Get rid of yer land-line.
Not a prayer. I'm not about to spend 3-4 times as much for something I only need for one purpose. I don't need my phone to "roam" or go on the internet or any of that other crap, it just needs to be a damn phone.
For about six weeks I rec'd an email from some member of the Dippers asking for a $5 donation. The only message accompanying the request was they needed it to beat Harper. Personally I think the Dippers are running a VERY poor campaign. Altogether too much lying by the leader. He's still raving on the radio this morning about being the ONLY party who can beat Harper. HTF could someone like this be construed to be Prime Minister material? How can a person like Jr. with very little experience in industry and very few accomplishments in politics (outside of being elected as leader of a party but actually having DONE very little be construed to be P.M. material? The fact that people think "strategic voting" is necessary to unseat Harper is a clear indication Harper at least has the capability to be formidable if nothing else.
I don't think it's really so much a case of his being formidable when necessary as it is this bizarre desperation on the left to defeat a system they don't like when it doesn't work in their favour.
And yet, one can easily blame Chretien for how things have been working out so far. If it wasn't for his attempt to strangle the financing of the right wing parties they wouldn't have joined forces to become one "super" Conservative party. Thus, the majority of those who vote Conservative no matter what where no longer splitting their votes between 3 parties.
Although that could also backfire on the CPC as more and more Progressive Conservative type conservatives could end up voting Liberal simply because the Liberals are closer to the PC's ideals than either of the old Refoooooorm and Alliance parties.