Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry. . . biologically impossible’

The former psychiatrist in chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital is pouring rain on the Bruce Jenner “Call Me Caitlyn” parade that’s sure to have the former Olympic athlete’s cheerleaders steaming.

Not only does Dr. Paul R. McHugh consider changing sexes “biologically impossible,” he thinks being what is popularly called “transgender” these days is actually a “mental disorder.”

McHugh, who has authored six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical journal articles, made the statements in a piece he penned for the Wall Street Journal that argued surgery is not the solution for patients who want to live life as the opposite sex.

Such people, he wrote, suffer from a “disorder of assumption” in believing they can choose their sex.


Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry: Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder . . . biologically impossible’ | BizPac Review



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Oh FFS...

Right, it's not real, so people I know who are Trans are just faking it or are crazy. They're normal in every way, except knowing that their physical body doesn't match the mental.

The fact that trans people have existed for centuries doesn't matter of course, right? It's only a 'modern issue'?

The fact the link is to a conservative news site says it all.

Trying to continue the hate on trans people won't work to shove them back into the closets, but it WILL get people killed. Good job.

Especially since there is no such thing.

Prove it, Wally.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I usually hesitate on this subject because there are things I don't know or understand such as why there are hermaphrodites. I simply don't know other than those people were born with both female and male attributes. So anything I would think is nothing more than my opinion which means nothing. That being said, in the case of Bruce Jenner, I think he is foolish, repulsive and crazier than a shythouse rat.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Can't prove a negative.

Not asking you to prove a negative. Prove that Transgendered persons are not real.

I don't expect you to, you don't have enough brains in that tiny little head of yours to be able to do much more than single, simple sentences and click on the thumbs down. It is what we all have come to expect from our resident mental midget. Not enough brains to make a decent argument, but he can click on a thumbs down REAL well. Good boy Walter, way to go.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Can't say too much about the trans issue since I've never met anyone identifying as such. I'll speculate it's deeper than just being gay and attracted to the opposite sex.......


Anti-Trans Bathroom ‘Child Protector’ Caught With 13 Year Old Chained In Basement

Bigotry and hypocrisy seem to go hand-in-hand. Just consider all the stories of anti-LGBT lawmakers caught with male prostitutes or outted after sending naked pictures to men. However, all of that pales in comparison to this recent story. Esten Ciboro was recently in the news for protesting Target’s new policy of allowing transgender people to use the restroom of their choice. Now it turns out that he has been arrested for keeping a 13-year-old girl chained inside his basement. The girl, who has not been identified, was forced to use the restroom in a bucket and was fed scraps of spoiled food.

According to the police, Ciboro and his father, Timothy, were trying to flee when law-enforcement officials arrived on the scene. It’s unclear how long the girl was kept in captivity, though court documents report that it could have been as long as a year. Both the girl and two other children were placed in state custody and sent to a foster home. Timothy Ciboro made the following statement concerning the children:

Ciboro and his father were both arrested and are facing charges of kidnapping and child endangerment. Both are currently being held in jail awaiting bond and have sought a public defender, though no date has been set for the two,

This isn’t the first time Ciboro has made headlines in recent weeks. On May 4th, Ciboro posted the following on Facebook

For those unaware: Target will be allowing men in the girls’ restrooms of its stores and will also allow women in the boys’ restrooms of its stores — all to support queerism and confusion.’


Anti-Trans Bathroom 'Child Protector' Caught With 13 Year Old Chained In Basement (VIDEO)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Of course being transgender to the point you desire hormone treatments and surgery is a mental illness. A delusion.

Want to know your gender?

Look in your pants.

Unless you are an extremely tiny minority with a specific genetic flaw, the evidence therein should be clear.

Let it be your guide.

You don't get to choose.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Of course being transgender to the point you desire hormone treatments and surgery is a mental illness. A delusion.

Want to know your gender?

Look in your pants.

Unless you are an extremely tiny minority with a specific genetic flaw, the evidence therein should be clear.

Let it be your guide.

You don't get to choose.

The same thing has been said about homosexuality. I guess we can see where you draw the line, and those of us that have been here a while know why and the hypocrisy that it shows.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Not asking to prove a negative. Since I know Trans people, they exist, ergo not a negative.

Prove they do not.

You are asking too much of poor wally. Ask him to click on the thumbs down, THAT he can do.