The good relations between Muslims and Americans


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Good relations between the Americans and Muslim countries will yield a great profit:

If the American people have good relation with Muslims, it will be for the mutual benefit of all the world; moreover, the Americans like the freedom of all peoples and if anything different from this, it is because of the misleading Zionist propaganda and deceitful acts to turn the picture of the Islam and the Quran upside down.

So if the Zionists truly believe in God and His Torah, they have to believe in His Quran also, because the Quran confirms the Torah and does not contradict it; but the Cruel Zionists follow their own desires and do not seek after the truth.


Well selfsame I'm sure you know all about force and deceit. I they ever allow you upstairs in your mosque you'll learn even more about it.

The Cruel Zionists have cheated the American people with their deceit and cunning so as to provoke the Americans against Muslims by all means ... using their misleading media and financial influence of their lobby.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013

Moodah teaches that some people must be ignored. She will deal with their harmfulness. They are a counterforce in nature. They are anti-natural. Their existence is destructive. It harms the unity of the planet. The leaves of the trees and the fish and the birds are not made better by the anti-natural.

This too shall be made to go away.

Here again are the five tenets of Moo-dism.

1. Hurt no one.
2. Love everyone.
3. Help those in need.
4. Meditate, and be one with the universe.
5. Partake of the kush.

Oh great Moodah, nature is so beautiful!

Yes, it is. Gaze upon, and appreciate the river.

Moodah likes this and hopes you do as well.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Moodah teaches that some people must be ignored. She will deal with their harmfulness. They are a counterforce in nature. They are anti-natural. Their existence is destructive. It harms the unity of the planet. The leaves of the trees and the fish and the birds are not made better by the anti-natural.

This too shall be made to go away.

Here again are the five tenets of Moo-dism.

1. Hurt no one.
2. Love everyone.
3. Help those in need.
4. Meditate, and be one with the universe.
5. Partake of the kush.

Oh great Moodah, nature is so beautiful!

Yes, it is. Gaze upon, and appreciate the river.

Moodah likes this and hopes you do as well.
Are they nymphs or something else ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
On the contrary: the Zionist state is the source of all evil in the Middle East, and will cause much harm to all the world and is a danger to the world peace; it is the mistake in the equation.

Once this Zionist entity disappears, every trouble will be solved and peace will settle in the entire world.

Moreover, the Zionism is not natural or something coming naturally: the Zionist state in Palestine was extraordinarily invented, and cunningly imposed by force and by deceit.

Just because you are an idiot you don't have to prove it every post. Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. All the muslim countries are thugocracies at best and most don't even get that far up the evolutionary scale.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Due to call volume, your expected waiting time is 34 minutes.

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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I am not speechless I just can't find the words to express what I think
of this mumbo jumbo. The ugly Zionists? they look pretty damn good
to me. Once one tries to be friends while making every attempt to out
and out marginalize one group over another they are trying to isolate
and control who will be friends with who. Being friends is something
unconditional and blaming one group is not the way to make friends.
why is Israel taking the view they do? Because in the region all those
who neighbor Israel are out to destroy them, you know the followers of
the religion of peace.
It is time to throw away the worn out ideas of the past not just in your
book but all the books and get on with living in a peaceful world free of
dogmatic religion


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013

Moodah teaches that we must not hate the rock. The rock is a rock by its nature. When a rock breaks a window, find the one who threw it. You cannot punish a rock.

Here again are the five tenets of Moo-dism.

1. Hurt no one.
2. Love everyone.
3. Help those in need.
4. Meditate, and be one with the universe.
5. Partake of the kush.

Oh great Moodah, tell us about Rumi!

Certainly. Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi lived about 800 years ago. He was a scholar, poet and a mystic. A Muslim one to boot. The Sunni branch. The most populous kind of Muslim. Now you'd think someone so revered would be respected by all, but alas, he wasn't. One of the things he said, many years ago was,

"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

But few Muslims respect that, or took his words to heart. They continue to blow up and behead folks who will not accept their book of miscellaneous quotes and a rather unruly, unkempt fellow named Mo. They don't talk. They target. Very out of touch with nature.

Moodah is disappointed that so many Muslims have decided to turn their backs on someone that was once held in high esteem. It is fair to say that they have learned nothing in 800 years.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Muslims are just pissed that we don't buy their sweetness and light/Islam is a religion of peace garbage! Truly it is VERY EASY to live in peace with Muslims.....just do exactly as they say and all will be well!!! And it doesn't help their mood to have it pointed out that we gave up all that hard core dogma that produced the Inquisition 500 years ago! The priests of the now disgraced Inquisition were probably all fine fellows and loving family men.....unless you disagreed with them! And Muslims don't like being reminded that we see them as primitives from a pig headed past...just like those long dead priests!

And why is it that so many Muslims equate religious freedom with the right to press their values upon us? By FORCE if necessary?

And ain't it reason Brits allowed Jews to immigrate to `Palestine` was in hope that European Jews would modernize the local economy with their greater European style business skill and education.....and raise the living standards of all inhabitants in the process....and now we have Arabs crying whenever Jews close the border over terrorist incidents because Arabs then cannot get to the jobs provided them by Jews and must starve till the borders are opened again! Curse those Jews for being so logical, orderly and efficient!

Jews have planted over 15 million trees to turn back the desert.....what have Arabs done in that same time? Except perfect the suicide vest?

And the final annoyance for Muslims? That we consider besieged Israel as a better place to live than any Arab/Muslim land!

Muslims are evil. Israel is the only sane place in the middle east.