told their employees that their pay and job security would be in jeopardy unless Conservatives were elected! Can you picture the outrage if CEO`s told their employees they would not get raises in pay if LIE-berals were elected!

And yet that is EXACTLY what Hog union leaders have told their followers! All govt employees KNOW that their future will be much brighter if LIE-berals are elected! And LIE-berals make this assertion more true with every new contract they sign with Hogs! It is election bribery on a HUGE scale!

LIE-berals have made hundreds of billions of dollars in pension promises to Hogs. For instance, Ontari-owe LIE-beralsc have promised fifty five billion dollars in pension promises to OSSTF/Ontari-owe high school teachers who already have the single largest pension fund in all of North America! And there are EIGHTEEN MORE provincial civil service ujions right behind OSSTF- each with their own set of COSTLY IOU`s! Civil servants receive pension opportunities on a scale that is not even legal for private sector workers!

Sadly there are many hundreds of billions of dollars in LIE-beral IOU`s promised by the FOUR levels of govt- federal, provincial, municipal and the arms length crown corporations such as ORNGE, E-health and the colleges, universities and hospitals! All those LIE-beral promises in exchange for Hog votes is breaking our economy! WE are so grossly in debt that if LIE-berals try to pay even a modest portion of the promises they made in a desperate effort to cling to power, it will throw us into a depression so vast it will make the Dirty Thirties look like a minor inconvenience! The taxes needed to pay for even a portion of LIE-beral promises will cripple vast swaths of our economy and ensure that health care, unemployment ins, welfare and old age pensions for ordinary people disappear like snow in July!

How bad could it all get if LIE-berals ever try to pay most iof their promises? John Steinbeck gave is a window into that sort of world in his Grapes of Wrath! But next time it wont just be “Okies” suffering! The Great Depression and the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown were both the result of massive debt and sloppy banking- just the sort of mess the world has RETURNED TO!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You should have used the term 'Ottawa'. Then tackle the US and then the UK and then France and then the World Bank as who has been making Canada into a big slum for their benefit. Not just sayin . . .

Oh MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You started out well...................................

agreeing with Dixie that Our idiot Boy Justin is a CATASTROPHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then you had to go whine about US, UK, France and World Bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the plus side - i note that this time you have resisted the impulse................................

to specifically name Jews as being at the heart of your delusional conspiracy MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOU - we all know what hatred and bigotry lurks at the heart of all your posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are living breathing PROOF that Muslims hold a hugely TWISTED world view..............................

and thus are not fit to immigrate to a western democratic nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

You have been comfortably RETIRED THAT LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some clever person posted this observation: “It is my thought that civil service union Hogs are swarming social media sites to stifle any voice that dissents from their own. Are there others who would agree with my belief that they are heavy handed and authoritarian and therefore a threat to democracy”?

In related news- should we ask just what all those LIE-beral media relations staffes spend their day doing? Maybe things like spreading Fake News on behalf of their political employer? And- would we have less Fake News if politicians had to write their own crap instead of hiding behind a smoke screen of “I was mis-quoted”?

I must insist that this person is quite right in assuming civil service Hogs are BENDING election law in a most disgraceful fashion! One has only to imagine the screams of outrage that would come from the LIE-beral/Hog headquarters if corporate CEO`s told their employees that their pay and job security would be in jeopardy unless Conservatives were elected! Can you picture the outrage if CEO`s told their employees they would not get raises in pay if LIE-berals were elected!

And yet that is EXACTLY what Hog union leaders have told their followers! All govt employees KNOW that their future will be much brighter if LIE-berals are elected! And LIE-berals make this assertion more true with every new contract they sign with Hogs! It is election bribery on a HUGE scale!

LIE-berals have made hundreds of billions of dollars in pension promises to Hogs. For instance, Ontari-owe LIE-beralsc have promised fifty five billion dollars in pension promises to OSSTF/Ontari-owe high school teachers who already have the single largest pension fund in all of North America! And there are EIGHTEEN MORE provincial civil service ujions right behind OSSTF- each with their own set of COSTLY IOU`s! Civil servants receive pension opportunities on a scale that is not even legal for private sector workers!

Sadly there are many hundreds of billions of dollars in LIE-beral IOU`s promised by the FOUR levels of govt- federal, provincial, municipal and the arms length crown corporations such as ORNGE, E-health and the colleges, universities and hospitals! All those LIE-beral promises in exchange for Hog votes is breaking our economy! WE are so grossly in debt that if LIE-berals try to pay even a modest portion of the promises they made in a desperate effort to cling to power, it will throw us into a depression so vast it will make the Dirty Thirties look like a minor inconvenience! The taxes needed to pay for even a portion of LIE-beral promises will cripple vast swaths of our economy and ensure that health care, unemployment ins, welfare and old age pensions for ordinary people disappear like snow in July!

How bad could it all get if LIE-berals ever try to pay most iof their promises? John Steinbeck gave is a window into that sort of world in his Grapes of Wrath! But next time it wont just be “Okies” suffering! The Great Depression and the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown were both the result of massive debt and sloppy banking- just the sort of mess the world has RETURNED TO!

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd be a multi billionaire! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek

Alberta community declares agricultural disaster amid unsuccessful harvest

Troubles with harvesting crops have plagued farmers across the Prairies this year and now, one Alberta community is escalating the issue to an emergency.
The County of St. Paul has declared a state of agricultural disaster, saying that as of Nov. 26, 35 per cent of crops were still in the ground.
"These unharvested acres are consistent throughout the County of St. Paul," the county said in a news release.
"With recent snowfall, it is unlikely that any more will be harvested before spring."
According to Cliff Martin, a county councillor and chair of the Agricultural Service Board, farmers have faced constant snow or rain since they started their harvest.
“This is the worst we’ve seen for a long time," Martin said. "There’s been some years that’s been bad, but they’ve managed to get most of it. But this year, with the snow and rain, it hasn’t worked out at all.”
Along with the unharvested crop, much of what farmers have been able to get off the fields had high moisture content, meaning lots of work was put in to dry the materials out.
"[It's] taxing and it’s a large economic impact because you're having to move it around, and [there is] the cost of electricity and propane to do it,” Martin said.
Martin said the majority of crops in question are canola, but there's also quite a bit of cereal crops still in the ground, with some areas of the county seeing as much as 40 per cent unharvested.
According to the county, the weather had both delayed crops in maturing and made harvesting them "difficult, if not impossible."
'Quite an economic impact'
The county said the troublesome harvest is impacting more than just the farmers.
“There’s going to be quite an economic impact, especially on local businesses," Martin said. "Without the income coming in. it’s pretty hard to spend."
He said it's hoped that declaring the state of disaster will bring awareness not only to the public, but also to government officials, about the severity of the crop situation in the small community.
Martin added there's been a lot of pressure on the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) in recent years to update programming that provides insurance to farmers.
"The programs are not doing their job really well," he said. "There’s a lot of time delay in getting insurance payouts. A lot of the crop that’s unharvested, you won’t be getting paid out until you harvest in the spring."
Martin said this harvest season has been a "tough time" for all involved.
“In the farming community, it starts out with a lot of frustration," he said. "There’s days I’m sure that a lot of it feels very hopeless, what they’re doing.”
St. Paul isn't the first community to raise alarm bells about the state of harvest this year.
Earlier in November, the sugar company Rogers said it was forced to cancel the 2019 sugar beet harvest because of the severe fall weather.
Leduc County declared a state of agricultural disaster back in September due to the wet growing season. In August, Lac Ste. Anne County did the same.
Earlier this month, the AFSC held a series of townhalls in a number of communities across Alberta to hear concerns from farmers about the state of their crops.
The County of St. Paul declared a state of agricultural disaster in 2017 following a similarly difficult 2016 harvest season where about 25 per cent of farmers' fields were unharvested or were bad quality.
The county is reminding people to be mindful when hunting and doing winter activities as crops still in the ground can be impacted by vehicle and snowmobile traffic.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd be a multi billionaire! :)

IF I WAS AS IGNORANT and selfish in the classic civil service union HOG style AS YOU are .................................

I would not advertise it as you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course if I was as dumb as you wish to portray me...............................

you could safely ignore me as being harmless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It was meant to be taken with a grain of salt and definitely not meant to be offensive! :)


LIE-beral definition of non offensive label:::: "little f===ker"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why dont you head out to one of the LIE-beral "town hall" meetings that our idiot Boy USED.............................

TO BE FOND OF before he got all that cat calling and mockery........................................

and shout out to him as a "little f====ker" and see how fast a reaction you get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!