Canada loses 31,200 jobs in July; biggest drop in full-time positions since 2011


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Great logic.... Do ya think that the employers will be anxious to take out big bank loans to pay for this fantasy or will they just dump money down this program until they go t*tters?

Free trade means importers pay no tariffs. Open borders means employers can hire the most qualified and Canadians whose skills are in greater demand abroad can seek work abroad.

Are you against free markets?

As for the rest, they're ideas I was throwing out there. A guaranteed minimum income has pros and cons. Less overhead costs than many other social programmes, but do they open the door to abuse? I don't know. On a negative side, higher taxes. On a positive side, no more minimum wage and employers can get away with paying lower wages. I'm not a big fan of a guaranteed minimum income, but it's worth exploring as a way to circumvent the minimum wage as a barrier to employment, bearing in mind that then high taxes can also be a barrier to employment too. Catch-22.

As for education, that's a no-brainer. Raise the qualifications of the unemployed, though again I acknowledge it could mean higher taxes too which could also discourage hiring. But with more qualified workers, supply and demand means that more qualified workers would also be cheaper to hire.

But free trade and open borders would cost nothing and expand market access for all.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Free trade means importers pay no tariffs. Open borders means employers can hire the most qualified and Canadians whose skills are in greater demand abroad can seek work abroad.

Are you against free markets?

As for the rest, they're ideas I was throwing out there. A guaranteed minimum income has pros and cons. Less overhead costs than many other social programmes, but do they open the door to abuse? I don't know. On a negative side, higher taxes. On a positive side, no more minimum wage and employers can get away with paying lower wages. I'm not a big fan of a guaranteed minimum income, but it's worth exploring as a way to circumvent the minimum wage as a barrier to employment, bearing in mind that then high taxes can also be a barrier to employment too. Catch-22.

As for education, that's a no-brainer. Raise the qualifications of the unemployed, though again I acknowledge it could mean higher taxes too which could also discourage hiring. But with more qualified workers, supply and demand means that more qualified workers would also be cheaper to hire.

But free trade and open borders would cost nothing and expand market access for all.

All of what you have stated means absolutely nothing in a recessionary economic environment coupled with increasing taxes.

If few groups are generating a profit these days, does it really make sense to expect that employment will magically buck the recessionary trend just because you open the borders to even more people and raise the minimums?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I believe that this thread is overdue for a posting about it all being Harper's fault.

And this is a picture of an old unemployment line. What's old is news again.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
All of what you have stated means absolutely nothing in a recessionary economic environment coupled with increasing taxes.

If few groups are generating a profit these days, does it really make sense to expect that employment will magically buck the recessionary trend just because you open the borders to even more people and raise the minimums?

Still, opening borders could help Canadians whose skills are demanded abroad and vice versa, like Bewfoundlanders going to Alberta in the day.

History tells us that every recession is followed by a boom. Neither is healthy for the economy. Retraining the unemployed creates jobs for trainers and prepares the unemployed for the coming jobs. That way we suffer fewer qualified lavour shortages when the boom comes.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
But we have Justin!

My money is on Justin to bury us in debt (proportionally) quicker than Obama could. I'm told that anyone can write Ottawa and get a free rainbow and unicorn desk organizer, regardless of citizenship.



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
This is the lag effect from Alberta getting hit earlier.

No it isn't, not this time cuck. get with the program.

We need to stop relying on the fossil fuel industry.

yeah because selling a commodity that everyone is buying from the saudis is just stupid. go back to your pipe.

anyway kids, here's more actual results from progs pretending to know what they're on about:

Ontario lost 36,000 positions in July, marking the first significant decline in the country’s largest province since September 2015

But here are the Canadian numbers out today that economists are really worried about


Canada trade deficit widens to record $3.6 billion, far worse than economists expected

Canada trade deficit widens to record $3.6 billion, far worse than economists expected | Financial Post

and of course...

Wynne to charge HST on carbon tax to “squeeze more revenue out of Ontario families� - The Rebel


"The budget will balance itself"
"from the heart outwards"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
mebbe you Canadians should hire Obama as your new leader so that he can create the millions of jobs there like he has here

Yep, I never could figure out why so many of your kinfolk hate Obama so much. I've always found him to be an upbeat, positive guy. Of course there are scads of people around who HAVE to blame someone for every little thing that goes wrong- quite often things they cause themselves through laziness, neglect etc.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Yep, I never could figure out why so many of your kinfolk hate Obama so much. I've always found him to be an upbeat, positive guy. Of course there are scads of people around who HAVE to blame someone for every little thing that goes wrong- quite often things they cause themselves through laziness, neglect etc.

You don't elect the leader of a nation based on his or her rating on the niceness scale.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So, what exactly did Mr Nice to to help his citizens and economy?

I don't know exactly what he did other than create an enabling environment resulting in the economy described on the news yesterday!

And bring about racial unity and close Gitmo and...

Hope and change baby.

How urgent is the closure of Gitmo? It might be the perfect place for these rogue cops who insist on murdering Blacks! (Are the water boarding facilities still in place?)