Thank You Mr. Ramsey: 3 Girls Saved


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
1. They haven't been convicted of anything yet.

2. The state should not have the right to kill its citizens.

3. It would help to study people like this to better understand what makes them tick

There's three.

He asked for valid reasons not lefty excuses.

I don't know JLM. A quick google shows horrendously high costs to kill someone. I just grabbed this link because I used to take quite an interest in the psychology of what it did for it's victims, and what wardens of prisons thought...

anyhow, for what it's worth:
Assessment of Costs by Judge Arthur Alarcon and Prof. Paula Mitchell (2011, updated 2012)
The authors concluded that the cost of the death penalty in California has totaled over $4 billion since 1978:

  • $1.94 billion--Pre-Trial and Trial Costs
  • $925 million--Automatic Appeals and State Habeas Corpus Petitions
  • $775 million--Federal Habeas Corpus Appeals
  • $1 billion--Costs of Incarceration
The authors calculated that, if the Governor commuted the sentences of those remaining on death row to life without parole, it would result in an immediate savings of $170 million per year, with a savings of $5 billion over the next 20 years.

That is because of a defective legal system that protects criminals and makes lawyers rich at taxpayer's expense. In some cases with dubious evidence that makes sense but when there is no doubt as in these bas tards lived in the house it makes a mockery of justice and just adds to the suffering of the three women.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
1. They haven't been convicted of anything yet.

2. The state should not have the right to kill its citizens.

3. It would help to study people like this to better understand what makes them tick

There's three.
But this does not apply to Police Officers when they are charged- Nope - Odd I say. Why would that be.

Yep, Einstein, I vividly remember your opinion of Geoff Mantler which you insisted was the correct one a couple of years ago. Well, I'll tell you, genius, Mr. Mantler was recently convicted of kicking Buddy in the face and has been relieved of duties with the R.C.M.P. So as far as your opinions are concerned you might want to abstain from comment in the future. -:) Being stupid is a terrible thing, but broadcasting it to the whole wide world is 100 times worse-:)

KM has made a visitation

Thirty years ago in a community outside of Vancouver a teenage girl was kept in an underground bunker in the miscreant's garage for six months before she was found, even so she was badly traumatised, but happily she's been able to lead a normal life and has children of her own. That S.O.B. is still in jail. Dread to think what his grocery bill has been over the years.

As I see you are continuing to do! -:)
KM has made a visitation


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That is because of a defective legal system that protects criminals and makes lawyers rich at taxpayer's expense. In some cases with dubious evidence that makes sense but when there is no doubt as in these bas tards lived in the house it makes a mockery of justice and just adds to the suffering of the three women.
yes that is true but it has also saved some who were found guilty and protested for years that they were innocent. The legal system is about lies and money and ability to twist things in order to make it seem a certain way. I do not believe the life of an innocent is worth that. As far as I am concerned they are guilty already. It should be a slam dunk but it won't be, at least I doubt it will be.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
the death penalty ensures that there is no repetition but other than that, I am pulled either way ... I lean toward no death penalty though because their lack of freedom is a bigger punishment, a quick death, meh, might be too good for them. They need to be reminded everyday for many long years of the heinous crime they have committed. I don't think I would want to live through that. I have tried to imagine it after watching police shows and frankly I can't go there.

You are trying to projects the feelings of a rational person on something lower than a lawyer's belly in a wheel rut. They do not think like us. Most probably if left to live in prison they will fantasize about their exploits.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I could probably be persuaded to give them life in prison, in a bare cell at 50F, no books or ANY form of entertainment and the blandest menu. That might come close to the suffering the girls were subjected to.

He asked for valid reasons not lefty excuses.

Hey, if Cannuck had his way Mantler would be promoted to R.C.M.P. commissioner by now! -:)


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Makes you wonder about your neighbours......

Nah. My neighbours don't have a basement.:roll:


"""He asked for valid reasons not lefty excuses"""

Er, Tax; nothing to do with the OP, but:

Bundy, Gacey, Manson, just to name 3 , were all republicans.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Apparently, KM hands out greenies to people when he sees they've gotten reddies for no apparent or rational reason. Just a guess. And no, it ain't me. I have no superhero alteregos. lol

But it sure beats the people who drop "reddies" and don't explain their reason. Some people just can't accept the truth especially when it applies to them!


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Of course they are innocent...

They may not be innocent but they certainly aren't guilty...yet. Let's be civilized and let the legal system do its job m'kay.

1. They haven't been convicted of anything yet.

2. The state should not have the right to kill its citizens.

3. It would help to study people like this to better understand what makes them tick

There's three.

He asked for valid reasons not lefty excuses.

I find it very interesting that you think killing people without a trial (#1) is "left" thinking.

I also find it interesting that you feel taking power away from the government (#2) is is "left" thinking.

More interesting is that you seem to think scientific study (#3) is somehow "left" thinking.

Could you expand on these ideas? Inquiring minds want to know.

But this does not apply to Police Officers when they are charged- Nope - Odd I say. Why would that be.

I'm not sure. Perhaps you could direct that question to JLM as he is the one that does not wish to give due process to police least ones he doesn't particularly like.


Jan 6, 2007
I'm going to talk in my quiet voice.

I live in chronic pain. There are many, many times, where I've wanted to take the easy way in life, and just slip quietly into death.

I don't understand why these men would deserve that peace.

They don't deserve to be let out of their punishment.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hey Cannuck, when the truth bothers most people as much as it does you, they change their way of thinking or their modus operandi, but that takes a little gumption! -:)

They may not be innocent but they certainly aren't guilty...yet. Let's be civilized and let the legal system do its job m'kay.

I find it very interesting that you think killing people without a trial (#1) is "left" thinking.

I also find it interesting that you feel taking power away from the government (#2) is is "left" thinking.

More interesting is that you seem to think scientific study (#3) is somehow "left" thinking.

Could you expand on these ideas? Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm not sure. Perhaps you could direct that question to JLM as he is the one that does not wish to give due process to police least ones he doesn't particularly like.

As usual you are advertising your ignorance. Who suggested killing anyone without a trial? You're the only one who's mentioned that! I'm all for due process, not dragged out process. Anyway most people with an I.Q. of over four can understand the test of probability is much higher in the courts than it is in general conversation. I don't really give a f**k if those particular three guys did it, or whether it was other people, I was just speaking in general terms that those found guilty should be spared no mercy. I think pretty well every one on the forum except for you understands what I was saying. But anyway I wait with baited breath for another "red". -:) Einstein!

I'm not sure. Perhaps you could direct that question to JLM as he is the one that does not wish to give due process to police least ones he doesn't particularly like.

Speak for yourself Idiot!


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Instead of one person abusing the Rep system, and another bringing that fact up at almost every single opportunity, how about we concentrate on the fact that three girls that were missing for ten years have been rescued and they will get to spend time with their families again? That is what we should be talking about in this thread.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Instead of one person abusing the Rep system, and another bringing that fact up at almost every single opportunity, how about we concentrate on the fact that three girls that were missing for ten years have been rescued and they will get to spend time with their families again? That is what we should be talking about in this thread.

Absolutely, it's a good news story in two ways, the girls are safe and back with family and the facts of the matter will be easy to obtain and verify. (And I don't think a jury will have a problem deciding who to believe)