The Naked Girl


New Member
Oct 24, 2012

My name is James Patrick,

I live in Edmonton, Alberta. I recently experienced something I wanted to share to see if anyone else has experienced the same. A couple months ago I was walking down the train tracks in Old Strathcona, by 109th st. I came across the infamous train tunnel that most people in the area know quite well. If you are unaware, it is a rarely used train tunnel that is a breeding ground for the young and the homeless. As I approached the tunnel I thought it might be fun to walk through, it was about dusk and the sun was setting at a slow, steady pace. A few minutes of walking through the tunnel I saw what appeared to be a young woman walking ahead of me. As I neared the end of the tunnel I could see her better. She wasn't wearing any clothes, she had long brown hair which appeared to be dirty and knotted, and she seemed to have some sort of deformity to her hands. Her left hand had no fingers and not much of a thumb. On her right hand, her thumb seemed to be on the wrong side of her hand. I called out to her to see if she needed help, she turned around still barely visible due to her silhouetted figure, I saw a dim shimmer in her eyes. She stood and stared at me without answering. I asked if she needed help and again got no response. I went into my back pack to grab my cell phone so I could call for help. I noticed the clock on the phone was wrong, but brushed the thought aside as I felt a sudden chill. I started walking forward and looked up to an empty tunnel. It was no longer dusk at all, the sunlight had escaped me. I looked at my watch and noticed my phone wasn't wrong at all. It was 4 am and I had lost the majority of my night.

I still feel uncomfortable since the event and I was wondering if anyone had seen this girl or managed to help her? I don't exactly know what happened but I haven't heard anything about her since.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Just a few random thoughts.

First I'm quite surprised that the title of the thread has not attracted more attention, as misleading as it may be. Second, why is what is clearly a ghost story/acid flashback/drunken blackout being posted in Science & Environment?

Lastly, I don't know who Logic7 is but she doesn't sound like she's missed.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
That's funny...

Has anyone considered abducted by aliens?

But if JP is serious and drugs weren't involved, then he should see his doctor. Also I'd be careful driving or operating motorized equipment until the cause is resolved.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Women absolutely love it.

If you'd like to try it I'll add it to my next cycle and send a sampler (if my wife will let it go).

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
JamesPatrick , welcome to the Forum!! You where walking along, minding your
own business, down abandoned train tracks, at dusk, and thought it would be fun
to wonder into a tunnel full of homeless people, etc...? Where you encountered,
(sort of) a dirty, naked, deformed woman....where upon you fished into your
backpack to dig out expensive electronics? Then you lost hours of time?

You are wondering if others have experienced the same thing? When you looked
at the time on your phone, you'd lost 6-8 hours of time? Did you notice a large
bump on your head from maybe a lead pipe or something about that point?

I'm glad you posted this here, as it might have been a bit too creepy for Playboy
Forum Letters or something like that. Anyway, again, welcome aboard!!!


New Member
Oct 24, 2012
Thanks for the concern everyone but I'm actually two years sober. I never touched acid so I don't think it was a flashback. I've been having some weird dreams about her lately, I'll post again soon.