Sikhs Allowed To Carry Kirpan (knives) To Olympic Events


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
How many times do you hear of someone killed by a kirpan? Not like it's rampant on the streets of Canada. Paranoia will destroy ya. If you want to get even with the Muslims how about we Christians insist on carrying a goblet of wine and some bread into the the Olympics. That'll make them shake in their boots.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
How many times do you hear of someone killed by a kirpan? Not like it's rampant on the streets of Canada. Paranoia will destroy ya. If you want to get even with the Muslims how about we Christians insist on carrying a goblet of wine and some bread into the the Olympics. That'll make them shake in their boots.


What exactley do Muslims have to do with this?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
How many times do you hear of someone killed by a kirpan? Not like it's rampant on the streets of Canada. Paranoia will destroy ya. If you want to get even with the Muslims how about we Christians insist on carrying a goblet of wine and some bread into the the Olympics. That'll make them shake in their boots.

All the time.

A kirpan is a knife.....knives are one of the most used murder weapons in Canada.

Tell you what, I'll call my Browning 9mm a tomato if you let me carry it many people have been murdered with a tomato???? Not like it's rampant on the streets of Canada.......


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Judging by what the terms are for carrying these kirpans are like ..... "Here, you jerk, you pissed me off, so stand there while I take 5 minutes to dig out my kirpan and stab you". lmao


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
All the time.

A kirpan is a knife.....knives are one of the most used murder weapons in Canada.

Tell you what, I'll call my Browning 9mm a tomato if you let me carry it many people have been murdered with a tomato???? Not like it's rampant on the streets of Canada.......

A kirpan is a religious symbol. You could easily kill someone with a crucifix if you angled it right.

Your Browning 9mm on the other hand is a weapon designed to kill a man at 50 meters. Much more dangerous on our city streets.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
A kirpan is a religious symbol. You could easily kill someone with a crucifix if you angled it right.

Your Browning 9mm on the other hand is a weapon designed to kill a man at 50 meters. Much more dangerous on our city streets. would make me a lot safer on the city streets.....all depends on how you look at it.

No matter how you slice it, it is wrong to allow priviledges to some, and deny them to others........


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I think there has been plenty of hysteria, plenty of paranoia here. I don’t see anything wrong with Sikhs carrying a kirpan. It is a small knife, can hardly be called a weapon and is well concealed. As mt_pockets mentioned, there has not been a single case of knife fight or violence involving the kirpan.

We do have freedom of religion in this country. That means that rights of the religious must be respected as much as possible, unless they clash with even a bigger right (right to safety, right to free speech etc.). In this case, the RCMP has laid down the safety conditions for carrying the kirpan; I think that should be good enough. As long as there has not been any violence involving the kirpan, the Sikhs get the benefit of the doubt. I think the decision was quite reasonable.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Edmonton would make me a lot safer on the city streets.....all depends on how you look at it.

No matter how you slice it, it is wrong to allow priviledges to some, and deny them to others........

Good gawd you're paranoid. I shudder to think what our streets would be like if everyone carried around a tomato.

On another note, my wife is reading over my shoulder and she agrees with you. I'll have to work on her.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
63 would make me a lot safer on the city streets.....all depends on how you look at it.

No matter how you slice it, it is wrong to allow priviledges to some, and deny them to others........
Better have the Charter changed to reflect that then. Last I heard you can't discriminate because of anything religious.
Or else develop a recognized religion that requires your Hi-power to be carried.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Perhaps you better take over security then, DTM.

Sure, just give me a call. When you come to Canada, everyone is equal whether you like it or not. And many immigrants to Canada don't want or like equality because they want to be superior. Such is the thinking in traditional Asian cultures which is also done in aboriginal groups in Canada. You don't get a choice regarding the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

These Asian people come from class ridden societies where caste divides the low from the high and change is barely possible. Which causes among other things, honour killings, of mostly women. But also couples who marry against the will of local village elders. And if they don't return, their families back in the village are murdered.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
A degree in History??????

Sir Isaac Newton was profoundly religious, and based much of his numerlogical investigation on biblical texts.....he did depart from the Anglican Church, but was in no way an Athiest.

Copernicus became a Canon of the Catholic Church in 1497...........his research was supported and encouraged by the Pope of the time......Atheist? I don't think so....

And most ludicrous of all, the idea that da Vinci, the painter of The Last Supper was atheist......

These great thinkers were unanimous about one thing....the existence of God.

I agree with you on your stand on the kirpan, only because the right to go armed should certainly not simply be based on a religious pretext.....but you should think before you post.

We discussed this point in my History of Science class at SFU. And Newton, Copernicus and Da Vinci did not consider themselves scientists because the word wasn't invented yet, Newton and the others called themselves natural philosophers. Yeah, I know full well they were all very religious at this time. You know, Christiandom. Now gone.

They didn't know they were living through a Scientific Revolution, but they were the makers of it, that was one of the ironies of it. They were destroying the worldview they grew up with.

It is hard to believe they were simply using observation and logic to create a new cosmology that did not rely on faith or magic. The secular age began and went into overdrive with the discovery of America.

The prof had a funny cartoon on her door with Galileo using the words orbit, planet and satellites I think. In the bubbles of the churchmen, are question marks. They had no clue what he was talking about because their worldview was static with the earth at the centre. Because he was right, Galileo is remembered and the churchmen are forgotten.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Cliffy, to me that seems patently ridiculous.......

The offense here is NOT religious observance, it is the carrying of weapons.

I take another tack.......if he can carry his kirpan with impunity, then I should be allowed to carry my Browning P-35 9mm with impunity. Same thing....he is sworn never to go unarmed in defence of his religion, I believe it is the duty of all good citizens to go armed in defence of their freedom.

Each is a matter of conscience.......who is the government to decide one is valid, the other is not?

This is pretty much my opinion. Although I would probably lean more towards freedom of expression as the justification.

The olympics are largely ceremonial and people would want to show up in the native dress of their culture. It is a world celebration, not a Canadian one. However, I don't think we are going to make room for cannibal cultures (those still exist right?) so we are clearly willing to draw some lines. Freedom of religion shouldn't give absurd rights to specific people of certain religions.

Colpy should be able to carry his 9mm around.
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Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Ok.Karrie....quickly...what are the 5 K's....... now tell me how a non believer is gonna pull that off.

Well, let's see, a few believers were able to construct, time, and ship explosives from Vancouver to a connecting flight leaving Toronto, (with a stop in Mirabel) that could bring down a 747 over the Atlantic which would hopefully leave no traceable evidence, (though it didn't work out so well for them at Narita). All without the benefit of the internet, so it not much of a stretch that even dullest simpleton could use the wiki shopping list for the 5 K's.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
We discussed this point in my History of Science class at SFU. And Newton, Copernicus and Da Vinci did not consider themselves scientists because the word wasn't invented yet, Newton and the others called themselves natural philosophers. Yeah, I know full well they were all very religious at this time. You know, Christiandom. Now gone.

Even today physics is known as Natural Philosophy in Scotland. If you studied Physics at University of Glasgow or University of Edinburgh, you would get a degree in Natural Philosophy, not in Physics.

They didn't know they were living through a Scientific Revolution, but they were the makers of it, that was one of the ironies of it. They were destroying the worldview they grew up with.


Newton was a scientist through and through. Maybe he said he was doing it for the glory of God, I don’t know. But what he employed was purely scientific method. Hypothesis, experimentation, deduction, refinement of the theory etc., all based purely on scientific principles.

Unfortunately towards his last days, Newton really became religious, maybe he was going senile, I don’t know. But he seriously tried to prove to the scientific community that the world was created 5000 years ago in six days.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I think there has been plenty of hysteria, plenty of paranoia here. I don’t see anything wrong with Sikhs carrying a kirpan. It is a small knife, can hardly be called a weapon and is well concealed.

I don't care what you want to call it, I don't think there's any need to carry concealed weapons in public in Canada. I don't care if it's a religious symbol or a sexual fetish.

Many of our personal rights are over ruled in favour of public safety, and I'm completely against this foolishness.