Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Might want to check out their real partners. If the men in this study can't get it up for real women they might just be gay. Or maybe they live in a fantasy world. Could be the reason. More women for the rest of us. ANyway it is not for you to decide what other people can or cannot watch.

Correct. It must be a consensus.

The rest of your post is too stupid to speak to and shows how little you love your neighbor or care for his health.


I could agree with requiring internet providers to censor porn by default whereby the customer who wants access would need to opt in.

That would be a decent way to go.

That would give parents real control at least to the age of consent.

After that consent, access should only be given when the client is shown just how addictive internet porn can be.

More than this, a caring nation cannot do, if freedom of choice is to be our goal.


I see more problem with you thinking children are people under 25. By 25 most are out on their own. I was long before that. One of my parents was out on their own by 17.

Many immature children older than 17 and 25 got out even earlier.

Comparing your ancient history to our times when we have this new problem is not the way to go.

But for my own enlightenment, at what age is your child no longer your child?

My oldest child is 45. Sure, he is a man in his own rite, but he is still my child.


Bullshyte, one more example of you talking out your a$$.

again, bullshyte. If today's parents don't know how to block websites then that is their own fault. The internet has been around, to the public, for over 25 years. The vast majority of Parents out there today grew up with the internet.

It has been said for years, that Parents need to take an active roll in their children's internet browsing. It is not up to the government or the ISP's to decide what should and should not be available to anyone. You want censorship, move to China or Korea.

Why? We are censored in this country right now.

All I propose is moving the bar.

Did you really think we lived without censorship?


Bullshyte, one more example of you talking out your a$$.

again, bullshyte. If today's parents don't know how to block websites then that is their own fault. The internet has been around, to the public, for over 25 years. The vast majority of Parents out there today grew up with the internet.

It has been said for years, that Parents need to take an active roll in their children's internet browsing. It is not up to the government or the ISP's to decide what should and should not be available to anyone. You want censorship, move to China or Korea.

Why? We are censored in this country right now.

All I propose is moving the bar.

Did you really think we lived without censorship?


It's occured to me that to honestly and diligently do the research regarding the question of the subject at hand one might have to, in a clinical manner, actually preview some adequate ammount of porn.Does anyone know how much is usually enough? I feel compelled to investigate before I can confidently express an opinion.

If the experts are correct, it is not the quantity of porn so much as the variety that does the damage. It is the variety that prompts the dopamine overuse and causes the addiction.

You might want to view the links I put before starting to watch your porn.


Censorship has no place in a democratic and open society.
Teach children appropriate boundaries until they are old enough
to make up their own mind.
Censorship is a powerful tool and it never ends well when invoked.

As the O.P. states, I do not favor censorship for the reasons you site but I do not see all endings as ending poorly.

Are you saying that child porn and whatever else we presently censor should not be censored?

Are you saying that parents who censor what their children can access are not doing the responsible thing?


it is the user,myself i like ID TV,sometimes I don't feel right being interested in so much murder and crime,then again I love psychology.
sometimes i will not allow myself to watch such evil,then again is it any different then shows like criminal minds,which by the way scared the sh it out of me,and I haven't watched it since.
porn like anything is the user,look in the mirror.
i don't mind porn a couple times a year.i was going to contact shaw to see if i can get a preffered customer rate and have a month freeof porn.
on that thought,good night!

Are you viewing material shown to be addictive like the issue here?


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Perhaps some programs that have a practical value would help solve that.

Like any disease, addiction has to be arrested before it can be cured.

In this issue, arrested means censored.


Something ruined this generation so the next dosn't have a chance anyway.

Your crystal ball is too cloudy for you to make that statement.

The generation we are talking about is hurt, not incurably ill.


I sure as f**k hope you are wrong:)

I think he is but note that he said something when he should have said someone.

We do not want to admit that those someone's are us and we continue to do little about what we have reaped by our self-centered sowing.

Just look through the posts and see most people only thinking of themselves.

This is not the Canada I grew up in.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
You expect me to make your argument for you?

You are lazy, ain't you?

All you needed do for your answer was to answer the question.

I do have a few other presentation from both the political and expert fields though.

internet porn - Yahoo Video Search Results Harms

You will be interested in what the Brits are planning and doing.

Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces - BBC News



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Correct. It must be a consensus.

The rest of your post is too stupid to speak to and shows how little you love your neighbor or care for his health.


That would be a decent way to go.

That would give parents real control at least to the age of consent.

After that consent, access should only be given when the client is shown just how addictive internet porn can be.

More than this, a caring nation cannot do, if freedom of choice is to be our goal.


Many immature children older than 17 and 25 got out even earlier.

Comparing your ancient history to our times when we have this new problem is not the way to go.

But for my own enlightenment, at what age is your child no longer your child?

My oldest child is 45. Sure, he is a man in his own rite, but he is still my child.


Why? We are censored in this country right now.

All I propose is moving the bar.

Did you really think we lived without censorship?


Why? We are censored in this country right now.

All I propose is moving the bar.

Did you really think we lived without censorship?


If the experts are correct, it is not the quantity of porn so much as the variety that does the damage. It is the variety that prompts the dopamine overuse and causes the addiction.

You might want to view the links I put before starting to watch your porn.


As the O.P. states, I do not favor censorship for the reasons you site but I do not see all endings as ending poorly.

Are you saying that child porn and whatever else we presently censor should not be censored?

Are you saying that parents who censor what their children can access are not doing the responsible thing?


Are you viewing material shown to be addictive like the issue here?


Are you really that stupid or just trolling?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Greatestiam is just fascinated with porn......
Why would it be all he talks about lately?

Seems you like to lie.

Have you not seen my O.P. where I advocate legalizing drugs and putting them in the medical realm instead of law enforcement, where they have always belonged?

Stay tuned. Next I will do something on rock and roll. I leave dull issues to dull minds like yours.


No, I really won't. For that matter, my general rule is if the Brits are planning and doing something, it's a bad idea.

That was intelligent.


Are you really that stupid or just trolling?

Throwing stones without correction just shows your **** filled heart and lack of intelligence.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Seems you like to lie.

Have you not seen my O.P. where I advocate legalizing drugs and putting them in the medical realm instead of law enforcement, where they have always belonged?

Stay tuned. Next I will do something on rock and roll. I leave dull issues to dull minds like yours.


That was intelligent.


Throwing stones without correction just shows your **** filled heart and lack of intelligence.


You are on a crusade for some reason known only to yourself. You are not interested in other peoples opinions, just expecting us to go along with your proposed new rules for a non issue. Maybe you should seek professional help if you are so fixated on porn movies. The rest of us really don't care.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
You are on a crusade for some reason known only to yourself. You are not interested in other peoples opinions, just expecting us to go along with your proposed new rules for a non issue. Maybe you should seek professional help if you are so fixated on porn movies. The rest of us really don't care.

You are right. Many here do not care about their children and the children of others but I would not say that they are the majority.

There are not that many like you around as evolution has weeded your ilk out. Harms



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You are right. Many here do not care about their children and the children of others but I would not say that they are the majority.

There are not that many like you around as evolution has weeded your ilk out. Harms


You are the one that is fixated on jerking off in front of your computer. Or your kids doing it. The rest of us raised our families properly. If it bothers you so much turn your computer off. Preventing censorship is much more important than your psychological problems. Maybe try getting a job so you won't have so much free time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You are on a crusade for some reason known only to yourself. You are not interested in other peoples opinions, just expecting us to go along with your proposed new rules for a non issue. Maybe you should seek professional help if you are so fixated on porn movies. The rest of us really don't care.

You got the idiot pegged! :)

Are you really that stupid or just trolling?

Possibly both!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You are right. Many here do not care about their children and the children of others but I would not say that they are the majority.

There are not that many like you around as evolution has weeded your ilk out. Harms

I certainly don't care about the children of others. They're the responsibility of others.

I also don't think much of the people who want to write their opinions into the law. I don't favor banning much of anything, not even loudmouths who want to deprive everybody of choices the loudmouths don't like.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Your crystal ball is too cloudy for you to make that statement.
The generation we are talking about is hurt, not incurably ill.

What brand of crystal ball cleaner do you use? It is too late for many of this generation, they don't read, they play too much, they are less self sufficient than the last generation. Or are you telling me that their exposure to the various sick mass mediums has had no effect? I hope they recover back to a viable future. Maybe I'm not as full of confidence about their chances, paying off student loans will kill many of them, maybe worry about the young is common thought among geezers in every generation.
Anywho I'd like some of the ball cleaner you use.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
What brand of crystal ball cleaner do you use? It is too late for many of this generation, they don't read, they play too much, they are less self sufficient than the last generation. Or are you telling me that their exposure to the various sick mass mediums has had no effect? I hope they recover back to a viable future. Maybe I'm not as full of confidence about their chances, paying off student loans will kill many of them, maybe worry about the young is common thought among geezers in every generation.
Anywho I'd like some of the ball cleaner you use.

We will reap what we sow.

As to school debt. I admit to not being well versed as to what or colleges and universities are doing but if we are following the U.S. example, then shame on us.

I picked this up elsewhere.

Does the UC San Diego really need all of the following:

  1. Vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion
  2. Chancellor’s Diversity Office
  3. The associate vice chancellor for faculty equity
  4. The assistant vice chancellor for diversity
  5. The faculty equity advisors, the graduate diversity coordinators
  6. The staff diversity liaison, the undergraduate student diversity liaison
  7. The graduate student diversity liaison, the chief diversity officer
  8. The director of development for diversity initiatives
  9. The Office of Academic Diversity and Equal Opportunity
  10. The Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues
  11. The Committee on the Status of Women
  12. The Campus Council on Climate, Culture and Inclusion
  13. The Diversity Council
  14. The directors of the Cross-Cultural Center
  15. The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center
  16. The Women’s Center.

Each and every one of these require staff and are a drain on resources, not to mention eat up millions in salaries, with many of these people making at or close to six figure salaries. So the cost of college alone is not worth it, especially if so much of your money is eaten up to advance social justice politics.



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Why? We are censored in this country right now.

All I propose is moving the bar.

Did you really think we lived without censorship?


and you feel it's a good idea to be censored further. What a good little communist you are.