I have been studying the historic values that have been presented by NOAA and NASA and am getting very disturbed. These are supposed to be the best of the best in science but there are some substantial gaps that are telling us a completely different story from what has been publicly stated.
We all know the global warming record: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming#/media/File:Global_Temperature_Anomaly.svg
The highest rate of warming occurs from about 1979 to present with over 0.8 degrees C. or 1.44 degrees F.
A record like this certainly is disturbing despite the fact that the AGW people had predicted 10 degrees C. and not less than one.
But in fact since 1979 we have had satellite temperature data that totally disagrees with this data: http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/UAH_LT_1979_thru_March_2017_v6.jpg
While this record appears to have heated slightly this is only the USUAL chaotic weather patterns. The average change in this 38 year period is zero.
Now exactly HOW could NOAA's and the Satellite data differ so wildly?
The weather stations that were placed by the government 150 years ago were of course very near or inside of city limits. Over this period of time these cities have grown in a spectacular manner: Illustration
Now if you compare the urban growth curve to the global warming curve you can see that they are VERY similar. Now add the effect that after WW II the urban growth changed dramatically. From brick and mortar we saw and almost complete conversion to concrete highways, freeways and skyscrapers. Inner cities changed to concrete jungles.
What has happened is that if you use the ground temperature measurements in the urban areas you have what is known as the "Urban Heat Island Effect". This urbanization is pretty much similar from everywhere in the world. And so you can expect to see pretty much the same temperature growth that isn't connected to any sort of reality.
What we are observing is that there probably hasn't been ANY heating whatsoever beyond the normal chaotic weather variability. That the Environmentalists have in fact been able to use false/uncorrected or improperly corrected temperature records. With more and more politicians seeking power teaming up with the environmentalists who are crying "WOLF" the people of the world have been fed a line of Marxist striving for power.
Well, the ice has been melting hasn't it? But what in fact has been happening is that the world has done nothing more than been recovering from the Maunder Minimum followed rather soon by the Dalton Minimum the pair of which were the Little Ice Age.
We have NO idea of what the true extent of ice was in the Arctic region before satellite surveillance which started in about 1979. We DO know that in 1955 the US nuclear submarine USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole in open water. And the following year the USS Nautilus broke through a very thin ice layer in the same spot.
We don't know what the original extent of ice was before 1,000 AD. And we know that Greenland and Iceland were strongly effected by the Little Ice Age and neither has fully recovered yet.
So are these cry wolf effects nothing more than the world returning to normal?
CO2 has been rising. But by this time we know that there isn't any serious side effects from increasing a trace gas by 30%. https://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0707/0707.1161v4.pdf
And most of the effects we do know about CO2 are entirely positive. ALL of nature is improved with the increase in CO2. From the growth of the smallest organism in the oceans and land to the world's largest mammal - the Blue Whales.
I don't know about you but I'm tired of a hoax that has been used to do two things - give politicians yet more undeserved power and to take some of the worst scientists on Earth and hand them high value research grants.
And there is some even more disturbing quotes that we should note: https://www.infowars.com/enviroment-eugenics-quotes/
Now I attended a lecture by Prof. Paul Erhlich so I absolutely KNOW that his belief was that man was the disease of the Earth and the only thing to do was to wipe it off the face of the Earth. So we have been staring into the faces of the Environmentalists, the Environmentalist Wackoes, the scientists looking for fat grants and politicians seeking power.
If you believe that AGW is real just think what these people want to do with you.
We all know the global warming record: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming#/media/File:Global_Temperature_Anomaly.svg
The highest rate of warming occurs from about 1979 to present with over 0.8 degrees C. or 1.44 degrees F.
A record like this certainly is disturbing despite the fact that the AGW people had predicted 10 degrees C. and not less than one.
But in fact since 1979 we have had satellite temperature data that totally disagrees with this data: http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/UAH_LT_1979_thru_March_2017_v6.jpg
While this record appears to have heated slightly this is only the USUAL chaotic weather patterns. The average change in this 38 year period is zero.
Now exactly HOW could NOAA's and the Satellite data differ so wildly?
The weather stations that were placed by the government 150 years ago were of course very near or inside of city limits. Over this period of time these cities have grown in a spectacular manner: Illustration
Now if you compare the urban growth curve to the global warming curve you can see that they are VERY similar. Now add the effect that after WW II the urban growth changed dramatically. From brick and mortar we saw and almost complete conversion to concrete highways, freeways and skyscrapers. Inner cities changed to concrete jungles.
What has happened is that if you use the ground temperature measurements in the urban areas you have what is known as the "Urban Heat Island Effect". This urbanization is pretty much similar from everywhere in the world. And so you can expect to see pretty much the same temperature growth that isn't connected to any sort of reality.
What we are observing is that there probably hasn't been ANY heating whatsoever beyond the normal chaotic weather variability. That the Environmentalists have in fact been able to use false/uncorrected or improperly corrected temperature records. With more and more politicians seeking power teaming up with the environmentalists who are crying "WOLF" the people of the world have been fed a line of Marxist striving for power.
Well, the ice has been melting hasn't it? But what in fact has been happening is that the world has done nothing more than been recovering from the Maunder Minimum followed rather soon by the Dalton Minimum the pair of which were the Little Ice Age.
We have NO idea of what the true extent of ice was in the Arctic region before satellite surveillance which started in about 1979. We DO know that in 1955 the US nuclear submarine USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole in open water. And the following year the USS Nautilus broke through a very thin ice layer in the same spot.
We don't know what the original extent of ice was before 1,000 AD. And we know that Greenland and Iceland were strongly effected by the Little Ice Age and neither has fully recovered yet.
So are these cry wolf effects nothing more than the world returning to normal?
CO2 has been rising. But by this time we know that there isn't any serious side effects from increasing a trace gas by 30%. https://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0707/0707.1161v4.pdf
And most of the effects we do know about CO2 are entirely positive. ALL of nature is improved with the increase in CO2. From the growth of the smallest organism in the oceans and land to the world's largest mammal - the Blue Whales.
I don't know about you but I'm tired of a hoax that has been used to do two things - give politicians yet more undeserved power and to take some of the worst scientists on Earth and hand them high value research grants.
And there is some even more disturbing quotes that we should note: https://www.infowars.com/enviroment-eugenics-quotes/
Now I attended a lecture by Prof. Paul Erhlich so I absolutely KNOW that his belief was that man was the disease of the Earth and the only thing to do was to wipe it off the face of the Earth. So we have been staring into the faces of the Environmentalists, the Environmentalist Wackoes, the scientists looking for fat grants and politicians seeking power.
If you believe that AGW is real just think what these people want to do with you.