Stupid, Dumb and Just Plain Ignorant Cop Thread


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
TYPICAL LIE-BERAL HATCHET JOB ON THE TRUTH! The goof repeatedly reaches for things as the cop tries to get him in to a position where he can be safely searched for weapons! This is WHY people get shot- because they do NOT behave properly around frightened cops! If you dont want to get shot then you DO NOT KEEP REACHING INTO YOUR CLOTHES FOR WHATEVER IS HIDDEN THERE! Keep your hands in PLAIN SIGHT AT ALL TIMES! The ONLY people who disagree with this are LIE- berals and clowns who want to make trouble for cops and attack them when cops are not looking!

Here is another example of public stupidity:

Here is yet another article illustrating clearly why all cops view the public as unstable, irrational, explosive and potentially lethal at all times! With some comments of my own in bracket)s:

Kansas City serial killer suspect: ‘Kill all white people’


(So, right off the bat it does not sound like the black guy is into tolerance and forgiveness?)

A suspected serial killer eyed in the executions of five men along Kansas City hiking trails once threatened to “kill all white people.”

Fredrick Demond Scott, 22, who has been charged in two of the slayings and is the prime suspect in three others, allegedly carried a brutal grudge.

The Kansas City Star reports that according to court records, Scott, who is black, threatened three years ago to shoot up an area alternative school and “kill all white people.”

But his mom told the newspaper that her son — who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia — never displayed any sign of hatred towards whites.

(Gosh- what a surprise- Moms spews B.S. in defense of her mentally unstable kid! And- ANOTHER SURPRISE- the guy is certified NUTS! Just the kind of totally UN-TREATED KOOK that cops ALWAYS get called to deal with- and all too often end up shooting because LIE-berals will not let them have tazers or bean bag guns or other non lethal means of subduing those kooks- that LIE-berals refuse to supply medical aid to and leave roaming the streets till trouble hits!)

“As far as I know, Fredrick never had a problem with white people,” his mother said. “He would do odd jobs for people and some of those people were white men.”

Police say they aren’t sure if the murders were racially motivated, but say the accused told detectives he was upset about the 2015 shooting death of his half-brother. The killer was sentenced last week to 45 years in prison.

People who know Scott said his half-brother’s murder sent him over the edge.

“He felt like his brother was the only person in the world who loved him,” one of his Burger King co-workers told the Star.

“It really damaged him.”

(And ought we to ask Why the half brother was murdered? Was he another un-treated victim neglected by the LIE-beral medical system? Or was he some sort of thug or gang banger? The number one killer of black men is other black men! WE are not permitted to know what happened to the brother even though it might make a difference to how we feel about Fred Scott!)

Scott has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Steven Gibbons, 57, and John Palmer, 54.

Prosecutors allege DNA evidence connected him to the victims.

Palmer was killed Aug. 19, 2016, in a wooded area near the Indian Creek trail, one of four deaths police connected in May because they were all near trails and the victims were middle-aged, white men.

Gibbons was shot in the back of the head as he walked along a south Kansas City street near one of the trails.

The other victims are Mike Darby, 61, who was found dead May 18 along Indian Creek Trail; David Lenox, 67, found killed Feb. 27 a few feet from his front door while walking one of his dogs; and Timothy S. Rice, 57, who was found dead April 4 inside a shelter at Minor Park. Baker said Tuesday that there wasn’t sufficient evidence at “this moment” to charge Scott in those cases.

(Foolish LIE-berals present themselves as caring and concerned for our welfare and yet they leave these deranged loons wandering the streets without any worries- in a society where guns are as easy to get as drugs and alcohol! And LIE-berals wonder why we do not trust THEIR version of justice? And why we feel that it is LIE-beral irresponsibility that has created the grossly racist and utterly irrational Black Lives Matter bigots who have made reverse racism their mantra and dedicate themselves to defending criminals from “white” justice!)

Have Another:

Here is yet another article illustrating yet again why cops are entitled to think the public are mostly untreated LUNATICS. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Child forced to brush teeth with cat feces: Cops

Associated Press. Published: October 31, 2017. Updated:
October 31, 2017 9:00 AM EDT. Filed Under:
Toronto SUN News Crime

SAN ANTONIO — Investigators say a San Antonio-area couple punished their three young children by forcing one to brush her teeth with cat feces, using a shock collar as punishment and beating them with a thorny switch.

(I guess the title says it all?)

Thirty-two-year-old James Chalkley and 22-year-old Cheyanne Chalkley were being held Tuesday on charges of injury to a child. James Chalkley is the father of a 3-year-old boy and two girls who are 5 and 10. Cheyanne Chalkley is their stepmother.

Arrest warrants show a teacher noticed bruising on the 5-year-old in September. Investigators say interviews with child-protective workers revealed the extent of their punishments.

The 5-year-old told authorities that her father used a dog’s shock collar on her that left green marks on her skin.

Jail records indicate no attorneys have been appointed for the Chalkleys.

(NO attorney for these knuckleheads? Would YOU want to stand up in court and defend people like these? And you also have to wonder how much influence things like drugs and alcohol played in this mess?)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Post too long and boring. Try just providing a link to a story about a stupid, dumb or just plain ignorant cops. It'll be easy and quicker for you and less stupid for the rest of us


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Post too long and boring. Try just providing a link to a story about a stupid, dumb or just plain ignorant cops. It'll be easy and quicker for you and less stupid for the rest of us

The LIE-beral determination to remain foolish and ignorant is TRULY REMARKABLE! And as the sunny ways turn cloudy- foolish LIE-berals blame Islamophobia and systemic racists for ALL their troubles! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Here is another fine article illustrating yet again why cops think the public is made up of explosively dangerous loons! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Mom gets 6 months for pulling gun on barber for taking too long to cut 7-year-old son's hair


Andrea Smith, 31, is seen in security camera footage putting a gun back into her purse at a Cleveland barber school on April 14, 2017.

(Oh great- she is at a barber school- meaning she was there to get a CHEAP CUT for her kid! And the poor sap was just learning and thus working slowly so the kid will end up looking half decent!)

CLEVELAND — A woman accused of pulling a gun on a Cleveland barber because he was taking too long to cut her 7-year-old son’s hair has been sentenced to six months behind bars.

Thirty-one-year-old Andrea Smith was sentenced Tuesday. She previously pleaded guilty to menacing, child endangering and carrying a concealed weapon.

Smith apologized at sentencing and acknowledged she briefly pulled a handgun from her purse at a barber school in April and that she had no license to carry the weapon. But she denied waving it or threatening the barber as police alleged.

No one was hurt. Police say Smith put away the gun after another employee helped to calm her. The barber finished the haircut, and then Smith left with her children.

(Oh well then, she left quietly so its all okay? Or NOT? And one has to wonder what other madness this mother has publicly displayed?)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The LIE-beral determination to remain foolish and ignorant is TRULY REMARKABLE! And as the sunny ways turn cloudy- foolish LIE-berals blame Islamophobia and systemic racists for ALL their troubles! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Here is another fine article illustrating yet again why cops think the public is made up of explosively dangerous loons! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Mom gets 6 months for pulling gun on barber for taking too long to cut 7-year-old son's hair


Andrea Smith, 31, is seen in security camera footage putting a gun back into her purse at a Cleveland barber school on April 14, 2017.

(Oh great- she is at a barber school- meaning she was there to get a CHEAP CUT for her kid! And the poor sap was just learning and thus working slowly so the kid will end up looking half decent!)

CLEVELAND — A woman accused of pulling a gun on a Cleveland barber because he was taking too long to cut her 7-year-old son’s hair has been sentenced to six months behind bars.

Thirty-one-year-old Andrea Smith was sentenced Tuesday. She previously pleaded guilty to menacing, child endangering and carrying a concealed weapon.

Smith apologized at sentencing and acknowledged she briefly pulled a handgun from her purse at a barber school in April and that she had no license to carry the weapon. But she denied waving it or threatening the barber as police alleged.

No one was hurt. Police say Smith put away the gun after another employee helped to calm her. The barber finished the haircut, and then Smith left with her children.

(Oh well then, she left quietly so its all okay? Or NOT? And one has to wonder what other madness this mother has publicly displayed?)

Here is an article illustrating just how serious LIE-berals are about drug smuggling and organized crime generally- and how willing they are to sell us out just so long as it gets them ethnic votes! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Court says: Pearson airport officer's security clearance unreasonably revoked over alleged ties to organized crime

Peter Goffin, THE CANADIAN PRESS. First posted: Monday, August 29, 2016 11:12 AM EDT | Updated: Monday, August 29, 2016 12:24 PM EDT

A woman who lost her job at Toronto's Pearson International Airport because of her family's alleged links to organized crime could have her security clearance restored after a federal judge found it had been unreasonably revoked.

Florija Imerovik had her transportation security clearance revoked by Transport Canada's director general of aviation security in July of last year, causing her to lose her job as a security screening officer at Pearson.

The government's decision was based on RCMP reports that Imerovik's husband, son and a former lodger had associated with known members of Albanian organized crime groups.

On Aug. 18, Federal Court judge Robert Barnes overturned Transport Canada's decision, saying officials had done a "cursory and sloppy review" of the RCMP evidence against Imerovik and her case should be re-evaluated.

Court documents show Imerovik was given transportation security clearance in 2002 and had it renewed at five-year intervals, most recently in 2012.

The documents show that at some point, Transport Canada asked the RCMP to perform additional security checks on Imerovik.

Investigators alleged Imerovik's husband and son had associated with known members of Albanian organized crime groups on several occasions, including one instance three years ago in which her husband reportedly attended a funeral for an "executive" gang member.

They also reported that Imerovik's husband was charged in 1991 with possession of property obtained by crime, forgery and uttering forged documents, but that those charges had been stayed.

Her son was charged in 2010 with assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon but those charges were later dismissed, RCMP reported. He has outstanding charges related to credit card fraud under $5,000.

The RCMP also said the man believed to have lived with Imerovik and her family was connected to Albanian organized crime and had also attended the 2013 gang member funeral.

Court documents show Imerovik's husband and son both deny links to organized crime.

(Well, that`s nice- of course they WOULD deny it! But given the sensitivity of airport security issues- just how trusting should we be? Is it not better to err on the side of caution when dealing with such nasty allegations? How many excuses are people allowed in such a case?)

Imerovik, meanwhile, has said the man who supposedly lived with her family merely used their home as a mailing address during a separation from his spouse, but never actually resided in the home. She also said he was an acquaintance, not a close associate, court documents show.

In March 2015, the Transportation Security Clearance Advisory Body, which advises transportation officials on whether to grant or withdraw security clearance, recommended that Imerovik's be revoked due to the evidence in the RCMP's report.

Four months later, Transport Canada's head of aviation security officially revoked Imerovik's clearance, writing that "Imerovik's very close association to three individuals, who are associated with an Albanian organized crime group, raised concerns regarding her judgment, trustworthiness and reliability."

The revocation document also said that "on the balance of probabilities" Imerovik "may be prone or induced to commit an act, or assist or abet an individual to commit an act that may unlawfully interfere with civil aviation."

Oh gee- that sounds logical- that the woman might be honest but since she is known to people who are Not , she may be pressured into committing a crime! Do all LIE-beral hug a thug judges assume that a mafia chief will ask politely for a favour and if turned down, will then quietly walk away instead of issuing blood curdling THREATS!)

In his decision this month, the federal judge said the government's transportation security clearance policy states that a person can lose their clearance if they are associated with people accused of serious violent crime against people or property or members of an organization engaged in such crimes.

But, he added, "nothing in the RCMP report supported such a belief" about Imerovik or her husband and son.

(If you are going to the funeral of a crime boos, that certainly SOUNDS like an `association` to me!)

Barnes also said there had been no effort on the part of government officials to verify whether the man with alleged gang connections ever really lived in Imerovik's home.

(The woman was comfortable enough with the guy to collect his mail for him- who cares if he actually lived in the house and how would you prove it anyway? All this has the usual LIE-beral hug a thug stink to it!)

Furthermore, he said, the advisory body made errors in its interpretation of the RCMP investigation.

In its recommendation to revoke Imerovik's clearance, the panel incorrectly refers to the man who lived with her family as having a criminal record, though the RCMP report never suggests he had ever been charged or convicted of anything, Barnes said.

(No- and perhaps he is just a clever thug? Why take the risk with this crap?)

The recommendation also incorrectly said Imerovik's son had been charged with certain crimes that the RCMP had actually linked to someone else.

"In the face of the poor quality of the advisory body report and the thinness of the reasons given by the director general, I find (the revocation) to be unreasonable and it is set aside," Barnes said.

He said Imerovik could have her case re-examined by a party other than the advisory body and awarded her $2,250 in court expenses.

Transport Canada declined to comment on the case.

(But perhaps they had a few choice words for the rather sloppy cops who have not quite got their finger on the criminal facts just yet? Apparently there are so many Albanian organized crime guys in Canada that cops do not have the resources to watch and keep track of them all?)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ont. cop under fire after blackface pics surface on Instagram
Postmedia News
More from Postmedia News
January 3, 2018
January 3, 2018 10:03 AM EST
Instagram posts show London police Const. Katrina Aarts. In the left photo, she (and another person) go blackface in what appears to be some kind of traditional African wear. (Instagram)
By RANDY RICHMOND, The London Free Press
The London police service needs to move quickly and decisively on an incident involving an officer shown in blackface, human rights advocates say.
That action should include an immediate apology by the officer involved, and recognition by the police department the act was racist, some say.
But the police force should also use the incident more as a learning moment than an opportunity to condemn an individual officer, the advocates say.
I hope London police service sees this as a teaching moment.
Barbara Perry, specialist in hate crimes
“I do want to stress, this should be seen not as an opportunity to condemn, but an opportunity to educate and enhance our collective understanding,” Anthony Morgan, a Toronto lawyer and specialist in human rights and race relations, said Tuesday.
The officer involved “needs to make a statement and take a stand to acknowledge she now understands this is problematic,” said Barbara Perry, a professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and an specialist in hate crimes.
“I hope London police service sees this as a teaching moment.”
London police have already taken one misstep by saying they’re conducting an internal investigation that will look at the context and intent behind the incident, Mojdeh Cox, an anti-racism and human rights advocate formerly of London, now working in Ottawa, said.
There’s no context or intent that can explain away the impact of painting oneself in blackface, a method of ridiculing of black people since the early 1900s, she said.
“I think the police should come out and say, this was racism,” Cox said.
London police need to explain to the public what exactly they’re doing to address the incident and racism in the force, Cox added.
“The question is, does this act of the employee reflect the values of the employer?”
Police services across Canada, including London’s, are making efforts to understand and train officers in diversity, Perry said.
If people are saying they don't know why blackface is a problem, they are either living under a rock or with white privilege
Mojdeh Cox, human rights advocate
“This certainly takes them (London police) a step back. It is hard to take seriously a police service that allows people to engage in this behaviour.”
An Instagram post from Dec. 13 shows London police Const. Katrina Aarts getting painted and then posing in what appears to be some kind of traditional African wear.
An undated photo posted to Instagram shows London police Const. Katrina Aarts getting her face painted to look black. (Instagram)
The person who made the post also shows Aarts in uniform and praises her. A reply, apparently from Aarts, thanks the friend for the praise but says nothing critical about the blackface photos.
It’s not clear when the photos of the officer in blackface were taken.
The Instagram post was shared with members of the police board, who referred the matter to police administration. The investigation has been turned over to the department’s professional standards branch.
Attempts to reach Aarts for comment were unsuccessful.
The reaction of Londoners on social media to the story, broken by The London Free Press Dec. 29, was deeply divided. Some called the incident racist. Others defended Aarts, saying she’s not racist, and that people were over-reacting to a costume.
All three human rights and anti-racism advocates contacted Tuesday said the act of painting oneself in blackface and dressing in tribal wear is morally and legally wrong.
“If people are saying they don’t know why blackface is a problem, they are either living under a rock or with white privilege,” Cox said. “White supremacy is not just the KKK. It is your race being so dominant, you don’t have to worry about anyone mimicking you for Halloween . . . playing up your race as if you are a caricature.”
The photos perpetuate negative stereotypes of people of African descent, Morgan said.
“What does this mean for people’s perceptions of black people being primitive, savage, unintelligent?” he said.
For someone who has faced discrimination and racism, there is nothing humorous about it.
Barbara Perry
Canadian law recognizes that stereotypes produce systemic injustices, he said. Human rights law looks at the impact, more than the intent, of an act to determine offences, he added.
It doesn’t matter then what Aarts’ intent was. The damage comes from the impact of the act, Morgan said.
“There are so many layers that are so wrong. It is very disparaging,” Perry said.
“It is 2018 and I think we all know how offensive blackface is, or any representation of a cultural group not your own. It plays to stereotypes. Only people who are privileged can say, ‘Lighten up, it is meant to entertain,’” Perry said.
“For someone who has faced discrimination and racism, there is nothing humorous about it.”
The city of London is going to feel some of the impact, Perry said.
“London has been very much in the news the last little bit on a number of issues involving racism or right-wing extremists,” Perry noted.
The blackface photos drew criticism on social media from across Ontario, including comments from Whitby Liberal MP Celine Caesar-Chavannes, a member of the Congress of Black Women and Toronto activist and writer Desmond Cole.

Cops probe officer
Ont. cop under fire after blackface pics surface on Instagram | Toronto Sun


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Ont. cop under fire after blackface pics surface on Instagram
Postmedia News
More from Postmedia News
January 3, 2018
January 3, 2018 10:03 AM EST
Instagram posts show London police Const. Katrina Aarts. In the left photo, she (and another person) go blackface in what appears to be some kind of traditional African wear. (Instagram)
By RANDY RICHMOND, The London Free Press
The London police service needs to move quickly and decisively on an incident involving an officer shown in blackface, human rights advocates say.
That action should include an immediate apology by the officer involved, and recognition by the police department the act was racist, some say.
But the police force should also use the incident more as a learning moment than an opportunity to condemn an individual officer, the advocates say.
I hope London police service sees this as a teaching moment.
Barbara Perry, specialist in hate crimes
“I do want to stress, this should be seen not as an opportunity to condemn, but an opportunity to educate and enhance our collective understanding,” Anthony Morgan, a Toronto lawyer and specialist in human rights and race relations, said Tuesday.
The officer involved “needs to make a statement and take a stand to acknowledge she now understands this is problematic,” said Barbara Perry, a professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and an specialist in hate crimes.
“I hope London police service sees this as a teaching moment.”
London police have already taken one misstep by saying they’re conducting an internal investigation that will look at the context and intent behind the incident, Mojdeh Cox, an anti-racism and human rights advocate formerly of London, now working in Ottawa, said.
There’s no context or intent that can explain away the impact of painting oneself in blackface, a method of ridiculing of black people since the early 1900s, she said.
“I think the police should come out and say, this was racism,” Cox said.
London police need to explain to the public what exactly they’re doing to address the incident and racism in the force, Cox added.
“The question is, does this act of the employee reflect the values of the employer?”
Police services across Canada, including London’s, are making efforts to understand and train officers in diversity, Perry said.
If people are saying they don't know why blackface is a problem, they are either living under a rock or with white privilege
Mojdeh Cox, human rights advocate
“This certainly takes them (London police) a step back. It is hard to take seriously a police service that allows people to engage in this behaviour.”
An Instagram post from Dec. 13 shows London police Const. Katrina Aarts getting painted and then posing in what appears to be some kind of traditional African wear.
An undated photo posted to Instagram shows London police Const. Katrina Aarts getting her face painted to look black. (Instagram)
The person who made the post also shows Aarts in uniform and praises her. A reply, apparently from Aarts, thanks the friend for the praise but says nothing critical about the blackface photos.
It’s not clear when the photos of the officer in blackface were taken.
The Instagram post was shared with members of the police board, who referred the matter to police administration. The investigation has been turned over to the department’s professional standards branch.
Attempts to reach Aarts for comment were unsuccessful.
The reaction of Londoners on social media to the story, broken by The London Free Press Dec. 29, was deeply divided. Some called the incident racist. Others defended Aarts, saying she’s not racist, and that people were over-reacting to a costume.
All three human rights and anti-racism advocates contacted Tuesday said the act of painting oneself in blackface and dressing in tribal wear is morally and legally wrong.
“If people are saying they don’t know why blackface is a problem, they are either living under a rock or with white privilege,” Cox said. “White supremacy is not just the KKK. It is your race being so dominant, you don’t have to worry about anyone mimicking you for Halloween . . . playing up your race as if you are a caricature.”
The photos perpetuate negative stereotypes of people of African descent, Morgan said.
“What does this mean for people’s perceptions of black people being primitive, savage, unintelligent?” he said.
For someone who has faced discrimination and racism, there is nothing humorous about it.
Barbara Perry
Canadian law recognizes that stereotypes produce systemic injustices, he said. Human rights law looks at the impact, more than the intent, of an act to determine offences, he added.
It doesn’t matter then what Aarts’ intent was. The damage comes from the impact of the act, Morgan said.
“There are so many layers that are so wrong. It is very disparaging,” Perry said.
“It is 2018 and I think we all know how offensive blackface is, or any representation of a cultural group not your own. It plays to stereotypes. Only people who are privileged can say, ‘Lighten up, it is meant to entertain,’” Perry said.
“For someone who has faced discrimination and racism, there is nothing humorous about it.”
The city of London is going to feel some of the impact, Perry said.
“London has been very much in the news the last little bit on a number of issues involving racism or right-wing extremists,” Perry noted.
The blackface photos drew criticism on social media from across Ontario, including comments from Whitby Liberal MP Celine Caesar-Chavannes, a member of the Congress of Black Women and Toronto activist and writer Desmond Cole.

Cops probe officer
Ont. cop under fire after blackface pics surface on Instagram | Toronto Sun

Oh dear me- some cop appeared in black face costume? Gosh! IN the old says some people used to imitate Curly, Larry and Moe- and the Stooges are a whole lot funnier than Black Lives Matter reverse racists will; ever be! And the cop did it on her own personal time! But no black person has ever mocked a white one?

Here is a nice little tale first published by Toronto Sun writer Sue-Ann Levy BEFORE Black Lives Matter group hijacked the Pride parade and she does a nice job of explaining how and why BLM is such an arrogant bunch of doorknobs! Political PINHEADS at every level of govt have encouraged these morons to ever greater excesses! I have included a few comments of my own in brackets).

Political correctness gone mad in case of Black Lives Matter TO.

By Sue-Ann Levy, Toronto Sun. First posted: Friday, June 24, 2016 04:47 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, June 25, 2016 07:44 AM EDT

Premier Kathleen Wynne talks with Janaya Khan, an organizer from Black Lives Matter. The group Black Lives Matter marched from police headquarters to Queens Park on Monday April 4, 2016. (CRAIG ROBERTSON, Toronto Sun)

Has political correctness made everyone — most particularly our city and provincial politicians — lose all shred of common sense?

It seems so, considering Black Lives Matter TO is not only set to be honoured at the July 3 Pride parade but has also been selected to receive City Hall’s William P. Hubbard Award for Race Relations — one of five yearly Access, Equity and Human Rights awards given to leftist activists selected by other leftists who make their livelihood largely off government grants.

A city report — penned by Uzma Shakir, director of equity, diversity and human rights — says the award- which needs approval by Mayor John Tory’s executive committee Tuesday- is being given to Black Lives Matter TO because they “have created, articulated and enacted a new vision of responding to inequities experienced by black people ... in Toronto.”

Pride’s organizers claim largely the same for bestowing their honour — namely that the group has made headlines by “calling for the elimination of carding, seeking justice for killings and collecting race-based data and combating anti-blackness.”

I have no problem with their message. Says Levy.

The police need to be held to account for their handling of shooting deaths and the SIU must be pushed to be open about how they conduct their investigations.
(Speaking as a member of the Cdn racial majority and having watched the shooting of Sammy Yatim, I have developed some concerns re police activities. Yatim is the crazy nutbar who got onto a TTC streetcar, brandished a LARGE butcher knife and exposed his genitals to female passengers. For obvious reasons the driver stopped the streetcar and let all the passengers off-and called the cops!)
(As we know-cops arrived swiftly and completely failed to impress upon Yatim the seriousness of his situation-BUT- we know crazy people DON’T respond to reason and logic-its Why we call them crazy! When Yatim moved to step off the bus and advanced towards cops, without dropping the knife, he was shot three times. So far, NO PROBLEM as far as I am concerned. Threatening LOON with large knife and exposed genitals gets shot and WHO is surprised at this? Surely nobody!)

(Its what happens after the first three shots-its that long pause and then SIX more shots into the body of a quadriplegic that give pause for thought. At trial a doctor testified that one of the first three shots severed Yatim’s spine so NO WAY is he getting to his feet as cops later claimed! In my Canada, a dangerous LOON with a large knife is very likely going to get shot unless he is very lucky, but he ought NOT to be executed/riddled with bullets that way-and cops certainly should not have lied about it afterwards! So cops have some `splaining` to do. And the cop who did the shooting has had his day in court and been punished for those extra six shots.)

Otherwise, we will be left to believe that the SIU exists simply to protect their own.

(Frankly, that Yatim was running loose on the streets, un-diagnosed and un-medicated is the fault of LIE-berals who have failed to fund the medical system properly and who have shamelessly meddled with the laws on how to handle Loons. Under LIE-beral law, Yatim could not be held in custody for his own protection and could not be forced to take drugs that would have enabled him to recognize that getting on that streetcar with the knife was a BAD idea! LIE-beral medical system abandoned him on the street and left it to cops to deal with him.)

(Even worse, LIE-beral perversity and anti cop bigotry prevented cops from having access to Tasers or bean bag guns that would have enabled them to disarm Yatim without lethal gunfire! Police are being ordered to clean up the madness of a LIE-beral social engineering experiment/train wreck-without proper resources!)

But the BLM message, too often involves shrill, inflammatory comments, hateful tweets and questionable tactics such as bringing their anti-police brutality message to the front lawn of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s home April 1.

There are groups in this city that have been speaking out for years about police killings, black-on-black crime or shootings of innocent black victims in impoverished neighbourhoods and the targeting of black youth by police.

That’s why you can forgive Black Lives Matter TO for screaming loudly. After all, it did get Wynne’s attention.

But should screaming voices delivering an often hateful message — that gets them on the 6 p.m. news or headlines in the leftist media — be rewarded with Pride honours and City Hall awards while other groups have been working tirelessly behind the scenes for years to effect change?

(It ought to be especially questionable when the majority of people that BLM is defending seem to consider employment as Pimp. drug dealer and vendor of stolen firearms and other illegal property to be legitimate career choices!)

What I reject is how Black Lives Matters has made it their mission to publicly smear every cop as a racist, using inflammatory us versus them rhetoric.

Take this May 18 tweet directed at Toronto police chief Mark Saunders for apparently not agreeing to meet with them in public: “Stop lying on ur ppl and do something ffs. Can only imagine what else you can’t be trusted with.”

Saunders did not want to comment but Toronto Police Service (TPS) spokesman Mark Pugash said the chief did offer twice to meet the group.

In response to the SIU decision not to charge a Peel cop in the September 2014 shooting death of Jermaine Carby, Black Lives Matter said this on May 13: “After murdering Brother Carby, cops continued to guard him with his weapon in case he was ‘playing possum’.”

Who can forget BLM co-founder Yusra Kholgali’s Feb. 9 tweet which landed her in some hot water: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”

Or consider the website of BLM’s other founder, Janaya Kahn, on which she advocates for the end of “Hotepery” — essentially a “hyper masculine patriarchal narrative that depends on the subjugation of black women and the eradication of black queer and trans people.”

(I ask you-`Hotepery`? Apparently this is Black slang and means the speaker is demonstrably NUTS! And ought not to be taken seriously!)

And what about that Pride parade that will get nearly $600,000 from three levels of government this year? That doesn’t include the in-kind policing of the event and post-event clean-up, which amounts to $300,000 or more.

This year Pride officials — while celebrating a group that has repeatedly called all cops murderers — will expect beefed-up policing at the parade post-Orlando.

Like I said, it’s all political correctness gone mad.

Slevy postmedia

(I say it is wretched LIE-beral politicians that have created BLM by their shameless social engineering designed to end `racism`; along with their misguided and irresponsible immigration system that has admitted so many minorities that lack the capacity to function effectively in our society and who foolishly believe-thanks to LIE-beral apologists- that it is racism rather than incompetence that is holding them back; coupled with utterly shameless LIE-beral vote buying tactics that are fueling the madness. BLM needs to be told to sit down and shut the **** up-AND be prevented any more access to public money, grants or public meetings with craven vote buying LIE-beral politicians! There is WAY too much money being handed to loud mouth pressure groups and its fueling their sense of entitlement while craven politicians and media whores `boo-hoo` over their `sad` plight!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Oh dear me- some cop appeared in black face costume? Gosh! IN the old says some people used to imitate Curly, Larry and Moe- and the Stooges are a whole lot funnier than Black Lives Matter reverse racists will; ever be! And the cop did it on her own personal time! But no black person has ever mocked a white one?

Here is a nice little tale first published by Toronto Sun writer Sue-Ann Levy BEFORE Black Lives Matter group hijacked the Pride parade and she does a nice job of explaining how and why BLM is such an arrogant bunch of doorknobs! Political PINHEADS at every level of govt have encouraged these morons to ever greater excesses! I have included a few comments of my own in brackets).

Political correctness gone mad in case of Black Lives Matter TO.

By Sue-Ann Levy, Toronto Sun. First posted: Friday, June 24, 2016 04:47 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, June 25, 2016 07:44 AM EDT

Premier Kathleen Wynne talks with Janaya Khan, an organizer from Black Lives Matter. The group Black Lives Matter marched from police headquarters to Queens Park on Monday April 4, 2016. (CRAIG ROBERTSON, Toronto Sun)

Has political correctness made everyone — most particularly our city and provincial politicians — lose all shred of common sense?

It seems so, considering Black Lives Matter TO is not only set to be honoured at the July 3 Pride parade but has also been selected to receive City Hall’s William P. Hubbard Award for Race Relations — one of five yearly Access, Equity and Human Rights awards given to leftist activists selected by other leftists who make their livelihood largely off government grants.

A city report — penned by Uzma Shakir, director of equity, diversity and human rights — says the award- which needs approval by Mayor John Tory’s executive committee Tuesday- is being given to Black Lives Matter TO because they “have created, articulated and enacted a new vision of responding to inequities experienced by black people ... in Toronto.”

Pride’s organizers claim largely the same for bestowing their honour — namely that the group has made headlines by “calling for the elimination of carding, seeking justice for killings and collecting race-based data and combating anti-blackness.”

I have no problem with their message. Says Levy.

The police need to be held to account for their handling of shooting deaths and the SIU must be pushed to be open about how they conduct their investigations.
(Speaking as a member of the Cdn racial majority and having watched the shooting of Sammy Yatim, I have developed some concerns re police activities. Yatim is the crazy nutbar who got onto a TTC streetcar, brandished a LARGE butcher knife and exposed his genitals to female passengers. For obvious reasons the driver stopped the streetcar and let all the passengers off-and called the cops!)
(As we know-cops arrived swiftly and completely failed to impress upon Yatim the seriousness of his situation-BUT- we know crazy people DON’T respond to reason and logic-its Why we call them crazy! When Yatim moved to step off the bus and advanced towards cops, without dropping the knife, he was shot three times. So far, NO PROBLEM as far as I am concerned. Threatening LOON with large knife and exposed genitals gets shot and WHO is surprised at this? Surely nobody!)

(Its what happens after the first three shots-its that long pause and then SIX more shots into the body of a quadriplegic that give pause for thought. At trial a doctor testified that one of the first three shots severed Yatim’s spine so NO WAY is he getting to his feet as cops later claimed! In my Canada, a dangerous LOON with a large knife is very likely going to get shot unless he is very lucky, but he ought NOT to be executed/riddled with bullets that way-and cops certainly should not have lied about it afterwards! So cops have some `splaining` to do. And the cop who did the shooting has had his day in court and been punished for those extra six shots.)

Otherwise, we will be left to believe that the SIU exists simply to protect their own.

(Frankly, that Yatim was running loose on the streets, un-diagnosed and un-medicated is the fault of LIE-berals who have failed to fund the medical system properly and who have shamelessly meddled with the laws on how to handle Loons. Under LIE-beral law, Yatim could not be held in custody for his own protection and could not be forced to take drugs that would have enabled him to recognize that getting on that streetcar with the knife was a BAD idea! LIE-beral medical system abandoned him on the street and left it to cops to deal with him.)

(Even worse, LIE-beral perversity and anti cop bigotry prevented cops from having access to Tasers or bean bag guns that would have enabled them to disarm Yatim without lethal gunfire! Police are being ordered to clean up the madness of a LIE-beral social engineering experiment/train wreck-without proper resources!)

But the BLM message, too often involves shrill, inflammatory comments, hateful tweets and questionable tactics such as bringing their anti-police brutality message to the front lawn of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s home April 1.

There are groups in this city that have been speaking out for years about police killings, black-on-black crime or shootings of innocent black victims in impoverished neighbourhoods and the targeting of black youth by police.

That’s why you can forgive Black Lives Matter TO for screaming loudly. After all, it did get Wynne’s attention.

But should screaming voices delivering an often hateful message — that gets them on the 6 p.m. news or headlines in the leftist media — be rewarded with Pride honours and City Hall awards while other groups have been working tirelessly behind the scenes for years to effect change?

(It ought to be especially questionable when the majority of people that BLM is defending seem to consider employment as Pimp. drug dealer and vendor of stolen firearms and other illegal property to be legitimate career choices!)

What I reject is how Black Lives Matters has made it their mission to publicly smear every cop as a racist, using inflammatory us versus them rhetoric.

Take this May 18 tweet directed at Toronto police chief Mark Saunders for apparently not agreeing to meet with them in public: “Stop lying on ur ppl and do something ffs. Can only imagine what else you can’t be trusted with.”

Saunders did not want to comment but Toronto Police Service (TPS) spokesman Mark Pugash said the chief did offer twice to meet the group.

In response to the SIU decision not to charge a Peel cop in the September 2014 shooting death of Jermaine Carby, Black Lives Matter said this on May 13: “After murdering Brother Carby, cops continued to guard him with his weapon in case he was ‘playing possum’.”

Who can forget BLM co-founder Yusra Kholgali’s Feb. 9 tweet which landed her in some hot water: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”

Or consider the website of BLM’s other founder, Janaya Kahn, on which she advocates for the end of “Hotepery” — essentially a “hyper masculine patriarchal narrative that depends on the subjugation of black women and the eradication of black queer and trans people.”

(I ask you-`Hotepery`? Apparently this is Black slang and means the speaker is demonstrably NUTS! And ought not to be taken seriously!)

And what about that Pride parade that will get nearly $600,000 from three levels of government this year? That doesn’t include the in-kind policing of the event and post-event clean-up, which amounts to $300,000 or more.

This year Pride officials — while celebrating a group that has repeatedly called all cops murderers — will expect beefed-up policing at the parade post-Orlando.

Like I said, it’s all political correctness gone mad.

Slevy postmedia

(I say it is wretched LIE-beral politicians that have created BLM by their shameless social engineering designed to end `racism`; along with their misguided and irresponsible immigration system that has admitted so many minorities that lack the capacity to function effectively in our society and who foolishly believe-thanks to LIE-beral apologists- that it is racism rather than incompetence that is holding them back; coupled with utterly shameless LIE-beral vote buying tactics that are fueling the madness. BLM needs to be told to sit down and shut the **** up-AND be prevented any more access to public money, grants or public meetings with craven vote buying LIE-beral politicians! There is WAY too much money being handed to loud mouth pressure groups and its fueling their sense of entitlement while craven politicians and media whores `boo-hoo` over their `sad` plight!)

Here is another article illustrating just why it is that cops consider the public to be potentially dangerous loons! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Mom thought it was 'OK' to tie son, 9, to roof of minivan: Cops

Associated Press. Published: November 1, 2017. Updated: November 1, 2017 11:10 AM EDT. Filed Under: Toronto SUN News World

SAUKVILLE, Wis. — A Wisconsin woman is facing charges after her 9-year-old son was tied to the roof of their minivan to help hold down a plastic pool.

Prosecutors allege 28-year-old Amber Schmunk had her son hold down the moulded pool they’d just purchased because it wouldn’t fit inside the van. WISN-TV reports a witness called police after seeing the incident on Sept. 9 in Saukville, about 32 kilometres north of Milwaukee.

Police documents allege Schmunk told an officer she thought it was OK because her father allowed her to do similar things when she was young.

Schmunk is charged with recklessly endangering safety, which is a felony. She’s due in Ozaukee County Circuit Court on Nov. 11.

Court records don’t list an attorney who could speak on her behalf.

(Yeah- I expect its going to be a pretty tough job to find a lawyer who wants to take this case on! The hardest part would probably be trying to keep a straight face and avoid laughing at her while discussing the details with Mom and the kid!)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Wow! Coming up on 1300 posts in this thread. Who knew there were this many stupid, dumb and just plain ignorant cops.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

What? You have some sort of PROBLEM with the Keystoned cops? Even after Our idiot Boy Justin assured us most sincerely that LIE-berals HAD A PLAN for dealing with stoners in the work place? And you were Keystoned enough to believe him? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Here is the UN- NEWS of the week. It is ALL the not news that wont affect your life:

We are assured that “Justin Rocks”. Apparently some adult sized Hog with a teeny bopper mind set has an adolescent crush on Our brainless Boy! But what concerns adults is the Trudope SPENDING! Madly, Constantly, Irresponsibly. Your silly school girl crush- which you will grow out of once the bills start hitting you-will fade away like tax money in LIE-beral hands!

The latest non security numbers are just in-and NOBODY cares how many Muslims actually take part in terror acts. We do worry about how many ordinary people are maimed and killed in the attacks. And we know that many Muslims quietly applaud these acts of vengeance and bloodshed even though they themselves would not care to lash out in such fashion. What we also care about is the LIE-beral NON- efforts that are failing to truly protect us from such bloody atrocities. After all that crazy Muslim woman who attacked cdn Tire customers with golf club and knife was ARRESTED in Turkey trying to join ISIS and deported back to Canada and LIE-berals and their vaunted security NEVER NOTICED! Even worse, they don’t know how she got into the country in the first place, nor where she came from or what her status is! LIE-beral national security has holes a lunatic can walk through- BOTH IN AND BACK OUT AND IN AGAIN!

In other non news-its nice that LIE-berals think Canada is looking good on its 150th birthday. Its just too bad that LIE-berals are working so damned hard to MESS UP Canada in imitation of the third world pest holes Our idiot Boy so much admires? You know the ones I mean-such as Iran which is the chosen politically Beloved of Sacha Trudope-brother of Our brainless Boy. Or Cuba-the place where Trudopes go to be fawned over and received like useful idiots by hadr line Commie butchers-just so long as they bring OUR money with them-just as Lenin predicted! And Venezuela-that socialist pest hole that Our brainless Boy forces us to buy oil from because he doesn’t LIKE the voting habits of oil producing people in Alberta! Our Boy is un-perturbed by the Venezuelan reality-that things are so bad there now that govt has given up rationing food and turned the job over to the army as the typical civil service Hog is neither armed nor combat trained and cannot prevent starving mobs from looting govt food banks! So the job has been given to the army and they have decided that STEALING all the food and selling it to people is a better deal than running some stupid food bank for peasants to broke to pay taxes for army salaries!

And we have NON assurances that Cdns mostly support cutting ties with the British Monarchy. Such a claim is not valid until one also asks Cdns what they would think of the following questions with related facts: NO money is currently sent from Ottawa to pay the Queen ANY Cdn salary. Are you in favour of STARTING to pay a Cdn President who would replace the Queen? And would you be comfortable allowing LIE-berals to set the salary of a new president- given that they are proud to have paid Muslim terror poster boy Omar Khadr #10.5 million dollars for fighting AGAINST CANADA!

We pay NOTHING to maintain the palaces of the Queen-but would you be okay with STARTING to pay for a Cdn Presidential Palace? And how opulent would you think the new Presidential Palace needs to be in order to satisfy LIE-berals? Should it be modeled on Buckingham Palace or can we reproduce one of the lesser Palaces? Maybe Balmoral would be good as its in a rural setting in the peaceful countryside that Cdns like?

We ONLY pay for the security of the Queen when she comes here to visit as head of state-would you be okay with STARTING to pay 24/7 for all the assorted security needs of a new Cdn President. Would you be okay with the COST to elect said Cdn President-with an election to get us a new prime minister currently costing OVER three hundred million dollars-NOT INCLUDING the ALL NEW costs of ensuring Russians don’t hack the results? Or might it be easier just to let that old Brit broad continue doing the job for the time being?

We have seen how much time and effort was devoted to sorting out our current constitution and many of us remember how utterly SICK we got of the endless Meech Lake garbage so would Cdns be okay with letting the pressing business of govt debt management be put aside for 20-30 years while govt sorts out the powers of Prime minister, House of Commons, Senate and the new President?

PLUS letting the provinces horn in and demand COSTLY NEW privileges for themselves in exchange for kissing up to the new President? With the under- standing that in EVERY SINGLE impasse-and there WILL be many- govt will seek out the solution that ensures the MAXIMUM cost and maximum number of bodies to be hired at the maximum salary? And that ALL those bodies hired will have well paid jobs for life, along with NO responsibility for explaining to us why govt might choose to squander or waste or ad-scam in idiot LIE-beral fashion?

Think in terms of dividing BOTH govt power and accountability into ever smaller bits-WITHOUT reducing their ability to SPEND! We have already seen three billion dollars disappear in the LIE-beral adscam deal and how excited are Cdns about having more such deals-with NOBODY to hold accountable cause there will be a whole circle jerk of so called leaders who SUDDENLY WON’T LEAD-all pointing at the next guy?

And should we call it NON news that most Cdns would look at the Presidential alternatives and say “oh screw it, lets just keep the Queen-the old girl is starting to look like a bargain?

This business of replacing the Monarchy is even messier than the now disgraced electoral reform/proportional representation garbage-call it PR- peddled recently by LIE-berals. PR will ENCOURAGE and enable lunatic fringe parties to gain control of our lives and Parliament. Under PR the Green Party would gain seats-and then seek to shut down our entire oil and gas industries. Say good-bye to any chance of restoring fiscal sanity in EITHER Alberta or Ottawa if that happens. And say HELLO to lots of costly imported oil if Alberta is shut down? And is it non news that we would have to give up heating our homes and businesses with natural gas and switch to electricity as LIE-berals have already requested? Is it non news that LIE-berals and Greens want us to throw away all those gas burning appliances and use green electric energy provided at fabulous expense? Is there non information about the COST to Cdns of junking so many appliances? Or the cost to rewire millions of buildings for electric heat? With those MILES of copper wire made from ore strip mined in Chile or some such place?

Greens want to go big on green energy and if you think energy costs are high now-just wait a few years till Greens and LIE-berals have done some dirty back room deals?

Or how about a Sharia Law Party in parliament? How much time and money would be spent by govt to decide how much of our constitution to eviscerate in order to satisfy Sharia Law and the related rights of Cdn women?

And who likes barbeques in the summer time? Better forget about that if there is a close vote in parliament and LIE-berals NEED a couple of votes from the PETA Animal Rights Party? Unless you like roasted Tofu?

It ought to be NON news that LIE-berals were ready to give Bloc Quebecois TOTAL VETO POWER over ALL Cdn legislation in exchange for their support in toppling Harper. It ought to be BIG news that Bloc heads were kept away from that mad power grab by our Governor General-the representative of the Queen?

In other non news, some people are interested in the apparent cost of solar power in other countries-and they think we should have that garbage here too cause they SAY its cheaper? Solar power/green energy has its virtues but being either cheap or reliable ain`t part of the deal-not the way LIE-berals set it up! Especially not when LIE-berals use that green energy file as a giant slush fund for directing gravy to their pals! It is NON news that we cannot afford the cost of LIE-beral green energy?

Some people regard green energy as the solution to all the problems of THEIR life! More specifically they want to use green energy to ensure a steady flow of money from our pockets to their pockets so THEY can continue producing their major carbon foot prints regardless of the cost of heat or gas or the damage to environment! Think of it-a select few gliding happily off every morning to one of the few remaining jobs in our economy on roads almost devoid of rush hour traffic-only that line of busses packed with poor, semi employed peons sliding along in the bus lanes beside the privileged auto owners! Only a small minded/Hog person would consider it logical to hamper your efforts to heat your house while ignoring Hogs zooming about on gas guzzling toys outside their picturesque country estates on lazy summer weekends while you sweat in the city? And is it non news that LIE-berals don’t care if you fret about bills you cannot pay because you are taxed out in order to supply MORE gravy for HUGE CARBON footprint Hogs?

To ensure that Hogs can continue to enjoy nature as God and his illegitimate second son Trudope desire, we are assured that LIE-berals will FORBID all of us peasants from producing ANY carbon that might sully THEIR world. To ensure this, they will destroy large portions of our economy so we have no way of producing carbon at our NON work and no way to produce carbon in our homes either because we wont have private homes? Eco environmentalist LOONS will expect us to eat our vegetarian meal RAW because burning wood-or any other substance for cooking is a sin? Besides, burning wood in or around a homeless shelter will be impractical for most of us since we might accidentally set fire to old newspapers and other rubbish that has homeless neighbours sleeping under it? This seems our fate if LIE-beral job creation and debt management continue on their present track?

LIE-berals regard it as NON news that our green energy costs so much because they are PAYING NINE HUNDRED PERCENT MORE than what it costs to access other forms of electricity- in order to encourage their Hog pals to produce LOTS of the COSTLY green shit? With NO LEGAL way to stop buying it when we don’t need it? No wonder some LIE-berals think Green Energy is cheaper in United States-they are BUYING OUR surplus green production at rates BELOW what it costs us to produce it HERE? Because LIE-berals have ordered us to BUY ALL green energy that is produced with no way to stop buying when we have enough-we must buy ALL and sell the surplus off to Yankees at BARGAIN rates that have some imbeciles looking at the Yankee market confused about the true cost of green energy?

In other non news, a Saskatchewan First Nation got 4.5 million dollars from our federal govt for some damned reason? I say so what-its NON news of the first rank? Ontari-owe Atiwapiskat Crees got one hundred and fifty million dollars and BLEW IT ALL on a PARTY! Or something? They wont say and there are No receipts. It is more NON news that the 150 million dollars should have been spent on houses and was not? Lie-berals hand out so much money with so few strings to natives that it is definitely Non news that Saskatchewan natives recently got a measly 4.5 million for....whatever?

In other non news, LIE-berals now take credit for Trudope driving down our Cdn dollar to its current value which has resulted in screwing up our balance of trade and raising our cost of living -and also thus luring out a pack of tourists and Yankee college students all seeking deals here in Canada? And isn’t it nice that Cdn Hogs will have all that extra tuition revenue to play with? And no need for OSAP to be chasing the 25 percent of Cdn kids who find it impossible to pay living expenses, taxes and the student loans they MUST have? The foreigners will not bitch about our taxes cause hey-they GOT that 25 percent Yankee dollar discount? And easy access to Cdn weed to- if Our brainless Boy ever sorts out the legislation? It is non news that some stupid LIE-berals think that Yankee kids are coming here mainly in hopes of getting a selfie with Justin, while the education at bargain rates is just gravy ?

In other non news, people worried about crime sprees in places like Kelowna should under stand that this is simply the normal start up of organized crime in the city. The violence will fade once the turf wars are over. And petty crime will fade as well once the gangs get set up as they will not want mere punk kids robbing customers on the way to gang drug stores and brothels and cutting into gang profits. Look how crime rates have fallen in Toronto now that Police don’t chase criminals unless they shoot ordinary people-violence is now concentrated almost ENTIRELY amongst gang members. Have faith in LIE-beral justice and all will be well? If we LIVE LONG ENOUGH?

And isn’t it nice that LIE-berals now have that religious fever? They support the message of the Pope in urging us to create jobs and hire Muslims? If only God could step in and aid LIE-berals who have been TRYING to create jobs-and failing badly-for about SIXTY YEARS NOW? And would it not be nice if the Pope could tell us how to mingle with Muslims WITHOUT getting shot, run over, blown up or stabbed by Muslims? It is NON news for most if us that all we have to show for LIE-beral efforts is MASSIVE DEBT, and as a bonus, we have the recently imported major Muslim security problem INSIDE Canada, plus a LOT of increasingly hostile debate on public web sites?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Dominatrix-turned-cop loses fight to keep job
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018 12:58 AM EST
Kristen Hyman is sworn in during a June 8, 2017, ceremony for 27 new officers at the William J. Brennan Courthouse in Jersey City, N.J. Hyman lost her job after the department learned that she previously appeared in bondage films as a dominatrix named Domina Nyx (inset screenshot). (Reena Rose Sibayan /The Jersey Journal via AP/ video screenshots)
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A New Jersey sheriff’s officer has lost her job because she previously appeared in bondage films as a dominatrix.
Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari tells The Jersey Journal a hearing officer made the decision to fire Kristen Hyman on Wednesday, and he agrees with the decision.
The department suspended her six days before her academy graduation last year, saying she failed to disclose that she appeared in the films and sometimes saw clients privately for money. Court documents show Hyman, who went by the stage name Domina Nyx Blake, told investigators she never appeared naked and didn’t perform sex acts in the videos.
A judge rescinded the suspension, and Hyman was sworn in June 8. She then went on paid administrative leave pending the hearing.
A lawyer who previously represented Hyman says he’s no longer involved in the case.

Former dominatrix fired from Hudson County Sheriff's Office |
Dominatrix-turned-cop loses fight to keep job | Toronto Sun


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Dominatrix-turned-cop loses fight to keep job
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018 12:58 AM EST
Kristen Hyman is sworn in during a June 8, 2017, ceremony for 27 new officers at the William J. Brennan Courthouse in Jersey City, N.J. Hyman lost her job after the department learned that she previously appeared in bondage films as a dominatrix named Domina Nyx (inset screenshot). (Reena Rose Sibayan /The Jersey Journal via AP/ video screenshots)
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A New Jersey sheriff’s officer has lost her job because she previously appeared in bondage films as a dominatrix.
Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari tells The Jersey Journal a hearing officer made the decision to fire Kristen Hyman on Wednesday, and he agrees with the decision.
The department suspended her six days before her academy graduation last year, saying she failed to disclose that she appeared in the films and sometimes saw clients privately for money. Court documents show Hyman, who went by the stage name Domina Nyx Blake, told investigators she never appeared naked and didn’t perform sex acts in the videos.
A judge rescinded the suspension, and Hyman was sworn in June 8. She then went on paid administrative leave pending the hearing.
A lawyer who previously represented Hyman says he’s no longer involved in the case.

Former dominatrix fired from Hudson County Sheriff's Office |
Dominatrix-turned-cop loses fight to keep job | Toronto Sun

Here is a fine example of the crap our cops must deal with thanks to our MUDDLE HEADED LIE-beral overlords with their grossly irresponsible vote buying:

'It's about time': Trudeau says its time we recognize anti-black racism exists, ensure equality

From Canadian Press. Published: February 13, 2018. Updated: February 13, 2018 10:57 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

GATINEAU, Que. — Justin Trudeau says it’s time Canadians acknowledged that racism and unconscious bias against black people exist in this country.

(Apparently not only does Our idiot Boy Justin not read newspapers, he also seldom reads history books! He seems unaware that Cdns worked on the Underground Railroad helping smuggle escaped slaves to Canada! What he is also ignorant of is that civil rights are all very well but defying laws and committing crimes as so many blacks do is not helping the black cause! Cdns have sympathy for the oppressed but they do think there ought to be jail cells for criminals- from ANY range of skin pigmentation!)

And the prime minister says it’s time to take action to ensure equal opportunity and treatment of the more than one million black Canadians, including doing more to recruit and elect black members of Parliament.

Trudeau made the comments in a short speech at a reception marking Black History Month.

(Our idiot Boy is happily ignorant of the consequences of affirmative action in United States! Such as Yankee call centres staffed by relatively unskilled blacks hired under affirmative action- with white staffers in another room to field the many questions that semi skilled blacks could not answer! In related news from early 2018 it was stated in Cdn media that over 30 percent of Cdn callers to Canada Revenue Agency got WRONG advice! WE also know that it has been over 30 years since Cdn govt began preferential hiring practices- screening out white people in favour of women of colour and natives and the disabled and etc- so should we ask if CRA is now handing out bad advice because the consequences of affirmative action have had the same result in Canada that were seen in United States- that less skilled people were hired to satisfy political bias rather than for an ability to do their job?)

Two weeks ago, Trudeau announced that Canada is officially recognizing the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent, which emphasizes the need for research and data collection to better understand the challenges facing the black communities around the globe.

(To bad Our idiot Boy will not go back and read the old Time Magazine piece that told us in 1990, that for black men and white men age 30 and under- with similar education- the hiring rate was the same and the salary offered varied by one half of one percent- which allows for a few bigots but nothing like the systemic racist crap that LIE-berals are claiming- in a desperate hope of buying ethnic votes so LIE-berals can cling to power at any price! It is LIE-berals who are stirring up racial hate by suggesting that it is bigotry holding up blacks rather than the crappy black attitude- with too many blacks now seeing success in school as a sell out to white society rather than as a ticket to THEIR better future! For several decades now- over 80 percent of C|dn jobs require at least some post secondary education- so how can black high school dropouts- or native dropouts for that matter- get ahead in life? Unless LIE-berals plan to pay them to stand around and whine- which is what is apparently happening on native reserves!)

Trudeau says advocacy groups for black Canadians have complained about the over-representation of black individuals in prisons and about insufficient support for those with mental health issues.

(Oh dear me- HYPOCRITE LIE-berals decry the presence of crazy people in the legal system but DO NOTHING to get them treatment!)

For too many people, anti-black racism, discrimination and inequality are part of their daily lives. This is unacceptable. Canada can and must do better.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

(Our idiot Boy offers up a white wash and an excuse of a crappy black attitude- as well as a lousy defence of his grossly failed economic policy! If there are no good jobs available in our over taxed and indebted economy then how surprising is it that there are also many unskilled and unemployed? With white parents seeing the problem and blinkered black parents stand silent while LIE-berals scream “racist”!)

And he says his government is committed to working with the black community to make progress on those and other challenges facing black Canadians.

“It’s time we recognize that anti-black racism and unconscious bias does exist,” Trudeau told the reception Monday.

(Oh sure- and LIE-berals have been “working with” the native community for 2 years now and native suicides are spiking! Blacks should be very careful what they wish for!)

“It’s time we hear — and believe — the stories of men and women who have been judged by the colour of their skin. It’s time we take action to ensure equal opportunity and equal treatment of black Canadians in our schools and our places of work.”

Moreover, he said it’s time the House of Commons — “the heart of our democracy” — looked more like the composition of Canadian society, with more black MPs.

“For too many people, anti-black racism, discrimination and inequality are part of their daily lives. This is unacceptable. Canada can and must do better,” Trudeau said.

(Oh Our idiot Boy DOES run on about that affirmative action crap! Yankee reverend Louis Farakhan failed in his bid for the presidency because voters demanded a more sophisticated policy than simply stating “vote for me because I am black like you”! Barak Obama answered that challenge and he DID get elected thanks to a more sophisticated policy platform! Cdn blacks and natives have the same problem with getting elected- as McLeans Magazine documented in an article about Cdn natives in Saskatchewan- if you are an ill educated doofus whose main political policy position is entitlement and reverse discrimination against white people then you will NOT be popular with main stream voters and should not expect much public support! In fact -given the corruption endemic to native reserves it is not likely that a native politician will get much support even amongst natives when compared to whites! We ALL want our money spent wisely - and not by wise guys! )


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Hope you like the video.

Oh sure- and I hope you enjoy a logical, well reasoned counter argument that exposes the hypocrisy and foolishness of all LIE-beral values!

'It's about time': Trudeau says its time we recognize anti-black racism exists, ensure equality

From Canadian Press. Published: February 13, 2018. Updated: February 13, 2018 10:57 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

GATINEAU, Que. — Justin Trudeau says it’s time Canadians acknowledged that racism and unconscious bias against black people exist in this country.

(Apparently not only does Our idiot Boy Justin not read newspapers, he also seldom reads history books! He seems unaware that Cdns worked on the Underground Railroad helping smuggle escaped slaves to Canada! What he is also ignorant of is that civil rights are all very well but defying laws and committing crimes as so many blacks do is not helping the black cause! Cdns have sympathy for the oppressed but they do think there ought to be jail cells for criminals- from ANY range of skin pigmentation!)

And the prime minister says it’s time to take action to ensure equal opportunity and treatment of the more than one million black Canadians, including doing more to recruit and elect black members of Parliament.

Trudeau made the comments in a short speech at a reception marking Black History Month.

(Our idiot Boy is happily ignorant of the consequences of affirmative action in United States! Such as Yankee call centres staffed by relatively unskilled blacks hired under affirmative action- with white staffers in another room to field the many questions that semi skilled blacks could not answer! In related news from early 2018 it was stated in Cdn media that over 30 percent of Cdn callers to Canada Revenue Agency got WRONG advice! WE also know that it has been over 30 years since Cdn govt began preferential hiring practices- screening out white people in favour of women of colour and natives and the disabled and etc- so should we ask if CRA is now handing out bad advice because the consequences of affirmative action have had the same result in Canada that were seen in United States- that less skilled people were hired to satisfy political bias rather than for an ability to do their job?)

Two weeks ago, Trudeau announced that Canada is officially recognizing the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent, which emphasizes the need for research and data collection to better understand the challenges facing the black communities around the globe.

(To bad Our idiot Boy will not go back and read the old Time Magazine piece that told us in 1990, that for black men and white men age 30 and under- with similar education- the hiring rate was the same and the salary offered varied by one half of one percent- which allows for a few bigots but nothing like the systemic racist crap that LIE-berals are claiming- in a desperate hope of buying ethnic votes so LIE-berals can cling to power at any price! It is LIE-berals who are stirring up racial hate by suggesting that it is bigotry holding up blacks rather than the crappy black attitude- with too many blacks now seeing success in school as a sell out to white society rather than as a ticket to THEIR better future! For several decades now- over 80 percent of C|dn jobs require at least some post secondary education- so how can black high school dropouts- or native dropouts for that matter- get ahead in life? Unless LIE-berals plan to pay them to stand around and whine- which is what is apparently happening on native reserves!)

Trudeau says advocacy groups for black Canadians have complained about the over-representation of black individuals in prisons and about insufficient support for those with mental health issues.

(Oh dear me- HYPOCRITE LIE-berals decry the presence of crazy people in the legal system but DO NOTHING to get them treatment!)

For too many people, anti-black racism, discrimination and inequality are part of their daily lives. This is unacceptable. Canada can and must do better.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

(Our idiot Boy offers up a white wash and an excuse of a crappy black attitude- as well as a lousy defence of his grossly failed economic policy! If there are no good jobs available in our over taxed and indebted economy then how surprising is it that there are also many unskilled and unemployed? With white parents seeing the problem and blinkered black parents stand silent while LIE-berals scream “racist”!)

And he says his government is committed to working with the black community to make progress on those and other challenges facing black Canadians.

“It’s time we recognize that anti-black racism and unconscious bias does exist,” Trudeau told the reception Monday.

(Oh sure- and LIE-berals have been “working with” the native community for 2 years now and native suicides are spiking! Blacks should be very careful what they wish for!)

“It’s time we hear — and believe — the stories of men and women who have been judged by the colour of their skin. It’s time we take action to ensure equal opportunity and equal treatment of black Canadians in our schools and our places of work.”

Moreover, he said it’s time the House of Commons — “the heart of our democracy” — looked more like the composition of Canadian society, with more black MPs.

“For too many people, anti-black racism, discrimination and inequality are part of their daily lives. This is unacceptable. Canada can and must do better,” Trudeau said.

(Oh Our idiot Boy DOES run on about that affirmative action crap! Yankee reverend Louis Farakhan failed in his bid for the presidency because voters demanded a more sophisticated policy than simply stating “vote for me because I am black like you”! Barak Obama answered that challenge and he DID get elected thanks to a more sophisticated policy platform! Cdn blacks and natives have the same problem with getting elected- as McLeans Magazine documented in an article about Cdn natives in Saskatchewan- if you are an ill educated doofus whose main political policy position is entitlement and reverse discrimination against white people then you will NOT be popular with main stream voters and should not expect much public support! In fact -given the corruption endemic to native reserves it is not likely that a native politician will get much support even amongst natives when compared to whites! We ALL want our money spent wisely - and not by wise guys! )


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MALCOLM: Peel police stung by flap over controversial flag
Candice Malcolm
June 20, 2018
June 20, 2018 11:23 PM EDT
A photo of a smiling Peel Regional Police officer standing next to a cruiser that was flying a Khalistani flag recently surfaced on social media.
The Peel Regional Police service is distancing itself from the actions of an officer who was caught in a photograph flying the flag of an Indian separatist movement that has been linked to extremism and terrorism.
An image has been circulating on social media of a Peel Regional Police officer standing in front of a patrol car that is flying a yellow Khalistan independence flag. The unnamed officer appears to be outside of a Sikh Gurdwara in Peel Region and is seen smiling and posing for the photo.
The photo made the news in India but was mostly ignored by mainstream media in Canada.
“Canadian cop poses with Khalistani flag on official vehicle, Twitter takes him on,” read a headline of the New Delhi-based online news source The Print.
The Khalistani flag represents a radical and often violent movement that advocates for a Sikh ethno-state to be carved out of India. Khalistani activists have called for violence and the use of force – even terrorism – to promote and advance their narrow goals.
The worst terrorist attack in Canadian history was carried out by Khalistani terrorists. In 1985, terrorists blew up a Toronto-based Air India flight and gruesomely murdered 329 innocent men, women and children.
Despite his heinous crime, the terrorist mastermind of that bombing Talwinder Singh Parmar is glorified and considered a “martyr” by some radicals in Canada. Posters of Parmar allegedly hang in some Canadian Sikh Gurdwaras.
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh stepped into the centre of a controversy when he initially failed to condemn Parmar and suggested he didn’t know who was responsible for the Air India bombing.
A comprehensive inquiry by Canadian and international authorities determined Parmar was responsible, and Singh subsequently said he accepts the inquiry’s conclusion that Parmar was behind the attack.
It was later revealed that Singh spoke at a Khalistani separatist rally in San Francisco, and shared the stage with people calling for violence and war.
As reported exclusively in the Sun, Singh is also friends with radical Khalistani rapper Chani Natt. Natt’s music videos glorify Khalistani terrorism and violence.
Many Canadians first learned about the Khalistani movement when a former terrorist was invited to an official event with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in India. Convicted Khalistani terrorist Jaspal Atwal appeared at official events alongside top Liberals, including Trudeau’s wife Sophie.
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau at a function in India with Jaspal Atwal, a Surrey businessman, who is a one-time member of the now-banned International Sikh Youth Federation. (Handout Photo)
Atwal was convicted of trying to assassinate a visiting Indian politician in 1986, and his invitation to official Government of Canada events helped to derail Trudeau’s disastrous trip to India.
Atwal insisted he is now a reformed man, but in April 2018 he was arrested and charged with one count of uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm in Surrey, British Columbia.
The Peel Regional Police service is now trying to distance itself from this radical and divisive movement.
“The officer was unaware of the political implications associated with the flag and regrets the reaction the picture caused,” a police spokesman said. “The flag was removed.”
It is unclear where the flag came from, and why the officer decided to fly it from his car window.
The spokesman continued, “Our Service remains neutral and does not take sides in these matters.”
MALCOLM: Peel police stung by flap over controversial flag | Toronto Sun


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
MALCOLM: Peel police stung by flap over controversial flag
Candice Malcolm
June 20, 2018
June 20, 2018 11:23 PM EDT
A photo of a smiling Peel Regional Police officer standing next to a cruiser that was flying a Khalistani flag recently surfaced on social media.
The Peel Regional Police service is distancing itself from the actions of an officer who was caught in a photograph flying the flag of an Indian separatist movement that has been linked to extremism and terrorism.
An image has been circulating on social media of a Peel Regional Police officer standing in front of a patrol car that is flying a yellow Khalistan independence flag. The unnamed officer appears to be outside of a Sikh Gurdwara in Peel Region and is seen smiling and posing for the photo.
The photo made the news in India but was mostly ignored by mainstream media in Canada.
“Canadian cop poses with Khalistani flag on official vehicle, Twitter takes him on,” read a headline of the New Delhi-based online news source The Print.
The Khalistani flag represents a radical and often violent movement that advocates for a Sikh ethno-state to be carved out of India. Khalistani activists have called for violence and the use of force – even terrorism – to promote and advance their narrow goals.
The worst terrorist attack in Canadian history was carried out by Khalistani terrorists. In 1985, terrorists blew up a Toronto-based Air India flight and gruesomely murdered 329 innocent men, women and children.
Despite his heinous crime, the terrorist mastermind of that bombing Talwinder Singh Parmar is glorified and considered a “martyr” by some radicals in Canada. Posters of Parmar allegedly hang in some Canadian Sikh Gurdwaras.
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh stepped into the centre of a controversy when he initially failed to condemn Parmar and suggested he didn’t know who was responsible for the Air India bombing.
A comprehensive inquiry by Canadian and international authorities determined Parmar was responsible, and Singh subsequently said he accepts the inquiry’s conclusion that Parmar was behind the attack.
It was later revealed that Singh spoke at a Khalistani separatist rally in San Francisco, and shared the stage with people calling for violence and war.
As reported exclusively in the Sun, Singh is also friends with radical Khalistani rapper Chani Natt. Natt’s music videos glorify Khalistani terrorism and violence.
Many Canadians first learned about the Khalistani movement when a former terrorist was invited to an official event with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in India. Convicted Khalistani terrorist Jaspal Atwal appeared at official events alongside top Liberals, including Trudeau’s wife Sophie.
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau at a function in India with Jaspal Atwal, a Surrey businessman, who is a one-time member of the now-banned International Sikh Youth Federation. (Handout Photo)
Atwal was convicted of trying to assassinate a visiting Indian politician in 1986, and his invitation to official Government of Canada events helped to derail Trudeau’s disastrous trip to India.
Atwal insisted he is now a reformed man, but in April 2018 he was arrested and charged with one count of uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm in Surrey, British Columbia.
The Peel Regional Police service is now trying to distance itself from this radical and divisive movement.
“The officer was unaware of the political implications associated with the flag and regrets the reaction the picture caused,” a police spokesman said. “The flag was removed.”
It is unclear where the flag came from, and why the officer decided to fly it from his car window.
The spokesman continued, “Our Service remains neutral and does not take sides in these matters.”
MALCOLM: Peel police stung by flap over controversial flag | Toronto Sun

Yes- we really should be taking a HARD LOOK at the values of people we allow to hold posiitons of authority in our country these days!

AS noted above- NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is a supporter of Sikh terrorist movements and his brother Gurratan has only recently hung up his "FCUK THE POLICE" poster!

The NDP is chock full of NUTS with similar rabble rousing and racist values that will SERIOUSLY COMPROMISE Cdn foreign affairs if ever they get any real power!!!!!!