POLL: Should a Grade 12 Education Be Mandatory?

Should a Grade 12 Education Be Mandatory?

  • Ya

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Nah

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
he did half of grade 12 last year,tried to finish by correspondence, didn't get it done, now
he has finished half again and is starting to fade away again, so now if he wants to let it
all slide away again he will have to get further behind his goals.

He will finally get tired of his own behavior soon, and do something about it, life is going on
around him, and he isn't going with it, he is tredding water, can't do that forever.

He really is only hurting himself, no good having a heavy hand against him and start forcing him
to do it, no good trashing him and comparing him to others, that only alienates them from the
family, as it is he is aware of how the family supports him, but he also knows that everyone
wants the best for him, and expects him to move forward, but he needs to do it 'himself'.

Does he have a job?


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Historically... up until the post WW2 period... school for the vast majority of people was intended to instill basic literacy and arithmetical skills and some civic contexts. People could earn good livings when they had that by getting into the apprenticeships for trades.. or in the retail sectors.

Past about Grade 10 the curriculum deals with language as an art, abstract mathematics and conceptual sicences.. which unfortunately for a lot of people hold little in the way of interest.. and won't be used.

This obsession we have developed over math and science scores belies the fact that our economy is no longer creating enough jobs that require manual or verbal dexterity.. which means a lot of people are being pushed into things that they have little aptitude for or interest in.

In fact it's not creating enough jobs period, which is why colleges and universities are now being used to warehouse young people for whom there is no suitable employment available, no matter how well or sophisticated their education.. and why they've been turned into paper factories rather than academies of higher learning.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Does he have a job?

no, he is still floundering around with his grade 12, but it isn't happening, and now he is
too far behind again this year.

You're right, companies don't want to nor should they have to go the extra mile to teach someone skills that were already available to them in school.

Even safety wise those with grade 12 are less likely to be injured or cause a mechanical equipment failure.

yes, that is the norm now, but back in the 50s jobs were very available, lots of them, and many
did not require grade 12.
I had good skills which wouldn't have been much different after one more year of school, just
more polished, and a little more math.

I finished grade 11, and went on to have good office jobs with lots of chances to move up on the job,
that doesn't happen to people who don't have their grade 12 now. A different time a different life
back then.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007

Now that is frightening in a number of ways.

  1. She can't breath and the kid is on the computer asking what to do.
  2. The person who answers basically tells him to wait and monitor... 8O "
    but the symptoms should gradually ease over the next 12 hours
ssssssssssssssssssssssssscuse me?

Makes me wonder what happened to them. Part of the problem with the internet. Holy wow.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
My dad went to grade 6. His dad never went to school. I somehow got through high school
and five years of university. Both of our kids went on after high school. This is not bragging
about my educational achievements or putting down what others have done. I am convinced
that education is important no matter what you end up doing. The more the merrier...

I have seen too many people go into bankruptcy because they cannot afford to re-pay student loans. In fact, I just missed bankruptcy court myself but managed to get out of that mess. If I had a crystal ball years ago I would have gotten my high school diploma and that's it. No college. Would have made far more money & been better off.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I have seen too many people go into bankruptcy because they cannot afford to re-pay student loans. In fact, I just missed bankruptcy court myself but managed to get out of that mess. If I had a crystal ball years ago I would have gotten my high school diploma and that's it. No college. Would have made far more money & been better off.
If I'd had a crystal ball I would have gotten a diploma from college instead of a BA from university. Who ffning knew? They all make a sh#tload of money more than me. And the job I had where i did make a sh$tload of money for most of my life, they could not have cared less what I had. They only cared what I could get others to produce. And for that all you need to understand is people and what motivates them.

YUP, age produces wisdom one could have used 20 f u k ing years ago.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
no, he is still floundering around with his grade 12, but it isn't happening, and now he is
too far behind again this year.

yes, that is the norm now, but back in the 50s jobs were very available, lots of them, and many
did not require grade 12.
I had good skills which wouldn't have been much different after one more year of school, just
more polished, and a little more math.

I finished grade 11, and went on to have good office jobs with lots of chances to move up on the job,
that doesn't happen to people who don't have their grade 12 now. A different time a different life
back then.

Has he had a job during the last 2 years

If not then he should be given the truth of life - Finish and pass or find a job.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

YUP, age produces wisdom one could have used 20 f u k ing years ago.

As for me, that was 43 years ago. Therefore, nothing has changed in the past generation. Education is so over rated and yet you keep hearing on TV and radio is that spending more money in school is going to help you financially when there is no such guarantee.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
As for me, that was 43 years ago. Therefore, nothing has changed in the past generation. Education is so over rated and yet you keep hearing on TV and radio is that spending more money in school is going to help you financially when there is no such guarantee.

Gopher- It's not the education that's important, it's the diploma!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It is the skill set that you know will be needed. Not much call for underwater basket-weaving in my opinion.
True. Or in my case, I don't have a specific diploma even though I have above what they require and what the diploma would teach me and have proven I can do the job. Doesn't matter, no diploma so can only do contract work which does not come with benefits and no guarantees.

But they will throw me in cold with no training because they know I can figure it out. Less headaches for them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
True. Or in my case, I don't have a specific diploma even though I have above what they require and what the diploma would teach me and have proven I can do the job. Doesn't matter, no diploma so can only do contract work which does not come with benefits and no guarantees.

But they will throw me in cold with no training because they know I can figure it out. Less headaches for them.

If people got paid according to what they know instead of according to their diploma, the country would be in much better financial shape today.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Has he had a job during the last 2 years

If not then he should be given the truth of life - Finish and pass or find a job.
With my old man it would have been $50 and a sleeping bag from him and me returning the house keys to him if I brought home just one F in just one class.

If people got paid according to what they know instead of according to their diploma, the country would be in much better financial shape today.
It would?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The first thing I learned when I moved to the bush was that 90% of what I learned in school was completely useless to me. All that the bush taught me was through trial and error. Through that I learned critical thinking. Mistakes became fewer and life got easier. I was lucky, though, that mathematics came natural to me from birth, and the logic of how things worked came with it.

One time, here in Nakusp, a bunch of people, alternative health types, got together to form an organization. At the first meeting, everybody introduced themselves and the certificate(s) they held in their particular field of endevour. When it got to me, I said, "I don't have any certificates, but I am certifiable."


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Without a diploma or certificate you'd know more?

Do you think diplomas and certificates are the be all and end all? I know lots of people that have no certifications or diplomas and have better skill sets than those with the certifications. I know red seal mechanics, plumbers, gas fitters, and tin bashers that shouldn't be allowed to touch a tool, and on the other hand I know non "licensed" back yarders and HVAC techs that make the licensed guys look like hacks.