Harper's disturbing narcissism on display in Parliament


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless

Citizens who really want a national portrait gallery in Ottawa can rest easy. The government already has one.

All you need to get in is a Commons security pass, a Conservative party membership and a keen desire to view exclusive pictures of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, exclusively.

Conservative MPs confirmed yesterday what Green party leader Elizabeth May and Macleans.ca blogger Kady O'Malley reported on their cyberspace sites.Photographs of Mr. Harper in various poses, at various sites, are hung throughout the private and cosy government lobby of the House of Commons.

Ms. May and Ms. O'Malley were surprised and a bit speechless when they saw the exhibit recently as guest Commons Speakers during a youth Parliament.

"When you walk in the door, all you see are pictures of Stephen Harper," said Ms. May

"I'd say between every window, in every available space of the wall, at eye level, every available space has a photo of Stephen Harper."

"You've got photos of Stephen Harper, but not of previous prime ministers," she added. "Photos of Stephen Harper in different costumes, in different settings, dressed as a fireman, in Hudson Bay looking for polar bears, meeting the Dalai Lama, even the portrait of the Queen had to have Stephen Harper, but in a candid, behind her."

A press aide to Mr. Harper said he would get back with an explanation, but didn't.

The exposition might not be too surprising, though.

The prime minister's official Christmas card last December portrayed Mr. Harper looking out a living room window adorned with 24 photographs, small to large, of Mr. Harper in various poses.

When the party last year unveiled its election campaign war room, Mr. Harper stared out from campaign posters on every wall.

NDP MP Paul Dewar, who has never seen the interior of the Conservative lobby room, made a joke based on Mr. Harper's admitted preference for running a tight ship and keeping an eye on things. "If you're ever wondering who's in charge, just look at the wall," said Mr. Dewar.

Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger said the Liberal lobby has always displayed portraits of previous prime ministers, even cabinet ministers.

One Conservative said the Harper photos have been up for at least three months.

Another, Calgary MP Deepak Obhrai, was a bit reluctant after question period to talk about the exhibit, possibly because another Tory, Secretary of State Jason Kenney, happened to be walking by just at that moment.

"Well, this is the Harper government," said Mr. Obhrai.

Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
At least based on how the article is worded, it does seem a little excessive. Besides, should it not be pictures of the Queen instad.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless

Citizens who really want a national portrait gallery in Ottawa can rest easy. The government already has one.

Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless

It certainly leaves me wondering about the mentality of the man......................on second thought I suppose the mentality is in line with most politicians. At any rate it would be in good form to remove one of them to make room for a picture of Lizzy!


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
It certainly leaves me wondering about the mentality of the man......................on second thought I suppose the mentality is in line with most politicians. At any rate it would be in good form to remove one of them to make room for a picture of Lizzy!



Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
I just finished reading The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson, and our PM has a disturbingly large number of traits common to psychopatths.

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"
Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I just finished reading The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson, and our PM has a disturbingly large number of traits common to psychopatths.

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"
Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So everybody is now a psychopath or sociopath?

I personally wonder if Harper has a secret sense of humour. This would be a great inside joke.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
So everybody is now a psychopath or sociopath?

I personally wonder if Harper has a secret sense of humour. This would be a great inside joke.

No, just the ones who actually are.

Apparently there is a big jump in proportions of psychopaths in the general population and those at the top of the political/business world. The same almost complete lack of empathy that makes a psychopath so dangerous also gives them advantages in competitive environments where human emotions can be exploited as a weakness. For a true psychopath, they truly do consider us the ones who lack their superior qualities. Sound familiar?

They are also experts at hiding their lack of genuine emotions and like to make displays of "normal" behaviour. Considering how canned our PMO has become under Harper it can be seen as a classic example of a psychopath controlling the image he presents to the world.

Who is Harper anyway, he almost certainly isn't the perfect picture he and his party keep trying to present to us and the world. Is he a high functioning psychopath who at his core lacks the basic emotions that join most of us together. If so he is potentially one of the most dangerous leaders we've ever had.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I just finished reading The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson, and our PM has a disturbingly large number of traits common to psychopatths.

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"
Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So does a large percentage of the polulation- Perhaps a test of yourself is in order?
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Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Steven Harper being a psychopath could also explain why he didn't seem to have any problem with the possibility of Canadian troops being part of the chain of custody of prisoners who may have been tortured or summarily executed by the Afganistan authorities and why he summarily shut down Parliament to avoid examining the facts.

PM shuts down Parliament until March - Politics - CBC News

“Three times in three years and twice within one year, the prime minister takes this extraordinary step to muzzle Parliament. This time it’s a coverup of what the Conservatives knew, and when they knew it, about torture in Afghanistan. So their solution is not to answer the questions but, rather, to padlock Parliament and shut down democracy.”
NDP House Leader Libby Davies said she was "appalled" by Harper's decision and accused the prime minister of "running from" opposition demands for a public inquiry into what and when the government knew about allegations of torture of detainees transferred into Afghan custody by Canadian soldiers in 2006.
"By proroguing Parliament, he is unilaterally making a decision to stop any kind of disclosure from happening," Davies told CBC News from Vancouver.

Not only is Steven Harper one of the most concerned PMs of his public image in our history, he's also one of the least democratic and empathetic. He simply doesn't seem to care at all that people were being tortured by the authorities in Afghanistan possibly with the assistance of the Canadian government.

Our country could very well be run by a man who's more concerned about hiding his true nature while also engaging in some pretty destructive social, economic and environmental policies than actually providing responsible government.

It would make things like this make more sense:


Elections Canada has traced a computer from the Conservative campaign in Guelph, Ont., to the account that paid for robocalls that falsely directed voters to the wrong polling station in the last federal election.
Newly released court documents show investigator Al Mathews traced a PayPal account used to pay for the robocalls to the same IP address as a computer used by Andrew Prescott, the deputy campaign manager in the riding.


The Federal Appeal Court has ruled against the Conservatives in the so-called "in and out" financing case, in which cash was transferred between local Tory riding associations and the national party during the 2006 election.
Elections Canada says the Conservative Party of Canada violated campaign financing rules by moving $1.3 million in and out of 67 ridings to pay for national ads. The manoeuvres allowed the party to exceed the campaign spending limits and allowed candidates to claim rebates on expenses that weren't actually incurred, the agency said.

So we've got a PM who shows little or no repsect for our Parliamentary system, both its tradtions and laws, no respect for human rights and election laws in other countries:


We lost over 150 lives and many injured and spent hundreds of billions supporting a government that has the same contempt for democracy and human rights that our PM does.

He also has no respect for serious and globally recognized environmental issues.


So what does Steven Harper actually believe in, because from where I'm sitting it seems to be nothing at all, which is really what all the secrecy around his government could bel about.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Steven Harper being a psychopath could also explain why he didn't seem to have any problem with the possibility of Canadian troops being part of the chain of custody of prisoners who may have been tortured or summarily executed by the Afganistan authorities and why he summarily shut down Parliament to avoid examining the facts.

PM shuts down Parliament until March - Politics - CBC News

Not only is Steven Harper one of the most concerned PMs of his public image in our history, he's also one of the least democratic and empathetic. He simply doesn't seem to care at all that people were being tortured in by the authorities in Afghanistan possibly with the assistance of the Canadian government.

How would Chretien, Trudeau, Mackenzie King rate?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Sorry guys.. scrap this as a "news" article. I found it recently posted in another forum but just realized it's from 2008.

Who knows.. Maybe Harper's changed since then, but apologies as this is not really news.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Sorry guys.. scrap this as a "news" article. I found it recently posted in another forum but just realized it's from 2008.

Who knows.. Maybe Harper's changed since then, but apologies as this is not really news.

I should have clued in when they mentioned there were Liberal MPs.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Sorry guys.. scrap this as a "news" article. I found it recently posted in another forum but just realized it's from 2008.

Who knows.. Maybe Harper's changed since then, but apologies as this is not really news.

Good thing you caught that 'cause I know he's improved about 3000% since then. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

How would Chretien, Trudeau, Mackenzie King rate?

Chretien- good politician, piss poor P.M. good scrapper and didn't take any crap!
Trudeau- too overwhelmed with his own perceived importance, no ability to handle someone else's money, Arrogant pr*ck!
MacKenzie King- Crazier than a sh*t house rat (I was a little young to make a really valid judgment)

Anyone else you want to know about? :lol::lol:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Any time the NDP does something bad, it gets buried in the sea of CPC devilry.

Looks like the dippers failed to account for these bribes:

The rules for elected officials receiving sizable gifts are clear, and one can only imagine NDP cabinet ministers, visions of repatriated professional hockey players dancing in their heads, forgot a single ticket to a NHL game is, by its very face value, the very definition of a "sizable gift." It is actually impossible to explain what kind of brain fart occurred when the ministers accepted the tickets and failed to report the gift.

On the other hand, Harper is pretty forthright about it:

Harper is smart to insist on paying for tickets to sporting events, the kind of smart Manitoba cabinet ministers now wish they had been.