Epic Anti-Global Warming Monologue


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Most journalists who are most normally the most skeptical people in the room turn into obedient stenographers when faced with global warming salesmen. Any other multi-billion dollar industry would be treated cynically by reporters, not so the Global Warming industry or its high living jet setting tycoons. Journalists become fanboys! Yeah, no thanks. I’m not that obedient. Political correctness accounts for some of this, I mean it’s still fashionable in elite circles to follow the global warming fad and journalism professors are usually left wing.[...]

But I think the largest factor is the simplest! Follow the money. There are billions of dollars spent each year on global warming, not on fixing the so-called problem. But rather funding the political, diplomatic and journalistic class that keeps this so called crisis bubbling and keeps beating the drum for big government solutions. And if you‘re a professor try getting a research grant if you’re a global warming skeptic. You can’t! Universities have been bought too!

But here’s the good news. Normal people are not buying it. A new survey by Atticus research shows when Canadians are asked to rank their environmental concerns, global warming comes in dead last, out of 7 choices. People are sick of the propaganda, sick of being told what to think and sick of being told that we are in a perpetual crisis and I think people are sick of high energy prices, high gas prices for your car, high power prices at home. And we’re sick of the hypocrisy of David Suzuki with his 3 homes lecturing the rest of us to cut back.
Well, count me with the skeptics on the inside. There is no ideology or religion that should be above criticism or debate including global warming. Look I don’t care what Ed Stelmach says. The debate is not over.

Watch the video here:

Cooling global warm-mongers : Ezra : Search SunNews Video Gallery

MUST HEAR: Reporter's Epic Anti-Global Warming Monologue - Global Warming - Fox Nation

Canadian Pundit Ezra Levant Rips Global Warming Lobby for Trying to Cut Off Debate | Video | TheBlaze.com


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I figured this wouldn't be appropriate for the positive global warming thread.

Report: 150,000 Americans to die as a result of climate change

The newly released "Killer Summer Heat" report by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), says climate change is literally killing us and could result in more than 150,000 American deaths from excessive heat by the end of the century.

The Washington DC-based council warned that unless policies are put into place to tackle carbon pollution now, pollution elevation will increase the heat-related death toll in the most populated U.S. cities and result in the deaths of more than 150,000 Americans by 2099. And this is only America's top 40 cities, suggests the analysis of peer-reviewed scientific data by the NRDC. At most risk said the report, are elderly people and young children who face bigger risks than most. The three cities that will feel greatest impact through 2099 it said, are Louisville, KY (19,000 deaths); Detroit (17,900); and Cleveland (16,600). Dr. Larry Kalkstein, research professor of geography and regional studies at the University of Miami said:
Our research shows that rising temperatures could cause five times the number of 'Excessive Heat Event days' by mid-century and eight-times the number by century's end. These hotter days have a real human cost.​
Excessive Heat Events or EHEs said the report, occur when certain weather conditions combine temperature, dew point temperature cloud cover, wind speed and surface atmospheric pressure to create an EHE day. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
EHE conditions are defined by summertime weather that is substantially hotter and/or more humid than average for a location at that time of year.​
And "EHE conditions says the EPA's Guidebook on Excessive Heat, can increase the incidence of mortality and morbidity in affected populations." Dan Lashof, director of NRDC's climate and clean air program added:
This is a wake-up call. Climate change has a number of real life-and-death consequences. One of which is that as carbon pollution continues to grow, climate change is only going to increase the number of dangerously hot days each summer, leading to a dramatic increase in the number of lives lost.​
The NRDC report suggests that recent events clearly prove that the writing is on the wall. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data showed that at least 42 states it said, "saw record daytime highs in the summer of 2011 and 49 states saw record high nighttime temperatures," and furthermore, health impacts were obvious. Researchers pointed to the 2006 deadly heat wave in California that caused 655 deaths in a two-week period and resulted in 1,620 excess hospitalizations. And Chicago's 1995 record-setting heat wave they said, resulted in a further 700 heat-related deaths. Lashof believes that policies must be instituted immediately to prevent the health impacts of climate change from getting worse. He explained:
We need to establish a comprehensive program to reduce heat-trapping pollution from all sources, by building on the Environmental Protection Agency's proposals to limit carbon pollution from new power plants and cars.​
The NRDC analysis was based on two peer-reviewed studies co-authored by Professor Kalkstein, one was published in the American Meteorological Society's journal Weather, Climate, and Society, and the other published in Natural Hazards. The EPA plans to hold two public hearings today, on a proposed carbon pollution standard for new power plants. The standard will only apply to future power plants and would help minimize carbon pollution through the deployment of modern technology. The EPA is taking public comment on the proposal through June 25th. The NRDC called the EPA proposal "a major step toward protecting public health from the consequences of climate change driven by carbon pollution," but added that "pollution from existing power plants, refineries and other sources will need to be addressed as well." The NRDC is an international nonprofit environmental organization that works to protect natural resources, public health, and the environment. NRDC has offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Livingston, Montana, and Beijing. Its report is available to read online.

Report: 150,000 Americans to die as a result of climate change


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
And I thought when I saw the title that I was going to read something interesting. But it was only Ezra Levant with the usual misrepresentation.

There are no scientists looking for grants to disprove Global Warming. Fact cannot be disproved. If there were such a thing as a "sceptic" among the scientists now, s/he would get a grant in the same manner and with the same chance as any other climate scientist. By applying for one to do research. No scientist starts with "I want to prove" or "I want to disprove."

Media coverage is totally unbalanced. One example of that is that Levant can get ink for his diatribes. The reality is that there is almost as much coverage of anti AGW as there is for the science. That, in spite of the fact that there is not a single peer reviewed scientific paper that disputes it against thousands that support it.

The Australian;
The Telegraph;
The Daily Mail.
The Wall Street Journal;
The National Post;
Fox News;

These are just a few media outlets that carry almost nothing but false stories on climate change; stories that deny science. The WSJ even refused to print an open letter signed by scores of climate scientists that refuted one of its articles.

And surveys show that climate concern is extremely high with Canadians. That is pure spin by Levant.

I might add that the concern level in Canada, high though it is, is not where it should be. Some reasons for that are:

The National Post and the Sun chain misleading their readers;
The news from the USA where concern is now growing despite the media and the Republican Party;
The gagging of federal scientists by Harper;
The money behind the oil sands funding false information;
The very deliberate policy of this government to deny AGW and to frighten people with false claims of economic doom if Canada ceases to be the only country that, at a national government level now denies the change
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Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
Which surveys?
Ask Levant. He writes of them.

Or you could take a look at this paper analysing the question. You probably won't want to read it but you could go as far as where it says there is a large body of literature taken from such surveys.

http://www.climateaccess.org/sites/default/files/Wolf & Moser_Individual Understandings.pdf

Lots of folks living off grants and fearmongering,flew with them many times to the arctic,most never left town.
No one "lives off such grants." There is no fearmongering other than that of the deniers who peddle the crap you posted. Grants are awarded to institutions who pay their scientists. Scientists do not profit from this.

Except for the few non researching who deny in return for payment from the American denial industry funded by the fossil fuel industry.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Ask Levant. He writes of them.

Or you could take a look at this paper analysing the question. You probably won't want to read it but you could go as far as where it says there is a large body of literature taken from such surveys.

How appropriate, berate Levant and then supply a link to 'studies' from the every so objective folks over at climate access.

Thanks for coming out - I'll look into a consolation prize for ya


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Ask Levant. He writes of them.

Or you could take a look at this paper analysing the question. You probably won't want to read it but you could go as far as where it says there is a large body of literature taken from such surveys.

http://www.climateaccess.org/sites/default/files/Wolf & Moser_Individual Understandings.pdf

No one "lives off such grants." There is no fearmongering other than that of the deniers who peddle the crap you posted. Grants are awarded to institutions who pay their scientists. Scientists do not profit from this.

Except for the few non researching who deny in return for payment from the American denial industry funded by the fossil fuel industry.
BS,you dont need to be a scientist to get a grant.Maybe do some traveling and some research on your own.
I dont know how many of these so called researchers we had to boot off the chopper or plane because they did not bring arctic wear.Allmost every flight I have taken to the north has had at least one person on it that was working off a grant.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Levant is a douche and so are his followers.

He's clearly a puppet for the government, and anyone who actually knows of his relationship with Harper can see that.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Recipient: Grant recipients may be environmental organizations, other types of organizations or individuals. "Environmental" organizations are defined broadly as any organization whose main focus relates to the environment. Some grants have more than one recipient. In situations where one organization served as a sponsor for another organization vis-a-vis the grant, both organizations were included as recipients. Provincial or branch offices typically receive grants directly from the grantmakers, and therefore have been included as separate recipients.

Canadian Environmental Grantmakers' Network : Canadian Environmental Grants Database - Intro


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Anyway, it's clear Levant is wrong on this issue.

It's just a shame that he's pitting himself further into irrelevance as the Sun ratings take a nosedive.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Not for long\ now that his precious foundation is on the rocks

Here's the funny thing - you actually care about how much these people are making, whereas I was clearly joking. It just goes to show you actually believe that someone's credibility depends on their wallet.