Death knell for AGW


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Maxwell's Demon proves why cold gases cannot make hot bodies hotter

James Clerk Maxwell is arguably the greatest physicist of all time on the topics of heat and radiation, and also perhaps the first to state in 1872 that Earth's temperature gradients and greenhouse effect are due to mass/gravity/pressure, rather than an effect of radiation from any infrared-active gases.

Maxwell devised a simple and well-known thought experiment now called Maxwell's Demon, to prove why cold gases (such as the atmosphere at -18C on average), cannot make warmer gases or bodies (such as the Earth surface at +15C average) any warmer in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics states disorder (called entropy) of any system (such as Earth's atmosphere) must always increase, and for any heat transfer to occcur from cold gases or bodies to warmer gases or bodies would result in an impossible decrease of entropy forbidden by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

So, the next time someone claims a cold gas/body can make a warm body warmer, ask them for their solution to Maxwell's demon first:


THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Maxwell's Demon proves why cold gases cannot make hot bodies hotter


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

97% of the worlds scientist don't believe in the greenhouse theory most scientists believe the bee problem is the problem. And if they don't believe that they're stupid pricks and they should be drowned in a tank of CO2


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Maxwell's Demon proves why cold gases cannot make hot bodies hotter

James Clerk Maxwell is arguably the greatest physicist of all time on the topics of heat and radiation, and also perhaps the first to state in 1872 that Earth's temperature gradients and greenhouse effect are due to mass/gravity/pressure, rather than an effect of radiation from any infrared-active gases.

Maxwell devised a simple and well-known thought experiment now called Maxwell's Demon, to prove why cold gases (such as the atmosphere at -18C on average), cannot make warmer gases or bodies (such as the Earth surface at +15C average) any warmer in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics states disorder (called entropy) of any system (such as Earth's atmosphere) must always increase, and for any heat transfer to occcur from cold gases or bodies to warmer gases or bodies would result in an impossible decrease of entropy forbidden by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

So, the next time someone claims a cold gas/body can make a warm body warmer, ask them for their solution to Maxwell's demon first:


THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Maxwell's Demon proves why cold gases cannot make hot bodies hotter

That guy has no understanding whatsoever of the Secodn Law of Thermodynamics.

If entropy always increases, why do humans exist? Riddle me that, Einstein.

97% of the worlds scientist don't believe in the greenhouse theory

True. For the Greenhouse Theory, it's probably closer to 100%.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

Global warming doomsayers have issues confronting reality

2014 could be the hottest year ever, enthused reporters, environmentalists and government delegates as they descended on Lima, Peru for a UN global warming gabfest, hoping against hope for good news after 18 straight years in which temperatures refused to climb. The increase reported by the World Meteorological Organization for the first 10 months of 2014 — released to give the UN gathering some gravitas — wasn’t enormous, just one-hundredth of one degree warmer than the previous record. But beggars can’t be choosers, especially among determined doomsayers, for whom hope springs eternal.

These upbeat doomsayers — maybe a majority of the 8,000 in attendance from 196 participating countries — had little else to cling to. In the Arctic, the ice cover is now greater than it’s been over the average of the last 15 years. In the Antarctic, the prospects for gloom are sadder still — the sea ice cover is at an all-time high, having set records the last three years in a row. Worse — as underwater robots have just discovered — the ice is much thicker than previously thought. Oh sure, the doomsayers can ordinarily console themselves with computer models showing all this ice is an anomaly — that it should have melted long ago. But what good are computer models by the world’s top climate change scientists — all consensusing one another — when the population at large becomes each year harder to rouse to panic?

more scratch 'n' sniff

Lawrence Solomon: Hottest year ever?! Climate doomsayers may have hit the panic button a little too early | Financial Post


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
caution: 'hey now' trigger warning

Steve Goddard ‏@SteveSGoddard

Arctic sea ice is almost exactly normal, 5 days after @algore ice-free forecast date …

Steve Goddard ‏@SteveSGoddard

Overheated atmosphere bringing heavy snow and rain to Arizona this week

Steve Goddard ‏@SteveSGoddard

A major blast of global warming for the holidays

Steve Goddard ‏@SteveSGoddard

With zero change in temperature for 18 years, @nytimes Justin Gillis is worried about stopping 2 degrees warming



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Global warming doomsayers have issues confronting reality

2014 could be the hottest year ever, enthused reporters, environmentalists and government delegates as they descended on Lima, Peru for a UN global warming gabfest, hoping against hope for good news after 18 straight years in which temperatures refused to climb. The increase reported by the World Meteorological Organization for the first 10 months of 2014 — released to give the UN gathering some gravitas — wasn’t enormous, just one-hundredth of one degree warmer than the previous record. But beggars can’t be choosers, especially among determined doomsayers, for whom hope springs eternal.

These upbeat doomsayers — maybe a majority of the 8,000 in attendance from 196 participating countries — had little else to cling to. In the Arctic, the ice cover is now greater than it’s been over the average of the last 15 years. In the Antarctic, the prospects for gloom are sadder still — the sea ice cover is at an all-time high, having set records the last three years in a row. Worse — as underwater robots have just discovered — the ice is much thicker than previously thought. Oh sure, the doomsayers can ordinarily console themselves with computer models showing all this ice is an anomaly — that it should have melted long ago. But what good are computer models by the world’s top climate change scientists — all consensusing one another — when the population at large becomes each year harder to rouse to panic?

more scratch 'n' sniff

Lawrence Solomon: Hottest year ever?! Climate doomsayers may have hit the panic button a little too early | Financial Post

Theres this paper I was readin a while ago about making ice with electrical current from the bottom up. no CO2


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Why be nostalgic for the relics of a sh¡tty period of the Holocene?

still waiting HoloceneMan... still waiting! :mrgreen:
you really want to say something about the 'Holocene optimum'... why not just say it? Why are you such a tease? :lol: By the by, what was the cause(s) of warming during that period... and how does that apply in relation to today's relatively recent warming?
the same questions await you.... why are you avoiding them? You so are the HoloceneMan, yet you refuse to answer my questions concerning the causal tie to Holocene Optimum warming and how you believe that correlates with today's relatively recent warming. Why are you so deflecting of those questions? Just answer them, HoloceneMan!

waldo thinks we influence nature on a global scale. How foolish. We can't even influence it on a relatively small scale. Gaia does what it does.

that's deep Walter! Which denier blog has you now parroting "Gaia"?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
What do you want to know about the Holocene? How it got warm without CO2? You know that already don't you?

state your comparative case: you claim "some relevancy, some correlation, some... something" relationship between the warming of the Holocene Optimum and the warming of the most relatively recent (hundred years or so) period... you also seem to imply something about the relative warming levels of the Holocene Optimum and the relatively recent warming; what would that be?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Locutus... now you're simply repeating yourself!

no, dummy...the two differing images are a week apart.

also, you seem to have a mad on about what website links back to the source images, what site reposts data, something you really should get over.

could be a medication or substance abuse issue, employment woes, relationship trouble or maybe you're having a blue blue Christmas, I'm not sure.

anyway, try to focus.

Sea Ice Index

National Snow and Ice Data Center


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
no, dummy...the two differing images are a week apart.

also, you seem to have a mad on about what website links back to the source images, what site reposts data, something you really should get over.

no, dummy... the 2 images are nothing more than normal ice extent forming... first year ice forming. The first year ice forming that will simply be the first to melt in the next melting phase. Only a purposeful misinforming denier would continue to attempt to make something about Arctic sea-ice extent increasing for any single year while totally ignoring the long-term melting trends... you know, these trends (extent and volume):

speaking of "recovery"... of "growing again" based on a single year reference is nonsense... notwithstanding the context with Extent increase is single versus multi-year ice. Single year ice is that ice most readily melted in the next year's melting season.

following are the Arctic long-term melting trend lines for both Extent and Volume... for an appropriate perspective on Arctic sea-ice.

Locutus, it is quite telling that you can't seem to pull yourself away from your twitter feeds to actually comment on these long-term trend graphics... and you never post on volume... just extent. Why so, hey Locutus? Why so?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
state your comparative case: you claim "some relevancy, some correlation, some... something" relationship between the warming of the Holocene Optimum and the warming of the most relatively recent (hundred years or so) period... you also seem to imply something about the relative warming levels of the Holocene Optimum and the relatively recent warming; what would that be?
We aren't in the Holocene?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I think that he's upset 'cause his vacation cruise through the ice free North pole (as of 2013) has been canceled due to ice.

you really need some new material! Just how much mileage do you think you can squeeze out of that "ice-free Arctic" meme? Why keep going back to that well... here's a thought, why don't you take a shot at adding to/challenging some of the related "sciency stuff". Sure you can! Be more than just a one-track minded drive-by arteeeest!