Justin, Justin, Justin

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Harper is the all-time leading Social spender. Harper has out spent all PMs combined.

If you take a look at the relative track records, I'd wager that each successive gvt out spent the previous on social programs.

On the other hand, it was great to see that a PM got rid of that ridiculous Charter Challenge program that was a money hole


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you take a look at the relative track records, I'd wager that each successive gvt out spent the previous on social programs.
Not combined. For every public dollar there has to be at least 3 foreign/private spent/invested alongside in the same projects. I'm going to look into that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Why not? He was PM. Conservative supporters blame everything bad that happened during the 70's on Pierre. What's good for the goose as they say.

Thats because nearly everything bad that happened to ud was turdos fault. Bilingualism. NEP. Structual Deficit spending. FLQ. Need more? Whereas Harper hasnT really done anything bad to us other than perhaps temporary deficit spending during a world ression in an attempt to buy some lefty votes.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Thats because nearly everything bad that happened to ud was turdos fault. Bilingualism. NEP. Structual Deficit spending. FLQ. Need more? Whereas Harper hasnT really done anything bad to us other than perhaps temporary deficit spending during a world ression in an attempt to buy some lefty votes.

Everything bad that has happened to me.....Oh dear!

The FLQ didn't really happen to me but they began in 1963 (five years before Trudeau became PM). Structural deficit spending was the fault of every single Prime Minister since 1968, save Chretien. The NEP had little effect on me. I did break my ankle in 1976. How exactly was that Trudeau's fault?



The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
My brand of conservatism is not represented by Harper.. who is a true Neo-conservative.. a social and economic libertarian which bears no resemblance to the real thing. True conservatism sees government as an agent in establishing a sustainable moral, national, cultural and economic order. Harper is a nitwit.. a petty free market ideologue.. just not very bright... and bad for the country.

Can you give a valid example of that neo-conservatism. Because as far as I can tell, all of the things that Liberals claim Harper is about have not happened under his Leadership. He did not outlaw abortion. Gay marriage is still legal, after being put to a free vote in the house of commons (I mean a free vote is certainly the act of a neo-con isn't it)

'm still hoping the shotgun wedding of the Reform (which Harper heads) and the Progressive Conservatives which exist as a shadow in the Conservative caucus.. will break down before the next election.. over irreconcilable differences. Otherwise i'll have no one for which to vote.
Boy oh boy we are living in the field over-run with sour grapes from the past, aren't we. The so called "Shotgun Wedding" was a re-unification of a party that was divided after being pummeled by the voting public. The difference between the Liberals of now and the conservatives of then is zilch. It took the Conservatives a little over a decade to sort themselves out and that really didn't start to happen until Stephen Harper became leader and reached out to progressive conservatives after the departure of the nitwit Joe Who Clark. Clark, by the way, did little if nothing to advance the PC's, except to create a Liberal Dynasty that bilked the Canadian public for Billions while engaging in a war they tried to pretend was Peacekeeping until their valiant leader from Shawinigan resigned.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Clarke has more integrity and substance that Harper ever will, I guess if your only metric of success is how well a leader can play partisan political games then Harper is a wild success. But he doesn't see beyond his own interests and agenda at all, this country could do with a leader with much better vision.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Clarke has more integrity and substance that Harper ever will, I guess if your only metric of success is how well a leader can play partisan political games then Harper is a wild success. But he doesn't see beyond his own interests and agenda at all, this country could do with a leader with much better vision.

I'm sure Jean Chretien felt exactly the same way.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Frankly I don't think the term "neoconservative" has much context outside the American experience (where it referes to an aggressive and unilateral foreign policy). It certainly should not be confused with libertarianism: neoconservatives are strong statists. Social conservatives are also strong statists, but I don't think Harper is one of those either. Frankly, he's been quite laissez-faire in economic and social policy.

If Canada was actually a global military player, he might prove to be a neoconservative, given his general foreign policy inclinations. However, our military doesn't really rate on the world stage, so nobody outside of Canada really cares about our foreign policy.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
I'm sure Jean Chretien felt exactly the same way.

Chretien's worst sin was helping to create the conditions that allowed Harper to take power.

Chretien may have been arrogant and selfish, I don't think it was his intent to create a one-party-state, I do think that's the intent of Harper.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Still can't get your head around the National Post publishing that poll on your beloved PET.... Any 'problem' that you have with this, you should take up with the National Post.

For your convenience; here is the contact # so you can really give them a piece of your mind:

1450 Don Mills Road, Suite 300
Don Mills, Ontario
M3B 3R5

Time to accept that reality and let go of all the illusions that you and your new friend cling to on this.

The National post had nothing to do with posting that crap on these discussion boards. That was you CM nobody else.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Chretien's worst sin was helping to create the conditions that allowed Harper to take power.

Chretien may have been arrogant and selfish, I don't think it was his intent to create a one-party-state, I do think that's the intent of Harper.

I've got some land in Florida if you really believe that. With a nice view of a water treatment plant..