Companies are Failing to Integrate Millennials Into Their Workplaces: HRPA Report


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
You gotta get out there because you never know who you will meet.

For example i take spanish classes on the weekend and one of my fellow students is a supervisor of another department in the smelter complex i work at.

He knows my name what im doing and he even said that he will keep and ear and eye out for me, and that he was happy to see someone of my age still strive for betterment and that those are the people the company likes to promote.

and you think you are the only one that does that? Pretty stuck on yourself.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
and you think you are the only one that does that? Pretty stuck on yourself.

Let;s be realistic who in the fuk else could you be stuck to?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
You gotta get out there because you never know who you will meet.

For example i take spanish classes on the weekend and one of my fellow students is a supervisor of another department in the smelter complex i work at.

He knows my name what im doing and he even said that he will keep and ear and eye out for me, and that he was happy to see someone of my age still strive for betterment and that those are the people the company likes to promote.

You just never mind what others say about your choices. Reading, learning another language, or generally expanding your brain case are all good things. Keep doing what you're doing...and recreate. Relaxation is good good for the body as well.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
No matter how hard i try gerryh i cant stop being arrogant...

It's a natural consequence of brains, don't worry, it will fade after a bit and become

I enjoy my own arrogance all the time knowing it is misplaced and doomed to the dust bin, however it's the dust bin or liberalism, I have made my choice.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
They could still be replaced by viable sperm, this would of course entail reproduction insentives like five-hundred bucks a pop or so.

We would have to be escorted to the target recipiant of course, proped up perhaps.Who knows, there must be a way to save us from our children.

Actually I think they'll do just fine. I'm not worried by the youth displaceing me, they earn it or else.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
It's no surprise that companies are facing a 'loyalty challenge' when it comes to Millennial workers," said Bill Greenhalgh, CEO, HRPA. "There can be up to four different generations in today's workplaces and if companies aren't taking steps to mitigate the potential tensions that generational differences can make, they will face major problems."
Yep, and the only generation who appears to be whining are some of the millenials. Seriously, they want the other three generations to bend over to accommodate them? Just more of the neo-liberal progressive, "Me first, f*ck you" attitude.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That bites too far into Gen X.

I believe it has more to do with the age of the parents. I have seen most dates for "boomers" going to '64, and yet I have seen gen x starting at '61 and going to '81. The dates are not hard and fast. My kids were all born from '79 to '94. If we go by your dates hard and fast then my oldest is a gen x'r and the rest of my kids are millennials. Going by the "61 date for gen x then my brother and I are boomers and my 2 younger sisters are gen x.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
What companies don't want spoiled self centered people who only
want to listen to their own collective voices. My God what is the
world coming too? Actually like anything else we are talking about
few not the majority, I Have a number of these folks as grand kids
none of them, well save one thinks they are entitled and that is
because at an early age they were taught that isn't the case.
All ours in the age group who are finished school are working. Some
already climbing the ladder