Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Well I live about 25 miles outside of Montreal and this is Sept.8, and my two outside thermometers register 83 deg. F. and the inside one recording the outside temp. on my acuright weather station also registers 83 F Deg. outside. And that is quite a bit cooler than it was yesterday.......88.deg.F. yesterday. Oh and the humidity here this morning was a mere 97 Deg outside. Of course we did have rain during the night!!. Fairly cool today compared to many of our days this summer.

All these temps were in the shade of course. I know I cannot walk on my deck bare foot without burning the sole's of my feet. So tell me again ....... I am blind or cannot read what the weather station says on the lighted screen. Since my eye specialist says my eyes are very good. So what do I believe,......someone I do not know or my own eyes and body!!

Humidity isn't measured in degrees so what should we believe?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Humidity isn't measured in degrees so what should we believe?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well I live about 25 miles outside of Montreal and this is Sept.8, and my two outside thermometers register 83 deg. F. and the inside one recording the outside temp. on my acuright weather station also registers 83 F Deg. outside. And that is quite a bit cooler than it was yesterday.......88.deg.F. yesterday. Oh and the humidity here this morning was a mere 97 Deg outside. Of course we did have rain during the night!!. Fairly cool today compared to many of our days this summer.

All these temps were in the shade of course. I know I cannot walk on my deck bare foot without burning the sole's of my feet. So tell me again ....... I am blind or cannot read what the weather station says on the lighted screen. Since my eye specialist says my eyes are very good. So what do I believe,......someone I do not know or my own eyes and body!!

And the temperature readings were taken 5' above the ground of course!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Humidity isn't measured in degrees so what should we believe?
Yeah, I get just a little ticked off with all the nitpicking AND did it change anything?? Humidity is in %...... SO.....does it give so much pleasure to NOT focus on the implications of what the whole weather picture signifies??? Much better is it, pretending??? Is it so much better than acknowledging the signs are not as fortuitious as we would wish them to be???

Must be terrible to be so afraid, and I am so sorry to have stirred up so much fear. My sincere apologies for disturbing the mental health of some members.

Petros......My heart bleeds for you .....NOT Maybe your area is getting ready for the next polar shift. No fear though, it will not be as cold as the previous shift was. Something to look forward to.......if it happens in your lifetime. It occurs quite regularly I understand, although this one may occur a bit sooner than expected. Natures way of cleaning house. LOL


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Petros......My heart bleeds for you .....NOT Maybe your area is getting ready for the next polar shift. No fear though, it will not be as cold as the previous shift was. Something to look forward to.......if it happens in your lifetime. It occurs quite regularly I understand, although this one may occur a bit sooner than expected. Natures way of cleaning house. LOL
Bleeds because I enjoyed it?

I booking my flight right now to go home to harvest an estimated 88 bushels an acre of malting grade barley and 57 bushels per acre of no 1 red spring.

Now if I could only get paid for the 1.5t of carbon per acre I've taken out the system...

Yo Wynne.. send me money!
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The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Yeah, I get just a little ticked off with all the nitpicking AND did it change anything?? Humidity is in %...... SO.....does it give so much pleasure to NOT focus on the implications of what the whole weather picture signifies??? Much better is it, pretending??? Is it so much better than acknowledging the signs are not as fortuitious as we would wish them to be???

Must be terrible to be so afraid, and I am so sorry to have stirred up so much fear. My sincere apologies for disturbing the mental health of some members.

Petros......My heart bleeds for you .....NOT Maybe your area is getting ready for the next polar shift. No fear though, it will not be as cold as the previous shift was. Something to look forward to.......if it happens in your lifetime. It occurs quite regularly I understand, although this one may occur a bit sooner than expected. Natures way of cleaning house. LOL

Usually if humidity is over 90% it's raining so it makes a difference. As for the "whole" weather picture..well the median global temperature is now 0.5 degrees cooler than 50 years ago which is why the meatheads now use the term 'climate change' instead of 'global warming'. The thing is the ONLY constant in earth's environment over 4 billion years is change. It changed many times before humans existed and has changed many times since the first hominids were alive. Nothing we do will ever stop it from changing and nothing we are presently doing has any real influence on how it changes either. The idea that collecting a tax on a single element will ever make a difference is at it's best laughable and in my opinion is actually a nefarious attempt to impoverish and enslave the population.

Just to be clear....I am not denying the climate is changing, I am merely pointing out it isn't changing because of humans and there is nothing humans can do to prevent it changing however nature decides to change it.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Australia Repeating 1790's Wet and Cold Pattern, Crop Losses Follow

Usually if humidity is over 90% it's raining so it makes a difference. As for the "whole" weather picture..well the median global temperature is now 0.5 degrees cooler than 50 years ago which is why the meatheads now use the term 'climate change' instead of 'global warming'. The thing is the ONLY constant in earth's environment over 4 billion years is change. It changed many times before humans existed and has changed many times since the first hominids were alive. Nothing we do will ever stop it from changing and nothing we are presently doing has any real influence on how it changes either. The idea that collecting a tax on a single element will ever make a difference is at it's best laughable and in my opinion is actually a nefarious attempt to impoverish and enslave the population.

Just to be clear....I am not denying the climate is changing, I am merely pointing out it isn't changing because of humans and there is nothing humans can do to prevent it changing however nature decides to change it.

Oh no you must be mistaken the science is settled the climate is changeing because we don't pay enough taxes, everyone except earth haters understands this. I bet you drive a beat up smog factory and beat your wife and you hate animules and trees.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
They overpaid on taxes? Will they get rebates?

I expect so afterall this is about being responsible aint it? Of course it is. The contributions will have to be adjusted to make it fairer in the future, we can't have the Austrailans getting all the glory just because of thier taxpaying zeal. It isn't fair to the rest of us who don't have the opportuity to contribute to the great and noble cause. I demand the right to paymore tax. I will not burn any oil this winter to make up for my irresponsibility toward this fragile helpless planet even now being ravaged by that out of control sun. What we need is a giant heat shield installed by NASA between us and that horrible hot thing in the sky.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Fuk you're smart, that's a good idea and we can buy all those empty container ships bobbing arroud at anchor doing nothing, I bet they could carry a lot of heat which could be dumped off the coast of Austraila.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Australia Repeating 1790's Wet and Cold Pattern, Crop Losses Follow

Oh no you must be mistaken the science is settled the climate is changeing because we don't pay enough taxes, everyone except earth haters understands this. I bet you drive a beat up smog factory and beat your wife and you hate animules and trees.

I got a 1 ton Ford diesel and a 1/2 ton Chevy 8O I don't beat the wife but occasionally the kids ;-) Love trees, use them to heat the house and love certain animals like bacon and salmon and filet-mingon. :smile:

Hope that answers all your questions. :lol:

What we need is a giant heat shield installed by NASA between us and that horrible hot thing in the sky.

Preferably one with a good tint, I keep losing my shades.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I got a 1 ton Ford diesel and a 1/2 ton Chevy 8O I don't beat the wife but occasionally the kids ;-) Love trees, use them to heat the house and love certain animals like bacon and salmon and filet-mingon. :smile:

Hope that answers all your questions. :lol:

I knew it you're an earth hater. Shame on you, don't heat the house this winter, you'll feel good about it in the spring.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Here is the vid about Australia. This is just one area that is predicted to see an increase in rainfall. 2:50 mark.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
That's not a live cat it's a hand puppet, people skin cats and make them distort like that for the interweb cat nuts. There was a big scandal in Minnasota couple of years ago. You can tell by the cheap glass eyes.

Here is the vid about Australia. This is just one area that is predicted to see an increase in rainfall. 2:50 mark.

Solar minimum blues, I got no heat for you, bayyyyyyby, Climate Records Loss Angleous Ca


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Soon the government will find a way to tax what the tooth fairy leaves under a kid's pillow...
If enough people believe in the tooth fairy........


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
the government will do what we order it to do or it isnt, in ewhich case it shgould be compelled, we vote you do,or we hang you, fix it or we will fix you

the peoplle will beat you senceless should you deviate from the nice,do your job, enough of your excuses, we support you

n you will obey or spendc thew next decade in Inugtituke.