Is Fukushima About to Blow?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
(in part)

Many experts find this figure grossly understated. Greenpeace has predicted that Chernobyl may ultimately cause some 2,70,000 cancer cases, more than 90,000 of which could prove fatal. In a book published in 2007, Russian biologist Alexei Yablokov and two Ukrainian researchers concluded that some 9,85,000 people had already died, mainly of cancer, till 2004. The book, called Chernobyl in Russian, was brought out in English two years later by the New York Academy of Sciences under the title Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. Dr. Yablokov, former environmental advisor to the Russian President, has since updated his estimate of Chernobyl-related deaths, including stillbirths, to 1.6 million.
Such estimates are fiercely contested by IAEA experts. The official view of the U.N. watchdog is that the expected death toll among those affected by high radiation doses at Chernobyl may reach 4,000 in the coming decades. Compare this with the official data from Ukraine's Health Ministry: 530,000 died from radiation in the former Soviet state between 1987 and 2004.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Don't tell me Shirley is giving you more posting pointers.

I'm not... and don't call me Shirley.


(in part)

Dr. Yablokov, former environmental advisor to the Russian President, has since updated his estimate of Chernobyl-related deaths, including stillbirths, to 1.6 million.

They counted stillbirths too!

Wow... they struggled to get that number!

I love it... Chernobyl-RELATED deaths. In other words... any person that died for WHATEVER reason.

Just to reach that number that they couldn't through radiation sickness. Talk about desperate.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Just to reach that number that they couldn't through radiation sickness. Talk about desperate.
I'm a Christian, life begins at conception. A ****tard would consider somebody under a certain $$/yr as not worth counting.

They look surprizingly just like the DU babies in, well , every ****ing place you guys go with your war machine. Total ****tard through and through.

Again your reading comprehension is matching your brain-waves, flat-lining. Shirley is that toothless gummy bear, you are Dorothy, (not in Kansas anymore)
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I have to say a prayer of repentance every time I swear at you two. It's only fair to warn you that I don't find 'chatting' to my Master to be a burden. Perhaps a shorter and clear name is in order, Pete and Re-Pete is much more fitting for a public place like this, in your case make no mistake, it means ****tard of the highest order. Bear is a flat out liar and you just have no morality when it comes to protecting 'children' which is anybody under you in terms of your God, the Almighty $$$. Christ doesn't insist on winning every round, just the last one. Pretty much the one and only 'punch' He ever throws at the ankle-bitters.

I doubt if God's 'view' on genetic contamination taking about 3 generations before the 'effects' are 'much closer to normal'. For the uninformed it means delay having children for as long as possible if you have been in a radiated area. Even then if a child is deformed to the extent that they 'cannot function' and they will not be able to reproduce it might be a lot kinder to them to expire at birth in their mothers arms. Once word gets out that all is not well with the child perhaps it can even be ended sooner, not having children is the best solution if their welfare is put at the top of the list.

When is somebody going to call the sparrows who live there a new species?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I guess with all the mayhem and destruction from the tornados in the South, that one has moved to the back burner.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm flattered! Well we can chat anytime then.
Hate to dissapoint you but my Master can spell better you an ****tard, .......... damn, now I have to repent and it's not even 10AM. How many 'new Christians' do you think before the waters and wind and radiation swept away? That would mean for for you the Canary Islands are the closest source of salvation, .......... maybe..........


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How many 'new Christians' do you think before the waters and wind and radiation swept away?

I'm not sure how to answer this. Probably because it doesn't make sense.

That would mean for for you the Canary Islands are the closest source of salvation, .......... maybe..........

Did you take your meds this morning?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I guess with all the mayhem and destruction from the tornados in the South, that one has moved to the back burner.
Odd that the US is doing drills for a quake that could go all the way from the GOM to the Great Lakes. Course to do that the expanding earth theory would have to be more right than wrong. At least along that fault-line the (cool) magma is in a downward flow so there may not be upwelling flows that happen under volcanoes. Last time that area truly let loose the Canadian Shield was formed in one flow (more rather than less) but that took an event that created the Hudson's Bay in one big collision (moon building days)
Kind of hard to move before you know where the safe-zone is though. With the Pacific and Atlantic plates floating on some rising and sinking magma plumes. That is the mechanism that would see quakes in that area the best case for them would be rising and spreading at a slower rate than the oceanic plates.

Mayhem would still seem to be in our future, having a mile-wide twister this early in the year (from what I read) might be tied into a somewhat delayed spring which sets the winds for sending down slightly cooler air than on an 'average year', not a big deal if the GOM is cooler also, it doesn't appear to be that way, ......... all this radiation stuff might come in handy should a power plant go into scram and not restart as planned, that seems to happening in Japan, is it worth following events to find the errors made and not commit the same ones, (in terms of the well being of the general public that is much closer to home)

If that was important there would be threads already. We do get winds from Japan then I'm going to find out what the **** can/cannot do. Cataracts might be the first 'disease' and if you can't see you will die. Canada can't treat 20 million cases but if I can delay getting them by wearing glasses that have a foam seal to the face the we could treat 20 million by making sure everybody has access to that product. Just as some public places have hand sanitizers perhaps eye-wash stands might be advisable if you are dealing with glowing dust.

Spoken like a true Dick. lol


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm not sure how to answer this. Probably because it doesn't make sense.
Did you take your meds this morning?
It was a poor attempt to take off on the theory that war creates many 'new Christians' when real bombs are falling in a real war. If you can't grasp letter perfect statements I won't expect your to 'solve' any 'errors'.
It was laundry and dishes if you must know.

From the vids I've seen recently a child running from a bomb strike looks just as terrified as a child in any of the disaster areas going on.


New Member
May 12, 2011
This nuke power is a nightmare,along with DU ordinance....Firstly, Army Personnel are having warped babies,then Iraqis are having warped babies. Now everyone in Canada and the States is going to have warped babies. Check Nuke Scientist Leuren Moret on YouTube.. Crops, fish,rainwater, well water, seawater,airstream- all getting the blowback

. She warned them in Japan. Why arent we thinking Solar? -Nuke is like Herpes- it just keeps going.